Obamacare struck down as unconstitutional disaster

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The US District Court for the Northern District of Texas has ruled that the Affordable Care Act, widely known as Obamacare, must be scrapped, raising concerns that 20 million US citizens might be stripped of insurance coverage as a result.
‘Obamacare Struck Down as Unconstitutional Disaster’ – Trump

Oh the Obama bootie lickers are going to hate this because their hero is getting caught . But his crap lickers will bow down and say allah Obama is my master I will do as he obeys including throw my kid out the window to prove my love for Obama !! OMFG ..


'Obamacare Struck Down as Unconstitutional Disaster' - Trump
It all goes back to John Roberts calling Obama Care premiums a "tax" when not even Obama lawyers themselves
would make that claim. He is as responsible for the horrific law as Obama and his minions were.
The entire white elephant has been a frickin' disaster from the start.
Deconstruct it and start again using sound market based principles instead of socialist bullshit.
It will be called the end of the GOP. LOL, be careful what you ask for!

By the way Mitch and Paul could never figure health ins out, and Chuck and Nancy will make the ACA even stronger, but leave it to the Dems, they got brains and the GOP got the men.
I've already merged 6 threads on this topic in Healthcare

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