Obamacare sends health premiums skyrocketing by as much as 78 percent


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a newly releasedstudy
of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average
premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent.

insurance premiums in the sought-after 23-year-old demographic rose
most dramatically, with men in that age group seeing an average 78.2
percent price increase before factoring in government
subsidies, and women having their premiums rise 44.9 percent, according
to a report by HealthPocket scheduled for release Wednesday.



Huh, does it not quite fit with the promises does it? Listen to the morons clapping at his speeches.

What has been the overall increase in premiums?

Especially for those who were formerly uninsurable?
Good for you for getting this in the correct forum = ObamaCare.

Oh wait.

Never mind.

You got that wrong too.
This is actually the Affordable Care Act. Any "study" that refers to Obamacare and appears in the Washington Times is automatically suspect and probably skewed to make Republicans happy.
When and if the rates are raised, it is not done by the president or the govt. it's for profits companies that raise the rates..
The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a newly releasedstudy
of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average
premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent.

Let me get this straight.....you mean to tell me that now that we're forced to buy what they are selling, these companies are running rough shod over us and increasing their prices at will to never before seen highs? Well gee, who would have seen that one coming?
The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a newly releasedstudy
of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average
premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent.

Let me get this straight.....you mean to tell me that now that we're forced to buy what they are selling, these companies are running rough shod over us and increasing their prices at will to never before seen highs? Well gee, who would have seen that one coming?

We were always forced to buy what the insurance companies were selling. The difference now is that its less expensive and the benefits are better.
Since that age group is least likely to use their insurance, Obamacare desperately NEEDS them to buy in. Oops.
We were always forced to buy what the insurance companies were selling. The difference now is that its less expensive and the benefits are better.

No we were not forced to buy health insurance. Premiums have increases, certainly not cheaper. Benefits are not better, and deductables are actually up for most.
Average insurance premiums in the sought-after 23-year-old demographic rose most dramatically, with men in that age group seeing an average 78.2 percent price increase before factoring in government subsidies

So these young men have to buy real life insurance and not get away with socializing the risk on the rest of us instead of pocketing the privatized profit. Good.

In other words, they have to pay for themselves.
Hey voters! Obamabots are still proud of forcing people to buy insurance and claim it is a great plan. Think on that in the voting booth.
Hey voters! Obamabots are still proud of forcing people to buy insurance and claim it is a great plan. Think on that in the voting booth.

There is truth in this. I knew that ACA would be passed as soon as I saw that Obama was going to win his first election. I immediately bought $5,000 of a mutual fund of health insurers. It is worth $14,000 today. Of course, if it had been a single payer system, I would not have done nearly as well. Thanks republicans!
Democrats are also proud to be back in Iraq, bringing Ebola to America and historically high unemployment. How much more help do you want from them?
The Affordable Care Act was supposed to make health care more affordable, but a newly releasedstudy
of insurance policies before and after Obamacare shows that average
premiums have skyrocketed, for some groups by as much as 78 percent.

Let me get this straight.....you mean to tell me that now that we're forced to buy what they are selling, these companies are running rough shod over us and increasing their prices at will to never before seen highs? Well gee, who would have seen that one coming?

We were always forced to buy what the insurance companies were selling. The difference now is that its less expensive and the benefits are better.

Ah, no...Luddley...we were not forced to buy anything before. If you didn't want to have any insurance that was your right. If you wanted a high deductible catastrophic plan that was your option. You don't have either of those rights now. You either get insured with a plan that they approve of or you face the wrath of the IRS and the Federal Government.

As for the cost? If you are an average Middle Class American your health care costs are going to go up rather substantially. Why? Because the insurance companies are going to pass along the cost of those "better benefits" for people who have preexisting conditions.

If you are a lower income person then you like ObamaCare because the massive increase in insurance premiums will be picked up by the Federal Government...which means the average Middle Class American's taxes will either go up or we'll be going much further in debt as a nation.

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