Obama White House Threatens Reporter

Threatening to pull credentials over Lanny Davis?


WMAL : Where Washington Comes to Talk - WMAL EXCLUSIVE: Woodward's Not Alone - Fmr. Clinton Aide Davis Says He Received White House Threat

WASHINGTON -- Bob Woodward isn't the only person who's received threats for airing the Obama administration's dirty laundry. It seems anyone is a potential target of the White House these days - even former senior members of the Clinton administration.

A day after Woodward's claim that a senior White House official had told him he would "regret" writing a column criticizing President Obama's stance on the sequester, Lanny Davis, a longtime close advisor to President Bill Clinton, told WMAL's Mornings on the Mall Thursday he had received similar threats for newspaper columns he had written about Obama in the Washington Times.

Davis told WMAL that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."
Obama is not any other president though. Obama is a communist plant sent here to destroy this nation from the inside out. Big difference. Of course he is a liar. What communist isn't a liar? He is going to assist the russians in weakening america to the point the russians will be able to do that limited nuclear strike on america and have obama wave the white flag for them so they can come in and take america once and for all. That is the plan and he is doing it in plain sight in front of us all. The greatest shock will be to people such as disinfo bloggers here, marxist professors, black panthers, all being put in front of a firing squad instead of a promotion board. There is no loyalty among communists. I'm telling ya.
right wingers be weary of this guy, let me give you a first hand experience.

Im a hard core Democrat, always will be. During Bush II's stint in the WH Woodward promised a book that was going to slam Bush II and his cronies. This book was red meat for any Bush II hatin Democrat, which certainly was me.

So, I bought the book. OMG, maybe the only book I ever wanted to take back and bitch slap the author in the face for wasting my time. What a waste of paper.

I have a feeling hes now ready to tap into the anti Obama conservative media money maker. Just my 0.02.

And yet his books about Bush got solid reviews by liberals...

But I digress- the point is that What Woodward wrote stands. That he was threatened for saying it stands. Obama is a lying assed asshole who refuses to actually lead this country out of our financial troubles. Instead he spends his time in constant campaign mode in order to power grab. Why? In order to follow through on his stated mandate to "fundamentally change this country". He is succeeding because he has the most moronic supporters.
Threatening to pull credentials over Lanny Davis?


WMAL : Where Washington Comes to Talk - WMAL EXCLUSIVE: Woodward's Not Alone - Fmr. Clinton Aide Davis Says He Received White House Threat

WASHINGTON -- Bob Woodward isn't the only person who's received threats for airing the Obama administration's dirty laundry. It seems anyone is a potential target of the White House these days - even former senior members of the Clinton administration.

A day after Woodward's claim that a senior White House official had told him he would "regret" writing a column criticizing President Obama's stance on the sequester, Lanny Davis, a longtime close advisor to President Bill Clinton, told WMAL's Mornings on the Mall Thursday he had received similar threats for newspaper columns he had written about Obama in the Washington Times.

Davis told WMAL that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."

The Obama Thugocracy~
Threatening to pull credentials over Lanny Davis?


WMAL : Where Washington Comes to Talk - WMAL EXCLUSIVE: Woodward's Not Alone - Fmr. Clinton Aide Davis Says He Received White House Threat

WASHINGTON -- Bob Woodward isn't the only person who's received threats for airing the Obama administration's dirty laundry. It seems anyone is a potential target of the White House these days - even former senior members of the Clinton administration.

A day after Woodward's claim that a senior White House official had told him he would "regret" writing a column criticizing President Obama's stance on the sequester, Lanny Davis, a longtime close advisor to President Bill Clinton, told WMAL's Mornings on the Mall Thursday he had received similar threats for newspaper columns he had written about Obama in the Washington Times.

Davis told WMAL that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."

right. Obama is a communist. Of course they use threats / censorship and when that doesn't work they poison you with Arsenic as they did Andrew Breitbart. When Breitbarts autopsy was given honestly by the person who did autopsy guess what happened to him? He died of arsenic poisoning too. That is right, not only did Breitbart get murdered but the coroner who had the courage to report how he died was also poisoned by the same method.

I really think Obama was impressed by how Putin poisoned Letvinko to death and wants to display his own "style" here.... One thing the dozen or so dead have in common is they all rubbed Obama the wrong way. Including the presidential comedian who also died of poisoning but his autopsy was withheld. Guess the coroner was worried about being poisoned, eh? What an administration..
well, keep on with that paranoia while douche bags like this make money off political garbage. His book will be the last political book I ever buy.

Hes no different than Glen Beck. Both these middle aged while men see the cash being raked in over this anti Obama fervor.

Seriously, open your eyes. This guy is peeing in his panties, cause he got yelled at by a staffer on a subject thy did not see eye to eye on. If that equals more proof that Obama is a evil tyrant, well, have fun with that.
"You will regret this" is a little bit ambiguous.

It COULD mean, "You will sooner or later realize that you have been incorrect on this matter and will regret having blurted out your ignorance for all to see."

Or it COULD mean, "We will make you PAY for writing such things, you traitorous bastard!"

It came from the current White House, so there's no reason to doubt that the meaning was closer to the second option.
Threatening to pull credentials over Lanny Davis?


WMAL : Where Washington Comes to Talk - WMAL EXCLUSIVE: Woodward's Not Alone - Fmr. Clinton Aide Davis Says He Received White House Threat

WASHINGTON -- Bob Woodward isn't the only person who's received threats for airing the Obama administration's dirty laundry. It seems anyone is a potential target of the White House these days - even former senior members of the Clinton administration.

