Obama White House Threatens Reporter


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdfHEdeCC0Q]Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube[/ame]
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

The Real Story is that Woodward is no longer your hero.
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

The point of the thread is that The 2013 White House is attacking Obama, not the 1973 White House.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube


Now I guess Woodward won't get the same access he used to have.

Big whoop.

That was BAU during the Bush administration.
How dare Woodward tell the truth instead of toeing the propaganda line, this type of behavior from the WH will increase as time goes on because as thing turn to shit, reporters will start asking some tougher questions. Then you'll see people losing WH press credentials.
I have come to have a grudging respect for Woodward.

Honestly, at first I thought him to be a left wing hack. A paid mouthpeice of the DNC.

That is until Clinton was in office.

While I still cringe at the sound of his name, I am honest enough to admit that he is not too partisan. He shines his light on both parties pretty much the same way.
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

Who said we are buddies? Does that mean he should be threatened by the White House?

In my opinion, no. The White House shouldn't be threatening anyone except our enemies. Definitely not an American citizen exercising free speech, even if i dont always agree with that person.

Heck, I'd stand up for your free speech rights, despite that you frequently abuse your right to stay stupid stuff.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

Hopefully Woodward got the wake up call he needed, and hopefully some others in the left-wing media are seeing things for what they are, in that we have a maniacal dictator in the White House, not a president. Hopefully Woodward's sentiments carry enough weight to influence others in the media. The media should seriously put their left-wing bias and love of the Democrat party aside and see Obama for the tyrannical dictatorial threat he truly is. They need to wake up and realize that if they don't rally around Woodward, they could be next.

It is most interesting to see poster like Lakhota reply in here, Lakhota's replies give all the proof one needs to prove what Juan Williams said about the left being intolerant is indeed true. Woodward stepped out of line, and now look what happened.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

As threats go it was pretty lame but the White House still shouldn't have done it..a terrible PR move by the White House against one of America's finest journalists.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

Hopefully Woodward got the wake up call he needed, and hopefully some others in the left-wing media are seeing things for what they are, in that we have a maniacal dictator in the White House, not a president. Hopefully Woodward's sentiments carry enough weight to influence others in the media. The media should seriously put their left-wing bias and love of the Democrat party aside and see Obama for the tyrannical dictatorial threat he truly is. They need to wake up and realize that if they don't rally around Woodward, they could be next.

It is most interesting to see poster like Lakhota reply in here, Lakhota's replies give all the proof one needs to prove what Juan Williams said about the left being intolerant is indeed true. Woodward stepped out of line, and now look what happened.

Overstating the case much?

If you've read Woodward as much as I have, you'd know that he's not overly friendly to Presidents of either party although I'll reserve judgment to this one as I haven't read his latest books which would cover the Obama Administration.
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

Not about anyone's opinion of Woodward. It's about the way this regime treats reporters who actually want to report the truth. They are supposed to be obedient servants who repeat what they are told to repeat.

Remember the reporter who was kicked out of the press pool for having the nerve to film some protesters at an Obama speech? It was treated like a crime and the reporter's boss was told not to report on any of it.

Who the hell does this guy think he is that he can control information to the public. Hitler did the same and even though liberals get real bent out of shape at the comparison, I can't help it that there are so many similarities. You can't compare the current Obama to the end of Hitler's rein of terror, but if you look at Hitler's beginning, it's almost identical to what we've seen so far. Question is, where will Obama end up?
Don't cross Obama..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-TdLIf6nIQ]Woodward At War - YouTube[/ame]
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