Obamacare was not a solution


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.

There is no way they ever intended Obamacare to work. It was lousy from the very start. Big Pharms were in on it. It was nothing more than a gateway entitlement that would lead to more government control. Get their supporters hooked on yet another freebie, knowing it would crash and burn. It was always intended to open the door for single payer.

There were so many new taxes in the law. Bad enough that people were forced to buy it or forced to pay a hefty fine. They also added taxes to selling your home and other things. Huge money grab and they still couldn't fund all the promises. They wanted real time access to our bank accounts. Talk about a nightmare. When government screws up, and they do a lot, correcting their mistakes is no easy task.

Having the IRS in charge of it made it worse. People already fear the IRS, as they do government. So true that when government fears the people, we have freedom. When people fear the government, we have tyranny. And people do fear government these days because they've made so many bullshit laws that virtually anyone can be found in violation of at least one without even realizing it. It's an old but effective trick to ensure that dissenters are not a problem for dictators.

Obamacare, and most other liberal plans, are all about control and wealth redistribution. Whether you look at their failed policies to elevate the poor to climate change solutions to Obamacare, you see more control and more money out of your pocket.
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.

There is no way they ever intended Obamacare to work. It was lousy from the very start. Big Pharms were in on it. It was nothing more than a gateway entitlement that would lead to more government control. Get their supporters hooked on yet another freebie, knowing it would crash and burn. It was always intended to open the door for single payer.

There were so many new taxes in the law. Bad enough that people were forced to buy it or forced to pay a hefty fine. They also added taxes to selling your home and other things. Huge money grab and they still couldn't fund all the promises. They wanted real time access to our bank accounts. Talk about a nightmare. When government screws up, and they do a lot, correcting their mistakes is no easy task.

Having the IRS in charge of it made it worse. People already fear the IRS, as they do government. So true that when government fears the people, we have freedom. When people fear the government, we have tyranny. And people do fear government these days because they've made so many bullshit laws that virtually anyone can be found in violation of at least one without even realizing it. It's an old but effective trick to ensure that dissenters are not a problem for dictators.

Obamacare, and most other liberal plans, are all about control and wealth redistribution. Whether you look at their failed policies to elevate the poor to climate change solutions to Obamacare, you see more control and more money out of your pocket.
You are right in your analysis but wrong in your conclusion. The problem with the Affordable Care Act is that it attempts to guarantee health insurance and not health care for all. Government health care is a socialist system and the USA is too much in thrall to the free market and the power of corporations that a nationalized health care system is out-of-the-question.
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.

There is no way they ever intended Obamacare to work. It was lousy from the very start. Big Pharms were in on it. It was nothing more than a gateway entitlement that would lead to more government control. Get their supporters hooked on yet another freebie, knowing it would crash and burn. It was always intended to open the door for single payer.

There were so many new taxes in the law. Bad enough that people were forced to buy it or forced to pay a hefty fine. They also added taxes to selling your home and other things. Huge money grab and they still couldn't fund all the promises. They wanted real time access to our bank accounts. Talk about a nightmare. When government screws up, and they do a lot, correcting their mistakes is no easy task.

Having the IRS in charge of it made it worse. People already fear the IRS, as they do government. So true that when government fears the people, we have freedom. When people fear the government, we have tyranny. And people do fear government these days because they've made so many bullshit laws that virtually anyone can be found in violation of at least one without even realizing it. It's an old but effective trick to ensure that dissenters are not a problem for dictators.

Obamacare, and most other liberal plans, are all about control and wealth redistribution. Whether you look at their failed policies to elevate the poor to climate change solutions to Obamacare, you see more control and more money out of your pocket.
You are right in your analysis but wrong in your conclusion. The problem with the Affordable Care Act is that it attempts to guarantee health insurance and not health care for all. Government health care is a socialist system and the USA is too much in thrall to the free market and the power of corporations that a nationalized health care system is out-of-the-question.
Single payer systems don't require federalization of private health care providers.

Maybe I'm missing your point.

The primary mistake we must avoid is killing what we have withou there being a replacement system fully designed and ready yo go.

Some congressman recently claimed that if we simply deleted the ACA we would go back to what we had before. That is totally false. Before the ACA we had a system that had extensive regulation on health care and health care coverage. Much, but probably not all that regulation no longer exists outside of the ACA, so deleting the ACA would delete chunks of health care law from before the ACA. The previous system grew organically, with decades of changes and additions.

If we want to go to what we had before, legislators would need to look through history to find what it was that we had, determine if it still made sense (due to changes in health care technology, our HIPAA expectations, etc, and then write and pass legislation to put that into effect.

Regardless of what we do, we can not proceed to legislation without having a clear definition of our new system.
It offered some good things but no it wasn't the solution...Single payer was...

Of course, in your mind watching 40,000 people die yearly is a good thing.
There never were 46 million uninsured Americans. Total lie!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

Add up the numbers and YOU don't have ANYWHERE close to 46 million uninsured!
I'm sure Obamacare will kick in any day now with fixes for all this.

