Obama, Your Bitch Is Our Dictator

Do you understand how Morsi came into power?
Do you understand how Morsi came into power?

Through popular election. The Muslim Brotherhood has long been the main opposition party to the NDP. I don't think the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power following the revolution shocked anyone who had been paying attention to Egypt. It was the expected outcome.
Do you understand how Morsi came into power?

Because the previous dictator was profoundly corrupt and killed his opponents?

Obama supported the ouster of Mubarak without thinking of the consequences of a more militant Islamic regime.

Considering his "not taking a stand" leading from behind stance regarding other countries (the aborted revolution in Iran, for one)...his support of Morsi stands out.

The Egyptians think Obama contributed to the Muslim Brotherhood taking power; and for Obama, perception is all he has.
Do you understand how Morsi came into power?

Because the previous dictator was profoundly corrupt and killed his opponents?

Obama supported the ouster of Mubarak without thinking of the consequences of a more militant Islamic regime.

Considering his "not taking a stand" leading from behind stance regarding other countries (the aborted revolution in Iran, for one)...his support of Morsi stands out.

The Egyptians think Obama contributed to the Muslim Brotherhood taking power; and for Obama, perception is all he has.

They're all going to be militant. I don't want any Americans endangered anymore in the middle eastern powder keg. They'll always find a reason to hate America.
You mistake pointing out that the Egyptians blame Obama for advocacy of military intervention.

You also don't grok that the banners are Anti Obama, not Anti America.
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I wonder what happened to that poor kids body who got killed a few days ago, did Obama comment on that:eusa_eh:

Nope. He was too busy posing at the take Slavery memorial and trying to position himself as the heir to Nelson Mandela's legacy.

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