Why I carry a handgun, 2024

Oh boy. Breaking you down into a quivering little crybaby might be the easiest task on the planet.

As if your assailant would even need a gun....haha
I'm sure you would be embarrassed if this were to become common knowledge, but are you sure you're not a democrat? You're really acting like one lately, so you might want to check on that.
Isn't it awesome that she has that choice? Other elderly women living alone might choose to protect themselves. You should not have the right to deny them that choice. What, you hate elderly women or something?

Do you still pull your gun when kids go on your lawn because you feel threatened?
Moments ago I had to have a little talk (and a short review) with the wife and my oldest son about keeping the fixed blades I have given and trained them on with them at all times.
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I don't have any guns to pull. I just use my ninja moves to threaten them. You know, like a real liberal man will do.
Dumbwinger screeches like a banshee, then shits himself.

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