

Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Obamamarket - the rich get richer


Not only is the market at record levels...
Click here: Dow Jones industrial average closes at a record; S&P 500 just shy of its own all-time high - The Washington Post

...but that's just the natural order of things - according to Fox Business News - History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats | Fox Business

IOW's if you are pro-business and you're voting for Republicans, U-bin-Mindfucked by the rightwing media.

Troll thread......Mods please dump this into the romper room
OW's if you are pro-business and you're voting for Republicans, U-bin-Mindfucked by the rightwing media. [/COLOR][/FONT]

You mean pro- BIG business?
then you are right - dimocraps have always been selling middle class to those big pockets
Troll thread......Mods please dump this into the romper room

He is FACTUALLY right - dimocraps are pro-BIG corporations, Wall street, big business on the expense of the middle class.

Republicans traditionally favor those as well, but give some meat to the middle class , too.
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Two points one of which has already been touched one the fed pumping money into the economy every month has a lot to do with the market high rise have you noticed every time the fed even hints about easing back on this the market drops like a rock? Point two now your happy about those evil rich Wall Street types hitting it big the very same type of people the left vilified during the 2012 election the times they have changed.
LOL. Well, after all the predictions of another Bush like debacle if President Obama were re-elected, any old excuse will do. Now if the Teabaggers in Congress would quit trying to destroy the economy in this nation, we might really see the economy take off.
Troll thread......Mods please dump this into the romper room

He is FACTUALLY right - dimocraps are pro-BIG corporations, Wall street, big business on the expense of the middle class.

Republicans traditionally favor those as well, but give some meat to the middle class , too.

Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- "Likewise, gross domestic product has increased 4.2% each year since 1949 when Democrats run the executive branch, versus 2.6% under Republicans.
Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said."

And gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain...
and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too"?
Troll thread......Mods please dump this into the romper room

He is FACTUALLY right - dimocraps are pro-BIG corporations, Wall street, big business on the expense of the middle class.

Republicans traditionally favor those as well, but give some meat to the middle class , too.

Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- "Likewise, gross domestic product has increased 4.2% each year since 1949 when Democrats run the executive branch, versus 2.6% under Republicans.
Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said."

And gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain...
and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too"?

You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.
Obamamarket - the rich get richer


Not only is the market at record levels...
Click here: Dow Jones industrial average closes at a record; S&P 500 just shy of its own all-time high - The Washington Post

...but that's just the natural order of things - according to Fox Business News - History Shows Stocks, GDP Outperform Under Democrats | Fox Business

IOW's if you are pro-business and you're voting for Republicans, U-bin-Mindfucked by the rightwing media.

Obama controls the NYSE now?

What a fucking ding bat
He is FACTUALLY right - dimocraps are pro-BIG corporations, Wall street, big business on the expense of the middle class.

Republicans traditionally favor those as well, but give some meat to the middle class , too.

Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- "Likewise, gross domestic product has increased 4.2% each year since 1949 when Democrats run the executive branch, versus 2.6% under Republicans.
Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said."

And gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain...
and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too"?

You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.

Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states "...corporate profits have surged an average of 51.8% under Obama, the best out of any stretch of party control since 1933, S&P said. ". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933.
What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?
Troll thread......Mods please dump this into the romper room

He is FACTUALLY right - dimocraps are pro-BIG corporations, Wall street, big business on the expense of the middle class.

Republicans traditionally favor those as well, but give some meat to the middle class , too.

Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- [COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][]Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said.[[COLOR=
[FONT=Ar[COLOR=blAnd gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain...[/[and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too[/QUOTE]

since when GDP is the direct equivalent of the middle class getting better? :rolleyes:

and I never disputed that the RICH are getting much better under dimocraps - it is the middle class which is bing ripped for their benefit
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[Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- [FONT]Likewise, gross domestic product has increased 4.2% each year since 1949 when Democrats run the executive branch, versus 2.6% under Republicans.[/[URL="http://www.foxbusiness.com/investing/2012/09/04/history-shows-markets-gdp-outperform-under-democrats/"][=purple]Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said.[/COLOR][/SIZE][]And gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain... [/and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too"?[/CO]

You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.

Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states URL="http://www.foxbusiness.com/investing/2012/09/04/history-shows-markets-gdp-outperform-under-democrats/"][corporate profits have surged an average of 51]". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933. What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?]

are you mentally impaired?

that is exactly what we all are telling - together - that the big corporations and big businesses are much better under dimocraps than under republicans - at the expense of the middle class.
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Gee, I even provided a link and still you USMB Republicans overlooked the fact that even Fox claims that historically (historically + Obama, i.e. the present) Democrats are better at creating wealth than Republicans -- check it out, Fox sez -- "Likewise, gross domestic product has increased 4.2% each year since 1949 when Democrats run the executive branch, versus 2.6% under Republicans.
Even corporate profits show a disparity: S&P 500 GAAP earnings per share climbed a median of 10.5% per year since 1936 during Democratic administrations, besting an 8.9% median advance under Republicans, S&P said."

And gosh Vox how do y'all 'splain away what Bill Clinton said about his two terms "the rich got richer and so did the poor." Please 'splain...
and-----and when did the Republicans do a better job of "giving some meat to the middle class, too"?

You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.

Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states "...corporate profits have surged an average of 51.8% under Obama, the best out of any stretch of party control since 1933, S&P said. ". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933.
What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?

It just tells me that fox is as clueless as cnn, msnbc, and network news.
You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.

Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states URL="http://www.foxbusiness.com/investing/2012/09/04/history-shows-markets-gdp-outperform-under-democrats/"][corporate profits have surged an average of 51]". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933. What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?]

are you mentally impaired?

that is exactly what we all are telling - together - that the big corporations and big businesses are much better under dimocraps than under republicans - at the expense of the middle class.

Are you saying people who, as a group earn more than $75K/yr are stupid...

"Christie, meanwhile, leads among... respondents with an annual income of $75,000 or more (46 percent to 34 percent)."

...or-----or have upper middle-classers been duped into voting for Repubicans or-----or do upper middle-classers choose to earn less money in the market by voting for Republicans? Based on what you and other righties are saying on this thread, voting for Republicans doesn't make economic sense.
Are people that vote for Republicans mentally impaired?

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