Obama: You Oppose Climate Initiatives Because They’re Confused, Blind, Haters, Racists, Mommy Issues

Really? You got the WHOLE PLAN did ya? What pray tell are these miracle "off the shelf" technologies that could reduce CO2 emissions by 30% if it wasn't for Mommy Issues? And why didn't he TELL US what these miracle developments were exactly?

I think he didn't spell out whether he was talking about "wind and solar" or nuclear. Probably because HE's the one with the confusion, mommy issues, and hatred of technology...
What pray tell are these miracle "off the shelf" technologies that could reduce CO2 emissions by 30% if it wasn't for Mommy Issues?
I'm supposed to look this up for you? No, I'm not your mommy. And you're a denier anyway. Waste someone else's time.
.it's not isolation--it's our POTUS finally protecting America from getting fked economically by these other countries--and they don't like it
Trump pulling the US out of multilateral climate treaties is isolating America, which is long term better for the rest of the world.
How else is one to perceive your political leanings when you make a remark to substantiate Obama's claim that conservatives " Oppose Climate Initiatives Because They’re Confused, Blind, Haters, Racists, Mommy Issues"?

How else was I to interpret "One has only to see the responses here", other than you were in agreement with what Obama said?
One could look at my location.

Really? You got the WHOLE PLAN did ya? What pray tell are these miracle "off the shelf" technologies that could reduce CO2 emissions by 30% if it wasn't for Mommy Issues? And why didn't he TELL US what these miracle developments were exactly?

I think he didn't spell out whether he was talking about "wind and solar" or nuclear. Probably because HE's the one with the confusion, mommy issues, and hatred of technology...

There were approximately 35 or so "green energy" companies that absconded with $150 billion dollars of taxpayer's money, then went tits up. Overall, Obama's "climate initiative" would have reduced the level of greenhouse gasses by 1%.
What pray tell are these miracle "off the shelf" technologies that could reduce CO2 emissions by 30% if it wasn't for Mommy Issues?
I'm supposed to look this up for you? No, I'm not your mommy. And you're a denier anyway. Waste someone else's time.

Appears you wasted your time. Or Obama wasted it for you -- if you don't KNOW what miracle technologies he was referring to that he FAILED to implement in 8 years because of all those "racists and haters"..

Sounds a lot like the 278 excuses Hillary has made famous on HER excuse tour..

Go ahead --- take a GUESS at what your Dear Leader was talking about when he said it could all be fixed with "off the shelf" technology except for :auiqs.jpg: "racists and haters and folks with Mommy issues"...

Seems a long stretch to invoke racism over a SECRET TECHNOLOGY he won't talk about -- doesn't it?
Topic is Obama's comments on alternative energy and his characterization of why he didn't get his way.

NOT his race or foreign policy.

The OP mentioned race in the title….

But we’re not supposed to talk about race in the thread?
What pray tell are these miracle "off the shelf" technologies that could reduce CO2 emissions by 30% if it wasn't for Mommy Issues?
I'm supposed to look this up for you? No, I'm not your mommy. And you're a denier anyway. Waste someone else's time.

Appears you wasted your time. Or Obama wasted it for you -- if you don't KNOW what miracle technologies he was referring to that he FAILED to implement in 8 years because of all those "racists and haters"..

Sounds a lot like the 278 excuses Hillary has made famous on HER excuse tour..

Go ahead --- take a GUESS at what your Dear Leader was talking about when he said it could all be fixed with "off the shelf" technology except for :auiqs.jpg: "racists and haters and folks with Mommy issues"...

Seems a long stretch to invoke racism over a SECRET TECHNOLOGY he won't talk about -- doesn't it?

Of course he never said any such thing. Not even close.

What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.
Topic is Obama's comments on alternative energy and his characterization of why he didn't get his way.

NOT his race or foreign policy.

The OP mentioned race in the title….

But we’re not supposed to talk about race in the thread?

Excuses for his failure to launch all these secret solutions is not the main topic. It's childish baiting. I can't toss a thread to Badlands for baiting if an EX PREZ is a race baiter, but I can enforce the ON-TOPIC rules for discussing this as a UNIQUE "current event"...

Don't reply to Mod messages. If you want to discuss -- open a PM..

