ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
How does it feel to be Duped by you own President and then talked down to like HOW DARE you be upset? people should be up in arms over this and calling for him to be, Impeached and jailed


How the Affordable Care Act raises prices and limits medical choices.

Nov. 29, 2013 7:05 p.m. ET

Even as President Obama reluctantly granted Americans thrown off their health plans quasi-permission to possibly keep them, he called them "the folks who, over time, I think, are going to find that the marketplaces are better." He means the ObamaCare exchanges that are replacing the private insurance market, adding that "it's important that we don't pretend that somehow that's a place worth going back to."

Easy for him to say. The reason this furor will continue even if the website is fixed is that the public is learning that ObamaCare's insurance costs more in return for worse coverage.

Mr. Obama and his liberal allies call the old plans "substandard," but he doesn't mean from the perspective of the consumers who bought them. He means people were free to choose insurance that wasn't designed to serve his social equity and income redistribution goals. In his view, many people must pay first-class fares for coach seats so others can pay less and receive extra benefits.

Liberals justify these coercive cross-subsidies as necessary to finance coverage for the uninsured and those with pre-existing conditions. But government usually helps the less fortunate honestly by raising taxes to fund programs. In summer 2009, Senate Democrats put out such a bill, and the $1.6 trillion sticker shock led them to hide the transfers by forcing people to buy overpriced products.

This political mugging is especially unfair to the people whose plans on the current individual market are being taken away. The majority of these consumers are self-employed or small-business owners. They're middle class, rarely affluent. They took responsibility for their care without government aid, and unlike people in the job-based system, they paid with after-tax dollars.

all of it here
Review & Outlook: ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse - WSJ.com
Of course they are WORSE.

they are very limited in the choice of providers - how can one expect for the obamacare plans to be good when they are limited by default?

only brainless leftard idiots can
The strategy of the Republicans concerning Obamacare is to win the House, Senate and Presidency in 2016 and repeal the ACA.

Until then the current law, ACA, will be in force with changes proposed by Democrats and opposed by the Republicans resulting in no changes adopted even if the proposals improved the ACA.

Question is what happens if the ACA is overturned in post 2016?
The strategy of the Republicans concerning Obamacare is to win the House, Senate and Presidency in 2016 and repeal the ACA.

Until then the current law, ACA, will be in force with changes proposed by Democrats and opposed by the Republicans resulting in no changes adopted even if the proposals improved the ACA.

Question is what happens if the ACA is overturned in post 2016?

that is NOT the question.

it needs to be repealed FIRST and foremost.
Looks like somebody is worried about tomorrow but it ain't Democrats..
The Dems are freakin' out that some of the somnambulant masses who support Obama and the Pravda Press are finally realizing they've been lied to.

But useful idiots like Moonglow will remain in denial in the face of Cascading ObamaCare Failure Facts.

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