Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined

Lets see have our capabilities increased decreased or remained......Think all of our branches are smaller so where is the money going
six hundred thousand million dollars spent on Defense A YEAR... wayyyyyyyyyyy too much money, and the Military gets a smidgen of it... what the rest is for, who knows???????

this amount, give or take 100 billion, is each and every year, for goodness sake!
The largely non-partisan website politifact has rated this claim mostly true. When someone talks about Obama "destroying our military," be sure to show them this.
Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined
"I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker," Obama said in his last annual State of the Union address Jan. 12, 2016. "Let me tell you something: The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."
And this is the reasoning that will be used to explain a draw down.
that's what this FEDERAL Government and a President is there for, to PROTECT at all cost the American citizens. he is such a traitor to the oath he supposedly recited.
I'm just feeling you out, as I suspected you're an Obamabot, left loon and an apologist for the worst president in the history of this nation. You were easy to out
?... Notice how you have yet to disprove the OP. I believe bush did quite a few good things, and that Bernie sanders would be a disaster for this nation. If that makes me a left loon..

I'm not interested in your OP, I know and have met more military people than you will in your lifetime, I am well aware what Obama has done to harm this nation's military. My grandfather is on this forum, Retired USAF Lt Col....I'll let him school you. Have a lovely evening. :)
Seriously kid? I'm a vet myself and I can say, without reserve, that we have the most powerful military in the world.

Is our military "weaker" in Obama's years compared to Bush's years? Yes. However, we were in two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) during Bush's years, so this is actually to be expected. Just because you digest Fox News as your sole news source doesn't mean that everything they spew out is true. Our military would steam roll the majority of other military forces in the world...and this isn't even considering a draft, rationing, etc. to ACTUALLY gear up for war.
The largely non-partisan website politifact has rated this claim mostly true. When someone talks about Obama "destroying our military," be sure to show them this.
Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined
"I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker," Obama said in his last annual State of the Union address Jan. 12, 2016. "Let me tell you something: The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."
And this is the reasoning that will be used to explain a draw down.
We've been having a draw down and flushing our money away as we do it.

I can neither confirm nor deny the fact that I've seen our forces selling military vehicles worth $500,000 - $1,000,000 to foreign military units for as low as $25,000 because it was more costly to finance and plan for the logistics of getting them home than it was to scrap them or sell them for next to nothing. You want to know where your hard earned tax payer dollars are going? Welp talk to hijab bob rolling around in our gear. He might know a thing or two. (yes, this pisses me off)
The largely non-partisan website politifact has rated this claim mostly true. When someone talks about Obama "destroying our military," be sure to show them this.
Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined
"I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker," Obama said in his last annual State of the Union address Jan. 12, 2016. "Let me tell you something: The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."
22 Vets are killing themselves a day from being in combat forever..............The endless battles are taking their tole and they have downsized the operational number of them...........while pet projects like the F-35 roll on even though cheaper versions can do the same job.

Of course some buddies of the political whores want the money..............so the over priced F-35 rolls on............as does all the sweet deals on everything else.........costing us a fortune............

But when they cut they cut the combat soldiers instead of bloated programs forcing our troops to take up residence in foreign countries for longer periods of time as there are not as many to relieve them.
that's what this FEDERAL Government and a President is there for, to PROTECT at all cost the American citizens. he is such a traitor to the oath he supposedly recited.
We were attacked under Bush not Obama

Why didn't he PROTECT us?
I'm just feeling you out, as I suspected you're an Obamabot, left loon and an apologist for the worst president in the history of this nation. You were easy to out
?... Notice how you have yet to disprove the OP. I believe bush did quite a few good things, and that Bernie sanders would be a disaster for this nation. If that makes me a left loon..

I'm not interested in your OP, I know and have met more military people than you will in your lifetime, I am well aware what Obama has done to harm this nation's military. My grandfather is on this forum, Retired USAF Lt Col....I'll let him school you. Have a lovely evening. :)
Seriously kid? I'm a vet myself and I can say, without reserve, that we have the most powerful military in the world.

