Obama whips Bernie back onto the plan; Bernie caves like a punk haha!!! Team Clinton!!!

And the old socialist revolutionary sadly walks out and gets his ass back in line with the Party of Slavery....the Democrat Party.

There's no such thing. "Democrat" is a noun, not an adjective. Ask your teacher what that means.

And Bernie doesn't have a party; he simply ran with this one for its resources ---- which is what political parties are for. He won his first office by defeating an entrenched Democrat.

Finally, Vermont is the only pre-Civil War state where slavery has never been legal, ever.

Again, MASSIVE ignorance. No wonder you can't get a job. But at least you're consistent.
I wonder after all these months of fighting Hillary how does Sanders
get his people to vote for Hillary come November...

Easy. Drop out. Democrat voters are like slaves. They'll take whatever the plantation of debt and dependency gives them.
Republicans resume is so bad they keep saying the Party of Lincoln...The guy on the Penny is their last accomplishment
The guy who freed the slaves from racist like your Democrat party.

You need an update bro...theres a huge gap in your resume.

Freed the slaves.
Ended Jim Crowe.
Opposed black extinctionists w planned parenthood
Pass 60s Civil Rights
Defeated the Soviet Union
Created trillions of dollars of wealth in America

Want me to keep going with the Republican resume?

What's the Dems????
- Fought to keep blacks enslaved and rightless.
- Helped Iran get a nuke.
- Forced trannies into little girls showers.

Great job.
Republicans resume is so bad they keep saying the Party of Lincoln...The guy on the Penny is their last accomplishment
The guy who freed the slaves from racist like your Democrat party.

You need an update bro...theres a huge gap in your resume.
The demoRATS upgraded to illegals and Mexicans becoming racist against white Americans by violently assaulting Trump supporters and females like PUSSIES that you are. Updated resume
Congratulations, Sanders supporters, on the sale.

Yes, you've been sold.

There are two valid ways to express your displeasure:

1. Vote for Trump to punish your wannabe masters.

2. Stay home; order in a pizza and suck down a couple of brews.

The pizza and beer optional but to do anything other than 1 or 2 above is to roll over . Oh, and learn to like rolling over when the master whistles.
I can imagine some action group, not affiliated with any candidate, throwing a free pizza and beer lock-in that starts before the polls open and goes until the last polls close. What NOUB supporter could pass up that much "free stuff"?
I feel sorry for his supporters. They were genuine.

Genuine morons

You know despite I don't agree with one position Bernie and his supporters held, I have genuine respect and admiration for those Democrats who went the distance for their beliefs and prevented an out and out coronation of Clinton.

What both the Trump and Sanders campaigns did was pull back the scab known as "establishment politics" and showed us really truly how bad the systems were on both sides.

We always knew it was bad. But not this bad. So kudos to him and his for staying in a fighting the good fight.
And the old socialist revolutionary sadly walks out and gets his ass back in line with the Party of Slavery....the Democrat Party.

There's no such thing. "Democrat" is a noun, not an adjective. Ask your teacher what that means.

And Bernie doesn't have a party; he simply ran with this one for its resources ---- which is what political parties are for. He won his first office by defeating an entrenched Democrat.

Finally, Vermont is the only pre-Civil War state where slavery has never been legal, ever.

Again, MASSIVE ignorance. No wonder you can't get a job. But at least you're consistent.

Bernie ran just to see how gullible the sheeple really are. It's truly frightening that so so so many were conned into following him
Congratulations, Sanders supporters, on the sale.

Yes, you've been sold.

There are two valid ways to express your displeasure:

1. Vote for Trump to punish your wannabe masters.

2. Stay home; order in a pizza and suck down a couple of brews.

The pizza and beer optional but to do anything other than 1 or 2 above is to roll over . Oh, and learn to like rolling over when the master whistles.

That's hilarious stuff right there. Because obviously, when you don't get the policies you want, the thing to do is go vote for their antitheses. Couldn't make more sense, that. :eusa_liar:

Just as when you order filet mignon but unfortunately they're out of it, so instead you order an ocelot shit salad with razor blades topped with a battery acid sauce, and a glass of warm cat piss. It's just logical. On Planet D-Luzion.
That's hilarious stuff right there. Because obviously, when you don't get the policies you want, the thing to do is go vote for their antitheses. Couldn't make more sense, that. :eusa_liar:

Just as when you order filet mignon but unfortunately they're out of it, so instead you order an ocelot shit salad with razor blades topped with a battery acid sauce, and a glass of warm cat piss. It's just logical. On Planet D-Luzion.

But remember, NOUB supporters were never into logic - only emotion. What liberal can resist throwing a really spectacular tantrum?
"Medicare for all will never happen if we continue to elect corporate Democratic whores who are beholden to Big Pharma and the private insurance industry, instead of us." So, remember to vote for Democrat Whore Hillary in 2016 -- Sanders

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