Six years the Republicans have had to provide a different plan. SIX YEARS. So righties have no room to complain. Their representatives don't want to repeal Obamacare or else they are too fucking stupid to figure out a better plan.
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.

funny....the right thought it was a great solution when the heritage foundation designed it.

so much so that mitt romney used it as his showcase program.

what are you talking about $300 per month in profit per person? you're pulling numbers from your butt. you do realize that insurance companies set the prices, right? :cuckoo:
Everything is out of control with healthcare, the companies are allowed to raise prices on everything.

The Democrats claim to want to control "capitalism" but what they did was enshrine greed by passing Obamacare. It's technically fascism, a monopoly given to a cartel by the government.

With all the problems the healthcare system their big solution was to FORCE every working person to buy health insurance.

You can listen to all the mumbo jumbo you want, the bottom line is they want to force working people to buy insurance to sustain the healthcare companies, then pick and choose who gets near-free service.

The insurance companies run everything by zip code, if you're in suburbia you pay the highest rates, if you're in Beverly Hills you pay the capped price, then get REAL health care with additional charges, if you're in Compton , eventually many would get free coverage.

The American insurance business is a great racket. You shuffle money around at high profit, then when there's a disaster you go to the federal government and get a tax-payer bail out.


Forcing people to buy insurance is unconstitutional.

In California the law says you can post your own bond for car insurance. Ask yourself why the law says that. The answer is because when they told people to buy car insurance, THEY KNEW forcing people to buy insurance was unconstitutional.

I sent an email to 2 insurance companies. One told me they don't sell that kind of bond, the other told me I had to pay $50,000 for the bond, plus a $50,000 fee.

They bottom line is, they want their monthly payments.


Obamacare was never a solution for anything.

$300 bucks per month from every working person is a staggering amount of profit.

It's the worse piece of anti-American legislation of our generation.

There is no way they ever intended Obamacare to work. It was lousy from the very start. Big Pharms were in on it. It was nothing more than a gateway entitlement that would lead to more government control. Get their supporters hooked on yet another freebie, knowing it would crash and burn. It was always intended to open the door for single payer.

There were so many new taxes in the law. Bad enough that people were forced to buy it or forced to pay a hefty fine. They also added taxes to selling your home and other things. Huge money grab and they still couldn't fund all the promises. They wanted real time access to our bank accounts. Talk about a nightmare. When government screws up, and they do a lot, correcting their mistakes is no easy task.

Having the IRS in charge of it made it worse. People already fear the IRS, as they do government. So true that when government fears the people, we have freedom. When people fear the government, we have tyranny. And people do fear government these days because they've made so many bullshit laws that virtually anyone can be found in violation of at least one without even realizing it. It's an old but effective trick to ensure that dissenters are not a problem for dictators.

Obamacare, and most other liberal plans, are all about control and wealth redistribution. Whether you look at their failed policies to elevate the poor to climate change solutions to Obamacare, you see more control and more money out of your pocket.
You are right in your analysis but wrong in your conclusion. The problem with the Affordable Care Act is that it attempts to guarantee health insurance and not health care for all. Government health care is a socialist system and the USA is too much in thrall to the free market and the power of corporations that a nationalized health care system is out-of-the-question.
Single payer systems don't require federalization of private health care providers.

Maybe I'm missing your point.

The primary mistake we must avoid is killing what we have withou there being a replacement system fully designed and ready yo go.

Some congressman recently claimed that if we simply deleted the ACA we would go back to what we had before. That is totally false. Before the ACA we had a system that had extensive regulation on health care and health care coverage. Much, but probably not all that regulation no longer exists outside of the ACA, so deleting the ACA would delete chunks of health care law from before the ACA. The previous system grew organically, with decades of changes and additions.

If we want to go to what we had before, legislators would need to look through history to find what it was that we had, determine if it still made sense (due to changes in health care technology, our HIPAA expectations, etc, and then write and pass legislation to put that into effect.

Regardless of what we do, we can not proceed to legislation without having a clear definition of our new system.
I do believe a federal health care system is beyond conceivably to ,ost Americans who prefer to leave health care to private insurance and medical corporations.
I'm sure Obamacare will kick in any day now with fixes for all this.

Six years the Republicans have had to provide a different plan. SIX YEARS. So righties have no room to complain. Their representatives don't want to repeal Obamacare or else they are too fucking stupid to figure out a better plan.

Why are you libs so angry? Well other than losing the election and having to put up with Trump taking a sledgehammer to Obama's legacy every day, oh wait, never mind.
I do believe a federal health care system is beyond conceivably to ,ost Americans who prefer to leave health care to private insurance and medical corporations.
I'm not so sure.

We already have one - Medicare.

Plus, if we do something close to one that exists it should be possible to sell since there would be working examples.

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