Is our military "weaker" in Obama's years compared to Bush's years? Yes. However, we were in two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) during Bush's years, so this is actually to be expected. Just because you digest Fox News as your sole news source doesn't mean that everything they spew out is true. Our military would steam roll the majority of other military forces in the world...and this isn't even considering a draft, rationing, etc. to ACTUALLY gear up for war.
Our readiness was lower under Bush. Two wars depleted our supply chain and left many units scrambling
But, we fight with what we have
The largely non-partisan website politifact has rated this claim mostly true. When someone talks about Obama "destroying our military," be sure to show them this.
Obama: US spends more on military than next 8 nations combined
"I told you earlier all the talk of America’s economic decline is political hot air. Well, so is all the rhetoric you hear about our enemies getting stronger and America getting weaker," Obama said in his last annual State of the Union address Jan. 12, 2016. "Let me tell you something: The United States of America is the most powerful nation on Earth. Period. Period. It’s not even close. It’s not even close. We spend more on our military than the next eight nations combined."

If you want to make that a relevant argument, you need to show a similiar chart for when he took office. Otherwise it means nothing. I mean duh. Leftists consistently have zero ability for critical reasoning.

And BTW, I think we should slash our military by at least a third, leave all the foreign wars and we could still have a powerful miltiary but it should be based on defending the United States, not invading foreign countries. But I still can both have that view and think logically. Though if you could think logically you wouldn't be a leftist to start, so I suppose it goes with the territory.
I'm just feeling you out, as I suspected you're an Obamabot, left loon and an apologist for the worst president in the history of this nation. You were easy to out
?... Notice how you have yet to disprove the OP. I believe bush did quite a few good things, and that Bernie sanders would be a disaster for this nation. If that makes me a left loon..

I'm not interested in your OP, I know and have met more military people than you will in your lifetime, I am well aware what Obama has done to harm this nation's military. My grandfather is on this forum, Retired USAF Lt Col....I'll let him school you. Have a lovely evening. :)
Seriously kid? I'm a vet myself and I can say, without reserve, that we have the most powerful military in the world.

Is our military "weaker" in Obama's years compared to Bush's years? Yes. However, we were in two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) during Bush's years, so this is actually to be expected. Just because you digest Fox News as your sole news source doesn't mean that everything they spew out is true. Our military would steam roll the majority of other military forces in the world...and this isn't even considering a draft, rationing, etc. to ACTUALLY gear up for war.
Our readiness was lower under Bush. Two wars depleted our supply chain and left many units scrambling
But, we fight with what we have

You never get tired of making shit up, do you? I suppose that's how you get so many posts, you put so little effort into them, like reading so you can say things where you know what you're talking about
I'm just feeling you out, as I suspected you're an Obamabot, left loon and an apologist for the worst president in the history of this nation. You were easy to out
?... Notice how you have yet to disprove the OP. I believe bush did quite a few good things, and that Bernie sanders would be a disaster for this nation. If that makes me a left loon..

I'm not interested in your OP, I know and have met more military people than you will in your lifetime, I am well aware what Obama has done to harm this nation's military. My grandfather is on this forum, Retired USAF Lt Col....I'll let him school you. Have a lovely evening. :)
Seriously kid? I'm a vet myself and I can say, without reserve, that we have the most powerful military in the world.

Is our military "weaker" in Obama's years compared to Bush's years? Yes. However, we were in two wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) during Bush's years, so this is actually to be expected. Just because you digest Fox News as your sole news source doesn't mean that everything they spew out is true. Our military would steam roll the majority of other military forces in the world...and this isn't even considering a draft, rationing, etc. to ACTUALLY gear up for war.
Our readiness was lower under Bush. Two wars depleted our supply chain and left many units scrambling
But, we fight with what we have
I don't think this is true, as part of the time that I was in was during those years. I'd say that our readiness was actually pretty great under Bush with the exception of maybe stretching our personnel resources thin. We had tons of money flowing in, constant upgrades to our equipment, and guys that had the experience of deploying before (since most people did multiple rotations) to help the new guys get familiar with what to expect. Our supply chain was far from being depleted because of the vast sums of money that was being dumped into our operations. Instead of having to figure out how to get gear somewhere, outside of the initial invasions, we just fell in on gear that was already there.

Let me just reiterate the most important point since it may have gotten lost, in combat experience is invaluable. Our people aren't as experienced now as they were during the Bush years, this, in my mind, is the most pointed reason why we are not as ready. I also want to point out that, at least from what I saw, your point about the supply chain is just plain false (not saying we didn't have supply issues, but that it wasn't from depletion, more due to incompetence).

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