Obama to Russia: End Syrian War If you Want to Work Together Against ISIS

DUH He wants his terrorist friends to take over so they can start their own caliphate and we be fighting them in 10 years.
It is a tunnel into his mind. He wants Assad out more than he wants to fight ISIS.
So, they have to end backing Assad to get support from us for fighting ISIS.

Obama offers to work with Russia against ISIS under one condition
You mean to work like that?
With ISIS around there would be no safe zone, either.
The only 'safe zone' I've heard him speak of is this one-

And suddenly the no-fly zone is happening — right where Turkey always wanted it — but it’s being labeled an “anti-ISIS” safe zone, instead of its proper name: “Anti Kurdish and anti-Syrian government” safe zone.

The U.S. media swallowed the name change without blinking, but many international media outlets knew better.

For instance, the International Business Timesreported:

[the safe zone deal]…could mark the end of [Syrian President] Assad…

And The Middle East Eye reported:

…[the safe zone] marks a breakthrough for Turkey in its confrontation with the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria. If the no-fly zone does come into being it will be a body blow for Assad and his supporters

Even U.S. media outlets acknowledged that the primary goal of Obama’s safe zone ally, Turkey, was defeating the Kurdish fighters and the Syrian government, both of whom have been the most effective fighters against ISIS.

The New York Times confirmed the goals of the safe zone allies:

…both the Turks and the Syrian insurgents see defeating President Bashar al-Assad of Syria as their first priority…

If the Syrian government wasn’t the target of the safe zone, then Syrian government troops would be the ones to control the safe zone post ISIS, as they did before ISIS. And if regime change wasn’t the target, then the Syrian government would have been consulted and coordinated with to attack ISIS, since Syria is involved with heavy fighting against ISIS in the same region that the safe zone is being carved out.

These steps weren’t taken because the “safe zone” plan is much bigger than ISIS.

Obama’s “Safe Zone” in Syria intended to turn it into new Libya

It is a tunnel into his mind. He wants Assad out more than he wants to fight ISIS.
You can't make a "safe zone" for the refugees if Assad is there.
Guys, you have to admit that O'bama is the greatest Community Organizer the world has ever known. He makes Solomon look like a chin dribbling idiot. Give him some slack.
It is a tunnel into his mind. He wants Assad out more than he wants to fight ISIS.
You can't make a "safe zone" for the refugees if Assad is there.

Assad is not a threat, ISIS is.

Putin mentioned: "France is among the nations that took a rather firm stance with regard to President al-Assad personally. We constantly heard our French friends say that their precondition for the launch of political changes should be an agreement on President al-Assad’s resignation. So what – did that save Paris from a terrorist attack? No.

Right now, we need to look forward and join forces in the fight against this common threat."

Responses to journalists’ questions following the G20 summit
So the guy who helped create ISIS is now preaching to the guy who warned him not to fund & arm anyone in Syria's Civil War? Makes perfect sense. I'm sure Putin just laughs and shrugs it off.

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