Obama to send U.S. Troops to Moscow to March in Parade Celebrating Stalins Red Army.

No, it's celebrating the victory over Hitler and, like it or not Stalin was part of that.

And Stalin being part of it..and his image pl;aying a major role in the celebration...should give anyone good reason to question joining the celebration.

Hitler was a major contributor to the success of Mercedes...

If Hitlers image were used in a centennial celebration for Mercedes, would you question those that participated?

Apples and oranges. Britain, France and the US are participating in this. To refuse - simply because SOME are using it as means of heralding Stalin, would be quite a slap in the face to the Russians and ignoring the larger historical context.

Ahhh...and I agree.....but who are the "some"?

If it is simply people on the streets..perhaps a political organization.....even a large minority...then I agree with you.

But is it?

Or is it the Russian Government that will be using Stalin and his image as a major role in the celebration?
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.
See, I knew you'd find away to mourn Hitler's defeat. :clap2:

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.
See, I knew you'd find away to mourn Hitler's defeat. :clap2:

I mourn how even then, Leftists in the USA were conspiring with the Russian to fuck us over.

I can't imagine a Reagan letting the Russians take Berlin the way Uncle Joe's butt fuck buddy FDR did

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.
See, I knew you'd find away to mourn Hitler's defeat. :clap2:

I mourn how even then, Leftists in the USA were conspiring with the Russian to fuck us over.

I can't imagine a Reagan letting the Russians take Berlin the way Uncle Joe's butt fuck buddy FDR did
Ronnie would have allied us with Germany.
It is celebrating Stalin.

No, it's celebrating the victory over Hitler and, like it or not Stalin was part of that.

And Stalin being part of it..and his image pl;aying a major role in the celebration...should give anyone good reason to question joining the celebration.

Hitler was a major contributor to the success of Mercedes...

If Hitlers image were used in a centennial celebration for Mercedes, would you question those that participated?

I should add....this is a really inappropriate metaphor.

USSR lost 9 million in military casualties and 19 million in civilian deaths (including the horrific seige of Leningrad). I don't think we, in this country can comprehend that level of destruction. While that doesn't minimize what Stalin did, the WW2 victory is a HUGE deal in Russia, and in Europe. More so then it is in the US, where we were not so directly touched with 300,000 military deaths, and zero civilian. Perhaps because of that it's impossible to understand what that means to Russia and Europe.
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.

You are right. Himmler of the SS went to try to make a deal and surrender to the Americans but was turned away so the Russians could get credit.

In the winter of 1944–45, Himmler's Waffen-SS numbered 910,000 members, with the Allgemeine-SS (at least on paper) hosting a membership of nearly two million. However, by early 1945 Himmler had lost faith in German victory, likely due in part to his discussions with his masseur Felix Kersten and with Walter Schellenberg.[24] He realized that if the Nazi regime was to survive, it needed to seek peace with Britain and the United States. He also believed that Hitler had effectively incapacitated himself from governing by remaining in Berlin to personally lead the defence of the capital against the Soviets.

To this end, he contacted Count Folke Bernadotte of Sweden at Lübeck, near the Danish border. He represented himself as the provisional leader of Germany, telling Bernadotte that Hitler would almost certainly be dead within two days. He asked Bernadotte to tell General Dwight Eisenhower that Germany wished to surrender to the West. Himmler hoped the British and Americans would fight the Soviets alongside the remains of the Wehrmacht. At Bernadotte's request, Himmler put his offer in writing.

Himmler next turned to the Americans as a defector, contacting Eisenhower's headquarters and proclaiming he would surrender all of Germany to the Allies if he was spared from prosecution. He asked Eisenhower to appoint him "minister of police" in Germany's post-war government. He reportedly mused on how to handle his first meeting with the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) commander and whether to give the Nazi salute or shake hands with him. Eisenhower refused to have anything to do with Himmler, who was subsequently declared a major war criminal.

Himmler said screw it and took a cyanide capsule.

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.

They are marching in honor of the WWII victory over the Nazis. And it is close to May Day which is International Workers' Day....we have ours in September.

