Obama under fire from THE LEFT over never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

I am just as uninterested in what Obama is doing now that he is no longer president as I am Carter. (Both are irrelevant but for their legacies. LOL)

You can bet your ass O'bumbles isn't building houses for the poor. I gotta give that to Carter - his many acts of contrition for having fucked up so much surely should count for something. Even though Obama proved that he (Carter) could have done much worse.

But, then, would YOU trust Obama with a saw? With a hammer?
Carter didn't have Alzheimers. He had brain cancer. He is, along with obama one of the most evil men to ever walk the earth.

great comedy relief there, so Carter "who kept us ouf of war" and did not start wars with other countries as mass murderer reagan did, was evil but reagan was not? .gotcha.what you been smoking lately? that is great comedy from you.

well at least you got ONE thing right in your ramblings there,cargter did not have brain cancer,give you credit for that much on getting right at least.:up: Now if only Henry would stop smoking his weed and listen to you on that.:D
Barack Insane Obama is the quintessential left-wing hypocrite. "Do as I say, not as I do". That asshole spent 8 years preaching the idiotic Marxist phrase "I am my brother's keeper". Meanwhile, his own actual brother had to call an ultra-conservative - Dinesh D'Souza - for money to save the life of Barack's own nephew (who needed medical care). And, at the same time, Obama's aunt was living in government-subsidized housing on government food stamps - all while Obama was rolling in tens of millions of dollars.

It just goes to show that the left does not believe what they preach. They preach it out of a deep desire for power and control. Nothing more.
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

"The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats.

Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.

Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; Indonesia; a Palm Springs estate;
Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.

These are some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world. Many of our clients spend tens of thousands of dollars or more to stay at these resorts, which cater to the most discriminating and demanding guests,” said Kendra Thornton, travel expert and owner of luxury travel agency Royal Travel. “For example, Necker Island has a nightly price tag of $80,000. Anyone who stays at these properties does so because they want the best of the best."

These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell. The former adviser to ex-President Jimmy Carter believes that President Obama’s vacations are unprecedented, and a far cry from how Carter spent his first few months out of office."

Evidently Obama still believes he is still the 'emperor sitting on the throne' and that the American people should still fund his extravagant, unprecedented vacations, which has riven to the level of actually pissing off DEMOCRATS.

All those political favors Obama granted, all those slush funds he set up; they weren't free. He's cashing in.
Reminds me an awful lot of that great man reagan.:biggrin:
Barack Insane Obama is the quintessential left-wing hypocrite. "Do as I say, not as I do". That asshole spent 8 years preaching the idiotic Marxist phrase "I am my brother's keeper". Meanwhile, his own actual brother had to call an ultra-conservative - Dinesh D'Souza - for money to save the life of Barack's own nephew (who needed medical care). And, at the same time, Obama's aunt was living in government-subsidized housing on government food stamps - all while Obama was rolling in tens of millions of dollars.

It just goes to show that the left does not believe what they preach. They preach it out of a deep desire for power and control. Nothing more.
"They need to ask, how much money is enough"

Every socialist leader has one thing in common - they all lived in luxury
Too bad for the left. Reagan is still recognized as one of the greatest of American presidents.

Too bad for you that like all american brainwashed sheeps you have fallen for the propaganda of what the CIA controlled media and our corrupt school systems have taught you.:biggrin:

Lets see,the guy was a mass murderer who started wars with other countries murdering many innocent women and children,got the ball rolling for the destruction of america that each president since then has EXPANDED on,hopefully Trump will stop that,was a traiter to americas by having Bush delay the hostages so he could get elected,yep great president there.:biggrin::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: AND a great man same as Hitler and Stalin were as well.yeah baby.:up::clap::clap::clap::dance:

Yep, you are absolutely right, Carter wasn't even close to being the worst president. What he was, however, in over his head with trilateralists and CFR members surrounding him. He was a Rockefeller pick because they believed he was easily manipulated but he actually wasn't and tried to push back against the deep state....so, the deep state did what it does best....it used the Fed bankers to jack with the money supply causing economic chaos which was left at his feet. Then you had the fake oil crisis due to Nixon setting up the petro-dollar system. I believe Reagan had good intentions but they tried to kill him 3 months into his presidency and he became a toothless tiger. He was also forced to take on people he had earlier expressed nothing but disdain for. Reagan had the embarrassment of having to acknowledge the Iran/Contra affair that was done behind his back by the Bush crime pals. It's funny as you read through the REAL history and not the lame shit put out by the lame stream media that we really were spoon-fed a bunch of lies.
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

"The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats.

Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.

Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; Indonesia; a Palm Springs estate;
Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.

These are some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world. Many of our clients spend tens of thousands of dollars or more to stay at these resorts, which cater to the most discriminating and demanding guests,” said Kendra Thornton, travel expert and owner of luxury travel agency Royal Travel. “For example, Necker Island has a nightly price tag of $80,000. Anyone who stays at these properties does so because they want the best of the best."

These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell. The former adviser to ex-President Jimmy Carter believes that President Obama’s vacations are unprecedented, and a far cry from how Carter spent his first few months out of office."

Evidently Obama still believes he is still the 'emperor sitting on the throne' and that the American people should still fund his extravagant, unprecedented vacations, which has riven to the level of actually pissing off DEMOCRATS.

Funny! President Obama is a "private citizen" - so please provide "credible" proof that the government is somehow paying for his vacations. And, if the government is not somehow paying for his vacations as a "private citizen" - why should you or anyone else care? Is this not a free country? Will you hold Adolf Trump to the same standard?
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

"The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats.

Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.

Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; Indonesia; a Palm Springs estate;
Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.

These are some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world. Many of our clients spend tens of thousands of dollars or more to stay at these resorts, which cater to the most discriminating and demanding guests,” said Kendra Thornton, travel expert and owner of luxury travel agency Royal Travel. “For example, Necker Island has a nightly price tag of $80,000. Anyone who stays at these properties does so because they want the best of the best."

These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell. The former adviser to ex-President Jimmy Carter believes that President Obama’s vacations are unprecedented, and a far cry from how Carter spent his first few months out of office."

Evidently Obama still believes he is still the 'emperor sitting on the throne' and that the American people should still fund his extravagant, unprecedented vacations, which has riven to the level of actually pissing off DEMOCRATS.

Funny! President Obama is a "private citizen" - so please provide "credible" proof that the government is somehow paying for his vacations. And, if the government is not somehow paying for his vacations as a "private citizen" - why should you or anyone else care? Is this not a free country? Will you hold Adolf Trump to the same standard?
Who's complaining? Love mocking Obama the 1%er.
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

"The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats.

Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.

Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; Indonesia; a Palm Springs estate;
Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.

These are some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world. Many of our clients spend tens of thousands of dollars or more to stay at these resorts, which cater to the most discriminating and demanding guests,” said Kendra Thornton, travel expert and owner of luxury travel agency Royal Travel. “For example, Necker Island has a nightly price tag of $80,000. Anyone who stays at these properties does so because they want the best of the best."

These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell. The former adviser to ex-President Jimmy Carter believes that President Obama’s vacations are unprecedented, and a far cry from how Carter spent his first few months out of office."

Evidently Obama still believes he is still the 'emperor sitting on the throne' and that the American people should still fund his extravagant, unprecedented vacations, which has riven to the level of actually pissing off DEMOCRATS.
Barack is a private citizen and do whatever the hell he wants. How is the government paying for his PERSONAL vacations? I bet the author of this thread hasn't criticized the Trump family's flamboyant lifestyle while on the public dime.

Another failed deplorable thread.
Obama is an out-of-work, seditious law-breaking free-loader.

Just call him a ******. We both know you want to. This was a problem when he was president too. It's about you guys hating Obama and the mere fact that he exists. I'm not sure what's typical and what's not as far as this, but for real, focus on some shit of significance.

That might be a good argument if Obama was some innocent child. Speaking children, grow the fuck up.
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
where does it say the US Taxpayer is paying for it? If not, don't care really. but i imagine many people want to be on his security duty. :)
Easy's source: Fox News. The most imbalanced station in the history of news.
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
View attachment 135859
Obamas under fire from the left for never ending, sizzling ultra-luxury vacations

"The Democratic base is growing increasingly frustrated with former President Barack Obama’s actions after leaving office, including a seemingly endless tour of millionaire and billionaire luxury retreats.

Ex-presidents, understandably and un-controversially, go on vacations immediately after leaving office. But the level of luxury the Obamas enjoy on their vacations is unprecedented for a modern-day president, say travel experts.

Since leaving office in late January, Obama has visited late actor Marlon Brando’s private island; the Four Seasons in Bali -- where rooms cost upward of $2,000 per night; Indonesia; a Palm Springs estate;
Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island; the exclusive Mid Pacific Country Club in Oahu; the 13th-century Borgo Finocchieto in Tuscany; and the Rising Sun, Hollywood studio mogul David Geffen’s private yacht.

These are some of the most luxurious travel destinations in the world. Many of our clients spend tens of thousands of dollars or more to stay at these resorts, which cater to the most discriminating and demanding guests,” said Kendra Thornton, travel expert and owner of luxury travel agency Royal Travel. “For example, Necker Island has a nightly price tag of $80,000. Anyone who stays at these properties does so because they want the best of the best."

These trips are like the lifestyles of the rich and famous,” said Democratic strategist Pat Caddell. The former adviser to ex-President Jimmy Carter believes that President Obama’s vacations are unprecedented, and a far cry from how Carter spent his first few months out of office."

Evidently Obama still believes he is still the 'emperor sitting on the throne' and that the American people should still fund his extravagant, unprecedented vacations, which has riven to the level of actually pissing off DEMOCRATS.
Barack is a private citizen and do whatever the hell he wants. How is the government paying for his PERSONAL vacations? I bet the author of this thread hasn't criticized the Trump family's flamboyant lifestyle while on the public dime.

Another failed deplorable thread.
CEOs are not private citizens?

Dufus Leftards keep stepping in their own crap.
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
Obama the One Percenter.
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
Obama the One Percenter.
Good for him, he wonked hard and earned it. Isn't that the American way?
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
Obama the One Percenter.
Good for him, he wonked hard and earned it. Isn't that the American way?
No, his was the traitor's way...
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
Obama the One Percenter.
Good for him, he wonked hard and earned it. Isn't that the American way?
Tell us again how much CEOs make, hypocrite.
As a tax payer I understand when the President of the United States decides to go on vacation the American people pick up the tab.

Now that Barry is UN-EMPLOYED - he does not work for the Federal Government, no longer works for the American people - we should not have to pick up the tab for his vacations.

As an employer, I do not pay for the vacations of the employees (and their families) who no longer work for me.

This is liberal elitist un-earned bullshit.

Trump should have his administration send Barry a bill, and congress should take steps to end this type of BS. Once you're gone, you pay for your own shite...except security detail.
NO ONE is picking up the tab for a former Presidents vacation.
Obama the One Percenter.
Good for him, he wonked hard and earned it. Isn't that the American way?
No, his was the traitor's way...
Wonking hard is not treason. He wonked hard for it.

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