Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits

Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits - Breitbart does this really suprise anyone??? obama hates america...everything he does is geared to cripple, hinder or tear down the country... he's an anti-American muslim!!! he wasn't born in America...he was born in Kenya!!!! this guy needs to be tried for treason and hung .....a Godless lying muslim rat!!!
Once again, Obama bows to the Saudi royal family. This time he kisses the ring of the Royal prince.
The last I heard, Ryan's doing all kinds of belly aching over having to override the Presidents veto. Probably won't happen.
Paul Ryan is a RINO sell out. So is Mitch McConnell.....
None of these establishment Republicans are worth dog shit.

Tending to the nations business is what repubs should be doing instead of wasting our time trying to make the President look bad.

That whole worthless bunch of repubs in both houses don't even amount to a shitstain. They should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
The last I heard, Ryan's doing all kinds of belly aching over having to override the Presidents veto. Probably won't happen.

In other words they make a bill which is popular among Americans who don't think of consequences, they know the President will veto it, and then they can say they tried and that they voted for it, but it didn't happen, so they don't actually have to look bad when bad things happen because of it. Jeez, they waste money on this nonsense.
The last I heard, Ryan's doing all kinds of belly aching over having to override the Presidents veto. Probably won't happen.

In other words they make a bill which is popular among Americans who don't think of consequences, they know the President will veto it, and then they can say they tried and that they voted for it, but it didn't happen, so they don't actually have to look bad when bad things happen because of it. Jeez, they waste money on this nonsense.
Ryan is amongst a handful of Congress Critters who may not vote for the override.
Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits - Breitbart does this really suprise anyone??? obama hates america...everything he does is geared to cripple, hinder or tear down the country... he's an anti-American muslim!!! he wasn't born in America...he was born in Kenya!!!! this guy needs to be tried for treason and hung .....a Godless lying muslim rat!!!

the saudis are an ally we need in dealing with terrorists, in dealing with the palestinians, for oil and for dealing with ISIS and Iran. making them our enemy is stupid.

good for him vetoing that imbecilic bill.
There are sound reasons not to allow private citizens to sue sovereign nations in American lawsuits. The possibility of retaliation is one of them. Imagine the flood of lawsuits if foreign courts allowed their citizens to sue the United States government for its military actions abroad. I don't like President Obama one bit, but this one time, he has made a correct decision.
That's not the law.
Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits - Breitbart does this really suprise anyone??? obama hates america...everything he does is geared to cripple, hinder or tear down the country... he's an anti-American muslim!!! he wasn't born in America...he was born in Kenya!!!! this guy needs to be tried for treason and hung .....a Godless lying muslim rat!!!

the saudis are an ally we need in dealing with terrorists, in dealing with the palestinians, for oil and for dealing with ISIS and Iran. making them our enemy is stupid.

good for him vetoing that imbecilic bill.
The Saudis are building Mosques all over Europe and the US and will eventually force Sharia Law upon us.
The veto will be overridden on next Thursday.
This is a fact.
So, maybe it will, but this is still a very bad law and opens the US up to all kinds of lawsuits by implicitly giving the go ahead to other nations to do the same with us.

We definitely live in the biggest Glass House of all.
There are sound reasons not to allow private citizens to sue sovereign nations in American lawsuits. The possibility of retaliation is one of them. Imagine the flood of lawsuits if foreign courts allowed their citizens to sue the United States government for its military actions abroad. I don't like President Obama one bit, but this one time, he has made a correct decision.
That's not the law.
But it gives precedence to other nations suing us by our law allowing our citizens the right to sue other sovereign nations.
The veto will be overridden on next Thursday.
This is a fact.
So, maybe it will, but this is still a very bad law and opens the US up to all kinds of lawsuits by implicitly giving the go ahead to other nations to do the same with us.

We definitely live in the biggest Glass House of all.
That's not the law.
The State sponsored terrorism has to be documented.
The law, like all laws, is more than one paragraph long.
Obama Vetoes 9/11 Bill, Defends Saudi Arabia from Lawsuits - Breitbart does this really suprise anyone??? obama hates america...everything he does is geared to cripple, hinder or tear down the country... he's an anti-American muslim!!! he wasn't born in America...he was born in Kenya!!!! this guy needs to be tried for treason and hung .....a Godless lying muslim rat!!!

the saudis are an ally we need in dealing with terrorists, in dealing with the palestinians, for oil and for dealing with ISIS and Iran. making them our enemy is stupid.

good for him vetoing that imbecilic bill.
Yes, good for him, but he did it for America, not the asshole Saudis.
The veto will be overridden on next Thursday.
This is a fact.
So, maybe it will, but this is still a very bad law and opens the US up to all kinds of lawsuits by implicitly giving the go ahead to other nations to do the same with us.

We definitely live in the biggest Glass House of all.
That's not the law.
The State sponsored terrorism has to be documented.
The law, like all laws, is more than one paragraph long.
The legalese used in the actual wording of the law is irrelevant to the simple fact it is exposing a sovereign government to lawsuits by citizens of another nation.

This will encourage other nations to pass similar laws or what they think are similar laws and the whole planet will be suing the USA for perceived injury and injustice.

We would be foolish to ram this bill into law without carefully weighing whether we have more to lose or left open to exposure if other nations passed similar laws.

When you look at the range and scope of US involvement in countries and continents around the globe the answer should be obvious; we stand to lose far more than the Saudis ever will.
The last I heard, Ryan's doing all kinds of belly aching over having to override the Presidents veto. Probably won't happen.

In other words they make a bill which is popular among Americans who don't think of consequences, they know the President will veto it, and then they can say they tried and that they voted for it, but it didn't happen, so they don't actually have to look bad when bad things happen because of it. Jeez, they waste money on this nonsense.
Ryan is amongst a handful of Congress Critters who may not vote for the override.

They'll be no override. Just excuses.
The last I heard, Ryan's doing all kinds of belly aching over having to override the Presidents veto. Probably won't happen.
Paul Ryan is a RINO sell out. So is Mitch McConnell.....
None of these establishment Republicans are worth dog shit.

Tending to the nations business is what repubs should be doing instead of wasting our time trying to make the President look bad.

That whole worthless bunch of repubs in both houses don't even amount to a shitstain. They should be tarred, feathered and run out of town on a rail.
Stopping Obama's far left wing agenda has been job one since day one.
Obama is the one who does the refusing.
"Send me a bill I can sign"....Translation...."Do my bidding or else I will use the media to blame you"....
BTW, the democrats who fell in line with Obama are every bit as culpable.
And by your statement "all republicans should be run out on a rail confirms the idea that as far as you libs are concerned, there is no other point of view...
Your side cannot deal with the fact that someone besides those exactly like you has an opinion.

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