

VIP Member
Feb 26, 2014
Barack lives in his fairy tale la la land. He wants free community college and he's gonna tax the rich to get it. It's so obvious he is attacking the GOP who are well off. Taking credit for fixing the economy...I don't see it. How did he convince the oil companies to lower gas prices? And more jobs..? Could it be people were so bummed being out of work they took the first available job and are now earning lower wages in a job that they havn't trained for or studied in college for? He says he'll veto anything( wait and see, probably everything)he doesn't like. So I guess there will be no working together in Congress. Obama's been driving the bus for two election cycles waving his imaginary magical wand as if he believes he's Harry Potter. There's no working with him. Also he seems to be oblivious to our nations problems and the world's. Can't wait to see what he does out of office...not. Soon Barack's wild ride will be over.

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