But I am happy to see the Cold War over.....you? Not so much, eh?

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.

Yeah, based on the historical perspective and what he wanted to accomplish, he would claim victory over this.

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.
One must understand, he/she's not the brightest light on the ol' christmas tree!

The Cold War is OVER......Russia is an Ally now

Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.

They are not marching in his honor.
The ultimate irony is that we let the Russians take Berlin. The Germans fought to the death to ensure Berlin fall to Patton and the Brits but because that senile, Progressive stupid fuck Roosevelt, on advise of Communist spies on his staff, not that he needed much persuading, agreed to let his butt fuck buddy "Uncle Joe" take the city.
See, I knew you'd find away to mourn Hitler's defeat. :clap2:

I mourn how even then, Leftists in the USA were conspiring with the Russian to fuck us over.

I can't imagine a Reagan letting the Russians take Berlin the way Uncle Joe's butt fuck buddy FDR did

No, it's celebrating the victory over Hitler and, like it or not Stalin was part of that.

And Stalin being part of it..and his image pl;aying a major role in the celebration...should give anyone good reason to question joining the celebration.

Hitler was a major contributor to the success of Mercedes...

If Hitlers image were used in a centennial celebration for Mercedes, would you question those that participated?

I should add....this is a really inappropriate metaphor.

USSR lost 9 million in military casualties and 19 million in civilian deaths (including the horrific seige of Leningrad). I don't think we, in this country can comprehend that level of destruction. While that doesn't minimize what Stalin did, the WW2 victory is a HUGE deal in Russia, and in Europe. More so then it is in the US, where we were not so directly touched with 300,000 military deaths, and zero civilian. Perhaps because of that it's impossible to understand what that means to Russia and Europe.
Hitler did nothing compared to Stalin. The real Holocaust is what Stalin did in killing 25 million.
Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.

They are marching in honor of the WWII victory over the Nazis. And it is close to May Day which is International Workers' Day....we have ours in September.

But I am happy to see the Cold War over.....you? Not so much, eh?

How's it hangin', BRO?

Hey man, you can thank the late great Ronald Wilson Reagan for ending that thar cold war thingamajigee!

No, it's celebrating the victory over Hitler and, like it or not Stalin was part of that.

And Stalin being part of it..and his image pl;aying a major role in the celebration...should give anyone good reason to question joining the celebration.

Hitler was a major contributor to the success of Mercedes...

If Hitlers image were used in a centennial celebration for Mercedes, would you question those that participated?

I should add....this is a really inappropriate metaphor.

USSR lost 9 million in military casualties and 19 million in civilian deaths (including the horrific seige of Leningrad). I don't think we, in this country can comprehend that level of destruction. While that doesn't minimize what Stalin did, the WW2 victory is a HUGE deal in Russia, and in Europe. More so then it is in the US, where we were not so directly touched with 300,000 military deaths, and zero civilian. Perhaps because of that it's impossible to understand what that means to Russia and Europe.

We used to get briefings on Soviet Power and it was taught to us that the Russians have every right to be paranoid...every family lost someone in The Great Patriotic war....1 in every 20 Russians were killed or missing. Can you imagine that in the U.S.?
Exactly. Stalin would be rolling over in his grave to see Western Nations marching in Moscow.....so, you can say that those not liking this are in total agreement with Stalin.

you are fooling no one but yourself if you believe Stalin would roll in his grave seeing Western Nations marching in Moscow in his honor.

They are marching in honor of the WWII victory over the Nazis. And it is close to May Day which is International Workers' Day....we have ours in September.

But I am happy to see the Cold War over.....you? Not so much, eh?

you can make any claim about what you think I like or prefer all you want.

It is still a diversion from the point ZI made. If Stalin's image is being used as a prop for this celebration, Wester Country soldiers will be marchiung in his honor.

Curious...why is it so hard for you to see that?

Sure...I agree...it is a sign of unity for us to do it....but sometimes you need to draw the line. What seems to be the right thing to do, can also send a very damaging message....and this is another example of where Obama applied his ideology not necessarily thinking of the possible negative ramifications.

Many US citizens of Russian descent ran from Stalin.

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