What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:
What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.
What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.

Germany is BEGGING for nat gas from ANYWHERE, because they've already overbuilt the maximum grid stable amounts of wind and solar. Want to see solar in Germany???


People there are gonna go bankrupt first then die in the winter. Solar can't be efficient in most of Germany. And wind is a fucking joke for an industrialized nation..

It's CLEAR that most technology phobic leftists fear nuclear more than GW. That's telling in itself. If we can't handle the 0.7 ounces of waste per household per year -- we're not being driven enough to do that.

What is the half-life of the heavy metals and toxics from all those battery powered cars? Clue -- It's longer than the 1/2 life of spent nuclear fuel..
What was mentioned was that a portfolio of renewable resources could work with to reduce the need for and possibly even supplant fossil fuels. This would include wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, hydro electric along with the emerging technologies like they have out in Nevada (powers about 40,000 houses currently) where the sun’s rays are focused to heat water that will convert to steam then electricity from the turbines they turn.

He did not SAY "renewables" --- because he knows, that won't fly. Of all the things you mentioned as "renewable" they all have SERIOUS problems and limitations for ON grid generation.

Hydro is no longer considered green. See the Sierra club and other orgs that PUSHED for hydro in the 30s and 40s...

Geothermal is actually a very dirty MINING OPERATION very similar to fracking and is NOT REALLY "renewable". The wells peter out over time, the toxic brine eats the plumbing and NEW holes and plants need to be built.

Tidal SOUNDS green until you see the ginorous weed eater type turbines they want to place in sensitive coastal waters. Or as they are doing in UK building WALLS and natural barriers and damage PRIME ESTUARY outlets to the ocean and bays. It's NOT clean or enviromentally friendly..

What else ya got??

I thought he might be talking about 3rd gen nuclear power which produces ZERO toxic emissions and you can power a large house with about a AAA battery sized chunk of fuel for an entire year. New designs can be buried, don't have to be water cooled. Fuel is designed to be handled easier.

MAJOR climate change scientists are in favor of nuclear. James Hansen the Chief GW Activist in a labcoat has said that "if you believe you're gonna solve Global Warming with JUST solar and wind -- you might as well believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny"... I'll go with the GW zealot on that one.. :badgrin:

I favor nuke as well. We’ve had them in ships for upwards of 60 years now in the harshest conditions the earth has. As long as you have USN style safeguards—I favor the USN actually managing all of the plants myself so you have professionals running the show wall to wall.

Germany gets 30% of it’s power from renewables and that percentage is growing. Obama wanted to duplicate that here. At some point we will have to despite your crying.

Germany is BEGGING for nat gas from ANYWHERE, because they've already overbuilt the maximum grid stable amounts of wind and solar. Want to see solar in Germany???


People there are gonna go bankrupt first then die in the winter. Solar can't be efficient in most of Germany. And wind is a fucking joke for an industrialized nation..

It's CLEAR that most technology phobic leftists fear nuclear more than GW. That's telling in itself. If we can't handle the 0.7 ounces of waste per household per year -- we're not being driven enough to do that.

What is the half-life of the heavy metals and toxics from all those battery powered cars? Clue -- It's longer than the 1/2 life of spent nuclear fuel..
Would that be the same Germany that rduced its emissions 27%+, using existing technology? Asking for a friend.
if you don't KNOW what miracle technologies he was referring to
But I do...you don't, so you begged me to tell you, remember?

Just listened to the minute and 1/2 again. You're gonna have to give me the time code where the words "renewables" came up. It's not there. It's a baiting hissy fit because HE doesn't understand electrical energy generation issues and he wants to blame it on ---- well --- all those things that PREVENTED HIM from making his "secret" plan work for 8 years.

Why doesn't he talk to you like an adult and make a case for his plan? WhateverTFuck it is?
You're gonna have to give me the time code where the words "renewables" came up. It's not there.
So, therefore, not at all what he meant, by your contrived, overwrought logic. Sorry dude, that logic is all yours, don't expect other rational people to agree with that nonsense.

Why doesn't he talk to you like an adult and make a case for his plan?
He does. As it turns out, that is not the only talk or speech Obama has given, nor the only internet content he has generated. Maybe you didn't know that.

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