Obama to Russian "I will have flexibility after election", Russian reply, "I will tell Vladamir"


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Those HOT MIC moments will GET YOU if you are not careful.

Obama lied to the US public.
Yep...hillary sold off a big chunk of US nuclear material to Russia and now liberals want to make some questionable connection between Trump and Russia.:cuckoo:
Can you imagine the complete and utter FREAKOUT by the snowflakes and the MAINSTREAM MEDIA if it was Trump saying that to the Russian Ambassador instead of Obama?

Trump to Russian Ambassador: "I'll have more flexibility after the election"

Ambassador back to Trump, "I will transmit this to Vladamir"

The media would ignore it....right?

Funny how the snowflakes must have missed Obama cozying up to Putin in that hot mic moment...because they sure didn't cry like bitches like they are now
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Obama licks Putin's taint......CRICKETS FROM THE MSM and SNOWFLAKES.

Trump implies that he will try to have a good working relationship with Russia, and the MSM and the SNOWFLAKES FREAK OUT THAT TRUMP IS A RUSSIAN AGENT or some stupid bullshit.

Can you guys lighten up on your hypocrisy? It really damages what little credibility you have.
Imagine what Obama did in private after he was re-elected for Russia. it's disgusting.
This is a 100% concrete example of the BULLSHIT LIES of the left.

They have no problem with Obama kissing up to Putin, but when Trump even IMPLIES he MIGHT be nice to Putin, he is a traitor.

Snowflakes can't even defend their hypocrisy in this case, because it's just SO blatant.

Just a reminder......silence is capitulation to snowflakes. If they can think of anything to argue back to you, they will use it.

When they know you knocked their dick into the dirt, their silence is them admitting you have won.

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