Obamacare Failures Leaving Democrats Very Vulnerable in 2014

Last month (December) 34 times as many Americans applied for gun registration than applied for Obamacare. It is not certain, but considered highly unlikely, that any of the same number applied for both.

The ACA made Dems vulnerable in 2010. What did that election give us? The usual GOP overreach, leading to a good year for Dems in 2012.

If 2014 is a good year for the GOP, I suspect the same thing will happen to the GOP, a party which doesn't learn lessons (even the Iraq War is defended to this day by most of them) and they'll do all kinds of wackadoodle things that scare most US voters, making 2016 a good year for Dems, and Hillary especially.
What failures? Enrollment just reached 3 million.

Well lets see, didn't obama say there were 40 million uninsured? Plus the people that lost their insurance, because of obamacare. 3 million enrolled sucks and so does obama.
What failures? Enrollment just reached 3 million.

Well lets see, didn't obama say there were 40 million uninsured? Plus the people that lost their insurance, because of obamacare. 3 million enrolled sucks and so does obama.

The goal was 7 million enrolling with the marketplace by the end of march.

The vast majority of Americans either

A. Are covered by their parents insurance
B. Are covered by Medicare
C. Are covered by their employer

There is really only a minority of the population that has no access to healthcare at all. Those are the targets, and a good chunk of them are now receiving Medicaid.

The 3 million enrolled in private insurance through the marketplace is rather encouraging.
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The GOP has completely tied its future to Obamacare. They better be working as hard as they can to tank it because if it works out what in the world are they going to do?
What failures? Enrollment just reached 3 million.

Well lets see, didn't obama say there were 40 million uninsured? Plus the people that lost their insurance, because of obamacare. 3 million enrolled sucks and so does obama.

The goal was 7 million enrolling with the marketplace by the end of march.

The vast majority of Americans either

A. Are covered by their parents insurance
B. Are covered by Medicare
C. Are covered by their employer

There is really only a minority of the population that has no access to healthcare at all. Those are the targets, and a good chunk of them are now receiving Medicaid.

The 3 million enrolled in private insurance through the marketplace is rather encouraging.

By obama's own numbers, there are 37 million uninsured.
The GOP has completely tied its future to Obamacare. They better be working as hard as they can to tank it because if it works out what in the world are they going to do?
The full messure of the Obamacare calamity is not yet appreciated, it will fester! All the liberals supported it - they will reap their just rewards. !
Obamacare Failures Leaving Democrats Very Vulnerable in 2014

"Very Vulnerable" is a stupid comment. But, yes, the GOP has a chance to take the Senate.

But it must sincerely reach out to women and minorities.

No more Huckabee or Rush stupidities.

The far right TeaPs are more vulnerable than the run of the mill Dems holding offices.

Let's primary in only those who can truly compete with the Dems.
2014 mid-terms will determine how well obamacare is doing. All the dems up fpr reelection are scattering like roaches when the light comes on.
What failures? Enrollment just reached 3 million.

Which means not even 1% of the country has enrolled. Are you retarded? :lol:

We're not talking about 100% of the country. We're talking about 48 million uninsured. So, now there are 3 million less. Is that hard to understand? You were saying something about being retarded?
Of the millions and millions and millions the Left proudly says have signed up for insurance.
How many completed the process of actually paying for and receiving a policy.
I heard that there are still many problems at the back end of getting the money to the Insurance companies...

And how many of those signed up are "paying customers"...not receiving subsidies which the taxpayers are on the hook for?
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The GOP has completely tied its future to Obamacare. They better be working as hard as they can to tank it because if it works out what in the world are they going to do?

That isn't something they'll have to worry about. It wasn't designed to work. It will fail all on its own without their help.

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