
You're going back 65 years to skew your numbers up. Lol. Lets go back to 1980 and work our way to present: 1981-1990- +3.36gdp, 1991-2000- +3.45gdp, 2001-2010- +1.67gdp, 2009-2013- 1.07gdp. O has the worst gdp in decades.

Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states "...corporate profits have surged an average of 51.8% under Obama, the best out of any stretch of party control since 1933, S&P said. ". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933.
What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?

It just tells me that fox is as clueless as cnn, msnbc, and network news.

Too funny!
I know Republicans are in denial about lot-o-stuff but I didn't expect a Republican to deny the history posted on the Fox Business News website...
Fox Business News doesn't equivocate in their article, Fox Business News states "...corporate profits have surged an average of 51.8% under Obama, the best out of any stretch of party control since 1933, S&P said. ". Just for emphasis let me restate what Fox says in their article, corporate profits are the best -THE BEST- out any -ANY- stretch of party control since 1933.
What is it about Fox saying Obama is THE BEST that you don't comprehend?

It just tells me that fox is as clueless as cnn, msnbc, and network news.

Too funny!
I know Republicans are in denial about lot-o-stuff but I didn't expect a Republican to deny the history posted on the Fox Business News website...

I didn't know that I was a R. Thanks for the clarification? Second, there was no history being presented. Thirdly, Fox, along with the other propaganda and enquirer cable and network news, wouldn't know history if they were actually witnessing it.
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Obama controls the NYSE now?[/FONT][/SIZE]

]What a fucking ding bat[/FONT][/SIZE]

his monetary policies are serving the stock market perfectly NOW[/FONT][/SIZE]

It seems counterintuitive but it looks like the reason people who earn more than $75K/yr hate Obama is, Obama is making to much money for them in the market. I know, I know, it seems idiotic but-----but if you righties don't agree, why do you think Republicans hate the guy that's making them a ton-o-dough?

Because the folks making 75K per year are not RICH and neither are those making 275K per year - and those are the ones obama and dimocrap scum are gauging for the benefit of those who make 75 million per year while spewing lies around about "caring" for the middle class and the poor
It just tells me that fox is as clueless as cnn, msnbc, and network news.

Too funny!
I know Republicans are in denial about lot-o-stuff but I didn't expect a Republican to deny the history posted on the Fox Business News website...

I didn't know that I was a R. Thanks for the clarification? Second, there was no history being presented. Thirdly, Fox, along with the other propaganda and enquirer cable and network news, wouldn't know history if they were actually witnessing it.

Good on you for denying being a Republican, there's a lot of that going around lately - I too self-describe myself as - "not a Republican".
Too funny!
I know Republicans are in denial about lot-o-stuff but I didn't expect a Republican to deny the history posted on the Fox Business News website...

I didn't know that I was a R. Thanks for the clarification? Second, there was no history being presented. Thirdly, Fox, along with the other propaganda and enquirer cable and network news, wouldn't know history if they were actually witnessing it.

Good on you for denying being a Republican, there's a lot of that going around lately - I too self-describe myself as - "not a Republican".

So you're a democrat espousing democrat talking points? That wasn't a surprise.
I didn't know that I was a R. Thanks for the clarification? Second, there was no history being presented. Thirdly, Fox, along with the other propaganda and enquirer cable and network news, wouldn't know history if they were actually witnessing it.

Good on you for denying being a Republican, there's a lot of that going around lately - I too self-describe myself as - "not a Republican".

So you're a democrat espousing democrat talking points? That wasn't a surprise.

ready-shoot-aim, it's a Republican thing.
Do you always jump to conclusions without facts to back up your assertions?

Do you think it's idiotic that people earning over $75K support Republicans over President Obama when Democratic Presidents in general and Obama in particular put more money in their pockets than Republicans?
Good on you for denying being a Republican, there's a lot of that going around lately - I too self-describe myself as - "not a Republican".

So you're a democrat espousing democrat talking points? That wasn't a surprise.

ready-shoot-aim, it's a Republican thing.
Do you always jump to conclusions without facts to back up your assertions?

Do you think it's idiotic that people earning over $75K support Republicans over President Obama when Democratic Presidents in general and Obama in particular put more money in their pockets than Republicans?

This has nothing to do with politics. First, you had to skew the numbers and you were outed. Now, you're backpedaling by saying "in general". Lol!
LOL. Well, after all the predictions of another Bush like debacle if President Obama were re-elected, any old excuse will do. Now if the Teabaggers in Congress would quit trying to destroy the economy in this nation, we might really see the economy take off.

The amount of "stupid" in that remark is staggering!

The Tea Party demanding that Washington start getting it's act together with spending isn't what's hamstrung the recovery.

This President is overseeing the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression in large part BECAUSE of policy choices that Barack Obama has made. It's things like ObamaCare. Calls for a higher minimum wage. Calls for Card Check legislation. Calls for Cap & Trade legislation. Giving the EPA the power to regulate green house gas emissions. Blocking the Keystone pipeline. Using the oil spill in the Gulf to stonewall drilling permits for years even for shallow water drillers with impeccable safety records.

The reason the economy in the US is treading water is that this President doesn't like the Private Sector and even worse doesn't UNDERSTAND how the Private Sector works. It has NOTHING to do with the Tea Party!
So you're a democrat espousing democrat talking points? That wasn't a surprise.

ready-shoot-aim, it's a Republican thing.
Do you always jump to conclusions without facts to back up your assertions?

Do you think it's idiotic that people earning over $75K support Republicans over President Obama when Democratic Presidents in general and Obama in particular put more money in their pockets than Republicans?

This has nothing to do with politics. First, you had to skew the numbers and you were outed. Now, you're backpedaling by saying "in general". Lol!

LOL - backpedaling -pewsh!- get real, the definition of "in general" is
1: involving, applicable to, or affecting the whole
Of all people, I didn't expect I would have to school you on vocabulary.

Do you think it's idiotic that people earning over $75K support Republicans over President Obama when Democratic Presidents in general and Obama in particular put more money in their pockets than Republicans?

Ad Hominem attacks are so easy they're no-brainers - that's why we see so many Republicans use them on the USMB. Why are you afraid to address the question - this is just a message board not an MBA admissions interview.
his monetary policies are serving the stock market perfectly NOW[/FONT][/SIZE]

It seems counterintuitive but it looks like the reason people who earn more than $75K/yr hate Obama is, Obama is making to much money for them in the market. I know, I know, it seems idiotic but-----but if you righties don't agree, why do you think Republicans hate the guy that's making them a ton-o-dough?

Because the folks making 75K per year are not RICH and neither are those making 275K per year - and those are the ones obama and dimocrap scum are gauging for the benefit of those who make 75 million per year while spewing lies around about "caring" for the middle class and the poor

You may want to re-write your response after I point out that you overlooked that the poll I linked to said people earning $75K or more, check it out it says -"OR MORE"-

Here's the link again
"Christie, meanwhile, leads among... respondents with an annual income of $75,000 or more (46 percent to 34 percent)."

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