Obama White House Threatens Reporter

This is a narcissistic president out of control. Eventually he will become as murderous as any tyrant in history. He's cut from the same cloth as Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Amin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Min, Sukarno, he is drunk with power.
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

I see your point: "the enemy of my enemy is my friend."

But you misunderstand.

I'm simply a truth-teller revealing same.
You can decide where to place your enmity.
Woodward sounds like he may be in his diaper and baby food years...

It Would Seem That Bob Woodward Does Not Understand How The Constitution Works

This is the way Liberals speak of those who cease to behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.

Remember Paula Jones revealing what a dog the rapist, Clinton, is?
She got this treatment:
"Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."

James Carville, January 1996; a reference to Paula Jones and her charge that President Clinton had sexually assaulted her

You Lefties have real class.
The class is kindergarten.
Now Woodward is your buddy? A year from now you will start a thread attacking him. Just like Jaun Williams and Chris Christy on the left.

Cut the bullshit. Woodward showed some balls and stepped from behind the curtain of partiality.
This also shows that the main stream media is indeed State controlled.

Woodward for years has been kind of this media prostitute.

Writing a glowing book about Bush's wars when they were popular and a scathing one when they weren't so much.

The fact the ODS sufferers are embracing him should show how off he probably is right now.
This morn, Bob Woodward referred to the Obama claim that he wouldn't send some ships to the Gulf due to impending budget cuts he would be 'forced' to make.

Woodward flat out said that this was "madness" (his word!)

Woodward said Reagan nor any other President would fail to protect the nation using a political ploy.

"The Washington Post's Bob Woodward ripped into President Barack Obama on "Morning Joe" today, saying he's exhibiting a "kind of madness I haven't seen in a long time" for a decision not to deploy an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf because of budget concerns."

Read more: Bob Woodward: Obama's Sequester 'Madness' - Business Insider

Later....the White House emailed Woodward, threatening him....."you'll regret this!"

Woodward: White House Telling Reporters "You Will Regret Doing This" Makes Me "Very Uncomfortable" - YouTube

As threats go it was pretty lame but the White House still shouldn't have done it..a terrible PR move by the White House against one of America's finest journalists.

Good to see you moving in the right direction.

Maybe you can speak to Sally.
This is the way Liberals speak of those who cease to behave like iron filings in a magnetic field.

Remember Paula Jones revealing what a dog the rapist, Clinton, is?
She got this treatment:
"Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find."

James Carville, January 1996; a reference to Paula Jones and her charge that President Clinton had sexually assaulted her

You Lefties have real class.
The class is kindergarten.

Paula Jones herself has admitted that she was used by Clinton's enemies...

Paula Jones - Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME

Jones does have one regret about her role in the Clinton Impeachment saga, however. She claims she was used as a political pawn by conservatives out to get Clinton, charging that they pressured her to reject the first settlement offer. "I hate the fact that people thought it was political," Jones tells TIME. "It was their agenda to make it [seem] like I was trying to bring down the President. They let political views bog their mind of what really happened."
Woodward sounds like he may be in his diaper and baby food years...

It Would Seem That Bob Woodward Does Not Understand How The Constitution Works

Now, Lefties think they know the Constitution......a document written by white men who owned slaves.

Well so what? While that's both immoral and illegal now, it was both legal and customary back then. You can't associate people and customs in the 18th century with the laws and morals of the 21st century. IOW, that was then, this is now. Move on..
With all the anti-ship missiles Iran is supposed to have, maybe they're just sparing an outdated vessel from being obliterated.
right wingers be weary of this guy, let me give you a first hand experience.

Im a hard core Democrat, always will be. During Bush II's stint in the WH Woodward promised a book that was going to slam Bush II and his cronies. This book was red meat for any Bush II hatin Democrat, which certainly was me.

So, I bought the book. OMG, maybe the only book I ever wanted to take back and bitch slap the author in the face for wasting my time. What a waste of paper.

I have a feeling hes now ready to tap into the anti Obama conservative media money maker. Just my 0.02.

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