Obama used recess appointments to fill 15 admin posts without Senate confirmation

And while you were sleeping

Despite intense Republican objections, Obama on Saturday used recess appointments to fill 15 administration posts without Senate confirmation, including Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board.

All 41 Senate Republicans wrote Obama this week urging him not to use a recess appointment for Becker, a former top lawyer with Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also wrote Obama on behalf of 20 business groups that oppose Becker's nomination.

Of course Obama is not a asshole racist or nothing, because at least 2 of the 15 were white. Where is the EEOC? Affirmative action police? Anyone - Bueller, Bueller?

Washington Post - Obama uses recess appointments to fill 15 posts

bout time he figured out how to get around the obstructionists. but interesting that you're whining like a stuck pig:

President William J. Clinton made 139 recess appointments during his eight years in
office, 95 to full-time positions. During his first seven years in office, President George
W. Bush made 171 recess appointments, of which 105 were to full-time positions.

http://www.senate.gov/CRSReports/crs-publish.cfm?pid='0DP+P\W; P
I am proud to see it took a full 18 hours before we saw "Mom the other kid did it too!"

Too bad it was still the first reply to the OP, as predicted.

So much for "change" huh.


Fool! It isn't a "Mom the other kid did it too!" because it isn't a justification for an outrageous action. What it is all about is the ignorance of so many FOX News watching Right Wing Lunatics @ USMB, who doubt fact and history unless they get a spoon fed version of it.

And while you were sleeping

Despite intense Republican objections, Obama on Saturday used recess appointments to fill 15 administration posts without Senate confirmation, including Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board.

All 41 Senate Republicans wrote Obama this week urging him not to use a recess appointment for Becker, a former top lawyer with Service Employees International Union and the AFL-CIO. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce also wrote Obama on behalf of 20 business groups that oppose Becker's nomination.

Of course Obama is not a asshole racist or nothing, because at least 2 of the 15 were white. Where is the EEOC? Affirmative action police? Anyone - Bueller, Bueller?

Washington Post - Obama uses recess appointments to fill 15 posts

Ummm...so? This is common practice in politics and I am glad to see Obama finally give up on having any bipartisan support from the GOP. Our government cannot sit around waiting for the GOP to get in the game.
After listening to both sides argue like little kids, I think it is so very appropriate that we refer to Congress' breaks as recess.
I am proud to see it took a full 18 hours before we saw "Mom the other kid did it too!"

Too bad it was still the first reply to the OP, as predicted.

So much for "change" huh.


Fool! It isn't a "Mom the other kid did it too!" because it isn't a justification for an outrageous action.
That's not a qualifier for the appeal to mom fallacy, ignorant one.

The accusation itself was based on a false premise.

Use this to get a refund for your education. It should be illegal what schools get away with today.

Right! Another one of his calculated "midnight hour" behind closed doors, secret agendas. So much consistent transparency with this band of skilled crooks. Have to agree with the esteemed Judge Andrew Napolitano. He states [excerpted] as follows:

"Other issues that Napolitano addressed during the wide-ranging interview:

He believes American is in danger of becoming "a fascist country," which he defines as "private ownership, but government control." He adds, "The government doesn't have the money to own anything. But it has the force and the threat of violence to control just about anything it wants. That will rapidly expand under President Obama, unless and until the midterm elections give us a midterm correction – which everyone seems to think, and I'm in that group, is about to come our way.
:clap2: :clap2:

Newsmax - Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare
This is the right of the Executive. These appointees serve at His pleasure.

When it is revealed that they are unfit for the position (and make Him look bad), I have no doubt they will resign their appointments in due time as so many of the others have.

Take some soma and love the Change!
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Right! Another one of his calculated "midnight hour" behind closed doors, secret agendas. So much consistent transparency with this band of skilled crooks. Have to agree with the esteemed Judge Andrew Napolitano. He states [excerpted] as follows:

"Other issues that Napolitano addressed during the wide-ranging interview:

He believes American is in danger of becoming "a fascist country," which he defines as "private ownership, but government control." He adds, "The government doesn't have the money to own anything. But it has the force and the threat of violence to control just about anything it wants. That will rapidly expand under President Obama, unless and until the midterm elections give us a midterm correction – which everyone seems to think, and I'm in that group, is about to come our way.
:clap2: :clap2:

Newsmax - Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare

A President's work is never done...
Right! Another one of his calculated "midnight hour" behind closed doors, secret agendas. So much consistent transparency with this band of skilled crooks. Have to agree with the esteemed Judge Andrew Napolitano. He states [excerpted] as follows:

"Other issues that Napolitano addressed during the wide-ranging interview:

He believes American is in danger of becoming "a fascist country," which he defines as "private ownership, but government control." He adds, "The government doesn't have the money to own anything. But it has the force and the threat of violence to control just about anything it wants. That will rapidly expand under President Obama, unless and until the midterm elections give us a midterm correction – which everyone seems to think, and I'm in that group, is about to come our way.
:clap2: :clap2:

Newsmax - Napolitano: Supreme Court to Strike Down Obamacare



A Right Wing FORMER Judge, now TV Celebrity.

Might as well see what Judge Judy's opinion is.

It is not the point that Mr Obama used his power to make these appointments.

It is the fact that All the Republicans n the Senate asked him not to appoint one person, one person whom some Democrats also did not want him to appoint.

An appointment that basically said fuck you to the Senate.

This is one of those where you want to smack him on the side of the head and scream "What the hell are you thinking?"
Doesn't matter. If the Senate MUST consent, then it must consent. If it doesn't have to, it doesn't matter what any Seantor thinks or says.

Allowing the Legislative opposition to basically co-opt an enumerated Executive power simply because they feel like carping about one person for partisan political reasons would be more destructive as a precedent than making the appointment. Doesn't matter who's sitting in the Oval Office or what the objections are. It's a separation of powers issue.

The political fallout or lack thereof from whether what he's doing or who he's appointing is "smart" is a totally different issue.
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Recess appointments happen. Bush had a few hundred. So did Clinton, Bush I, Reagan, etc.

That's politics.

How about some links to that claim? Here we have the U.S. Chamber of Commerce objecting to a UNION lawyer, along with many business'es in this country. The DEMOCRAT senate never got an opportunity to do any case law study on this man--& OBAMA appoints him anyway.

This administration is the most ANTI-BUSINESS President we have ever had in U.S. History. What employer in this country--in their right minds would want to expand their business or hire new employees?

This is the picture that actually speaks a thousand words.

View attachment 9850

What are you? Four years old? Anyone older wouldn't need a link. They would remember Dubya's and Clinton's recess appointments. Or are you one of those 'johnny come lately' to politics who didn't pay any attention until now.
No news here. Every Administration does it. Every opposition objects. Yawn.

Totally agree.

Every administration does it. I think Bush had over a hundred that he filled via this method. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many other Presidents of both parties did the same.

Typical topic of debate, but nothing wrong here.

However, in light of the divide the reconciliation passing of the healthcare bill (law) created, President Obama may have minimized the divide impact by holding off on some of those appointments..

Likewise, blaming the GOP for holding up some appointments was disingenuous as many democrats did not believe it deemed merit to appoint a known union leaning former union attorney. So even his excuse has a lot to be desired.

But hey, he won. So he can do as he pleases.

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