Obamacare worries are over


Feb 14, 2011
I did a quick spin around some news sites and saw little to nothing about O-care. Apparently the troubles have passed. As you were. Nothing else to see here.
To me it looks like maybe news directors saw Obama's sinking approval ratings -- including his personal likability ratings -- and decided it was time to start focusing on other subjects.

But that couldn't be. I'm sure it's just that there's more pressing news elsewhere. :eusa_snooty:

... Actually, I don't think their bias is so conscious that they would do that on purpose. I think they just don't salivate over Obama's bad numbers they way they did over Bush's and thus don't think they're as newsworthy. It might make them a little uncomfortable so they look for an easier story to tell and that takes them to other subjects. They probably weren't intentionally talking down Bush and the economy back in 2004 through 2006. I don't think they're that aware of how they make decisions about what needs to be reported.

"The mystery of the ObamaCare covergirl took yet another strange turn over the weekend, when her smiling face was replaced by a far less intriguing quartet of icons.

The smiling brunette touched off a frenzied hunt, especially after White House officials refused to divulge her name. As frustration with the beleaguered Healthcare.gov website mounted, she became known on the Internet as “Glitch Girl.”

Sometime on Sunday, her visage was replaced by the helpful icons, which show the four ways people can learn about President Obama’s signature health law – by talking on the phone, going to the website (that they are presumably already on), writing a letter or chatting with friends.

For now, the ObamaCare covergirl, whose identity was sought in vain by dozens of media outlets, remains a secret. It’s not clear why the site was stripped of a human face, but it is possible misguided vitriol on the web prompted the move for her own protection – whoever she is. Tweets, digitally-altered copycat sites and blogposts were becoming downright cruel toward a woman who may have simply long ago signed a release that allowed her to become the new face of futility.

Plot thickens: Mystery ObamaCare covergirl erased from website | Fox News
:redface: I really was puzzled by the lack of coverage. I visited several sites and saw only one story and that one was in the 2nd tier of info. :)

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