A day after Woodward's claim that a senior White House official had told him he would "regret" writing a column criticizing President Obama's stance on the sequester, Lanny Davis, a longtime close advisor to President Bill Clinton, told WMAL's Mornings on the Mall Thursday he had received similar threats for newspaper columns he had written about Obama in the Washington Times.

Davis told WMAL that his editor, John Solomon, "received a phone call from a senior Obama White House official who didn't like some of my columns, even though I'm a supporter of Obama. I couldn't imagine why this call was made." Davis says the Obama aide told Solomon, "that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose, or his reporters would lose their White House credentials."

right. Obama is a communist. Of course they use threats / censorship and when that doesn't work they poison you with Arsenic as they did Andrew Breitbart. When Breitbarts autopsy was given honestly by the person who did autopsy guess what happened to him? He died of arsenic poisoning too. That is right, not only did Breitbart get murdered but the coroner who had the courage to report how he died was also poisoned by the same method.

I really think Obama was impressed by how Putin poisoned Letvinko to death and wants to display his own "style" here.... One thing the dozen or so dead have in common is they all rubbed Obama the wrong way. Including the presidential comedian who also died of poisoning but his autopsy was withheld. Guess the coroner was worried about being poisoned, eh? What an administration..

Like the man who was arrested for shooting his 3rd wife one evening after dinner.
His first wife died of eating poison mushrooms. His 2nd wife also died of eating poison mushrooms. So why did he shoot his 3rd wife?
Because she wouldn't eat the poison mushrooms. :razz:
Woodward had better watch his back that's for sure. In a better United States, reporters would be defending him. In obamaland, those reporters will be smearing him.
Woodward was over-rated for his "reporting" of Watergate.

He is often wrong.

But to our liberal friends, when he says shit about a Republican, he's a media icon.

Yet, to those same liberals, when he talks shit about Obama, he's the worst piece of crap to ever claim the title of "reporter."
Last edited:
right wingers be weary of this guy, let me give you a first hand experience.

Im a hard core Democrat, always will be. During Bush II's stint in the WH Woodward promised a book that was going to slam Bush II and his cronies. This book was red meat for any Bush II hatin Democrat, which certainly was me.

So, I bought the book. OMG, maybe the only book I ever wanted to take back and bitch slap the author in the face for wasting my time. What a waste of paper.

I have a feeling hes now ready to tap into the anti Obama conservative media money maker. Just my 0.02.
Maybe because there really wasn't nuthing to the idiot left's hatred of Bush. He was a lot better then the idiot we have now.
Back when Nixon was POTUS, I was all for Woodward and Bernstein exposing corruption in the WH. I felt that they rested on their laurels and stopped their investigative reporting after that. I didn't buy or read his book on Bush for the same reasons I won't read the book on obama. I don't need a book to confirm what I already know.

The bottom line is that I'm a conservative who has had a respect for Woodward since Watergate, and have renewed respect for him now. Not surprising that the sheep have turned on him for criticizing The One.
I find this quote telling of the circumstances. And it exposes the methodology of this Presidential admin....
From the link I posted earlier....
" Woodward's report has rankled administration officials, particularly since it undermines the narrative the White House has been pushing ahead the March 1 sequester deadline."
The important point is "the narrative"...In looking at this, it is clear that the White House makes it known that the direction of issues and the news on policy is dictated by the White House. It is expected to be repeated and no deviation from the White House dictate will be tolerated.
For over 4 years we have seen the main stream media coddle and protect Obama.
Now one of their own has gone off the reservation. Blasphemy!
Hence the reason for the threat "you could regret this"...
This is the opening.
I expect the White House to go into full combat alert.
It is my hope that Obama loses his cool in public. Because right now I believe the man is fuming.
When the peacock gets a feather plucked, you should see how quickly the rest get ruffled. But that's just the way extreme narcissist's are.

And the WH hatchet man was ? « Hot Air

This White House has become quite accustomed to being the darling of the media's eye ever since Obama announced for the presidency with his benefactor and financier George Soros sitting right there at his knee. They get very outraged when some reporter leaves the reservation, and to have the reporter who strayed off the reservation being Bob Woodward. Oh! My!

Obama is black. The MSM swooned and fell head over heels in love with him on the basis of that alone. You had to know that the minute you saw the either Time or Newseek, April 2008 magazine cover on which his Dumbo's ears had been photoshopped back to smaller than normal. The media's love affair with Obama was grander than grand at that minute in time.

Then his homosexual bent blew the media's titillation needle right off the meter. The love affair then became wilder than any adolescent's first love affair ever recorded on this planet. The heat was on. Pfizer has a legal obligation to warn its Viagra users of erections of the severity the media was experiencing, but the MSM just didn't care. They wore theirs as badges of honor.

Then his hard line political philosophies as a committed Communits sealed the deal permanently, in effect putting the Media's version Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur on this Leftie for eternity. This media love affair was never going to die.

After Barry took his recent "Weekend with the boys", Tiger and possibly Reggie, the whole media pack acted like jilted lovers sulking around in the shadows at their ex lover's home jealously trying to peer in the windows in order to see what was going on inside.

Claim: Obama hid ?gay life? to become president
He was a lot better then the idiot we have now.

now that's funny. that's a joke right? it has to be. Obama is leaps and bounds better than any GOP knuckledragger we have seen in 40 years.

Lets not forget, under Obama we were not losing 800k jobs a Fing month. Did you forget that already?
Well now that the emails are out and this whole uproar has been proven to be a farce,

will the OP and all the others who lied about it please apologize?

Show some character? Character is free.

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