Why I carry a handgun, 2024

How do they do that?

You could always protest by not carrying one, you know. In fact, make your protest known by stapling a sign to your back stating that you are most certainly NOT carrying a weapon and will instead fight your way out of any conflict with an armed assailant. I'm sure you will be lauded for taking such a stance.
I carry a Big Stick with a nail on it

Nobody Fuks with me
Have you always been such a sissy or only when you became a conservative?
Tell that to the elderly lady next door that just wants to be independent for a few more years. You going to protect her with your tiny fists of fury?
Anyone who has been in a fight knows it's not like what you see in the movies where the hero makes a few superhuman moves, knocks the bad guys flat who attack one at a time, then walks off unscathed with the girl. Even if you win a fight, you can get hurt, sometimes badly. We don't expect elderly ladies who just want to be free to live alone to fight off a home intruder in the middle of the night with hand-to-hand combat moves. We also don't expect young ladies who just want to be out for the evening with their friends to fight off an attacker in order to avoid being sexually assaulted.

Even in the "wild west", where a man was expected to defend himself physically, he was pretty much expected to carry a handgun.

In other words, you agree with what I said.
We need to tell those little old ladies who want to live on their own for a few years yet to just toughen up and learn Karate. And don't forget the young ladies who just want to have fun with their friends without some creep dragging them into the bushes for an assault. They need to learn the ninja moves too.

IOW, it's far more than just men who want protection.

What I'm reading is that YOU are a little old lady.
In other words, you agree with what I said.
If by "agree with what you said", I think it's kind of foolish to strut around thinking you can easily fight off an armed attacker without getting hurt yourself, sure.
Do you have a problem with little old ladies? Did one hurt you or something? It sounds like you think it's an insult.

Hey, if you're too frail to stand up for yourself I don't blame you for exercising your 2nd Amendment rights. Good luck, little lady.
Hey, if you're too frail to stand up for yourself I don't blame you for exercising your 2nd Amendment rights. Good luck, little lady.
Hey, good luck fighting off that Saturday Night Special with your tiny fists of fury. Do you tell them to not shoot until you get close enough for your flying feet to connect or what?
Hey, good luck fighting off that Saturday Night Special with your tiny fists of fury. Do you tell them to not shoot until you get close enough for your flying feet to connect or what?

Actually, I exercise situational awareness, most people grasp at a glance not to fuck around, and I am known in most places I'm likely to be. Beyond that, life doesn't come with guarantees. If I stop posting here, feel free to say "I told you so," pussy.
They usually do leave the crazy looking ones alone. Yet there you are, carrying a weapon around in polite society, giving the lie to your protests.
Only a Pussy needs to carry a gun in public
Only a Pussy needs to carry a gun in public
And this is a perfect example of why people don't take anti-gunners seriously. Tell us from the ICU how it goes the next time you tell an elderly southern lady you disrespect her carrying a weapon.
Actually, I exercise situational awareness, most people grasp at a glance not to fuck around, and I am known in most places I'm likely to be. Beyond that, life doesn't come with guarantees. If I stop posting here, feel free to say "I told you so," pussy.
Wow, from where did you get the idea that trying to insult me is a good debate tactic? You claim to be a schoolteacher, yet you write like a special needs student, or maybe a 5-year-old who just discovered insults and thinks he wins arguments with them. Tell a fart joke, we might laugh.
And this is a perfect example of why people don't take anti-gunners seriously. Tell us from the ICU how it goes the next time you tell an elderly southern lady you disrespect her carrying a weapon.

You sound Skeered!

My 93 year old mother walks around without a gun
But she is not a pussy like you are

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