Obama's Backdoor Deals With Muslims Have Made It Impossible For Him To Defend This Nation

The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

The MB may have won an election but the Egyptian military was always in charge.
I thought George W. Bush said Islam is not our enemy
I guess he was wrong.....or he was just being diplomatic.

Either way....he didn't drop our defenses and open up his administration to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The backdoor deal Obama usually offers to Muslims is a drone-launched Hellfire right up the ass.

He's killed more Muslims than every right wing whiner ever born.

I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.
Did anyone really expect anything different from a Muslim foreigner President? He wasn't put in there to represent American interests. He was put in there to represent NWO Globalist interests. Seriously, how the fluck did we get a Muslim foreigner for an American President? Makes no sense. How did that get pulled off?
I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Folks snip this partial phrase, leave out everything that gives it meaning, n an effort to distort the message:

President Obama s speech to the UN general assembly full transcript US news The Guardian

...It is time to leave the call of violence and the politics of division behind. On so many issues, we face a choice between the promise of the future, or the prisons of the past. We cannot afford to get it wrong. We must seize this moment. And America stands ready to work with all who are willing to embrace a better future.

The future must not belong to those who target Coptic Christians in Egypt – it must be claimed by those in Tahrir Square who chanted "Muslims, Christians, we are one." The future must not belong to those who bully women – it must be shaped by girls who go to school, and those who stand for a world where our daughters can live their dreams just like our sons. The future must not belong to those corrupt few who steal a country's resources – it must be won by the students and entrepreneurs; workers and business owners who seek a broader prosperity for all people. Those are the men and women that America stands with; theirs is the vision we will support.

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam. Yet to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: "Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit." Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support...
He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it
I see you're a Wack-A-Mole fan.

Obama only started attacking Islamic terrorists AFTER the public pressure to respond became too much to bare.

He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.
Obama assured that Iran will get a nuke.....and he even made it so that anyone who tries to stop them will be attacked by the UN as a threat to peace. Not to mention the $100 billion in cash that he helped release from overseas banks to help fund terrorism and the big boost he gave them on the international stage. Nobody is going to stop Iran from getting nukes....just like nobody stopped North Korea from getting them.

Jesus....are you really this naive????

You really believe in wishful thinking.
And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it

You're anticipating an attack on the US by Hezbollah?
And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it

Ok...so there is no reason to concern ourselves with Hezbollah but you are claiming that in 3 years....what?
[QUOTE="Coyote, post: 11892038,

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?[/QUOTE]

Father Charles Coughlin----mid to late 1930s>>>>
"Must the entire world go to war for 600,000 Jews in Germany who are neither American, nor French, nor English citizens, but citizens of Germany?"
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it

You're anticipating an attack on the US by Hezbollah?

depends on what YOU call an attack on the US ------by my definition of
"attack on the US"-------yes. But then I considered Saddam's support of terrorism -------"attack on the US"----just as I consider Iran's support of
terrorism Some people don't mind little insignificant acts of terrorism.
Hezbollah is a branch of the IRANIAN MILITARY-----its leaders trained and
funded by Iran and it actions directed by Iran. That which hezbollah does is ---
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it

Ok...so there is no reason to concern ourselves with Hezbollah but you are claiming that in 3 years....what?

are you playing dense or just ----ARE DENSE-----my "no reason"
was obviously an expression of my wit------it was (to wit) facetious
I thought George W. Bush said Islam is not our enemy
I guess he was wrong.....or he was just being diplomatic.

Either way....he didn't drop our defenses and open up his administration to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Everytime I think that a RWer here can't say something more stupid. Congrats on a new low...

Mud, your a carature of a joke. You are now delusional.

Lets break the news to you Christians killed far more Muslims than Muslims killed Christians in history, in the years leading up to 911, since 911...
Largest massacre since WW2 - Srebrenica massacre
I thought George W. Bush said Islam is not our enemy
I guess he was wrong.....or he was just being diplomatic.

Either way....he didn't drop our defenses and open up his administration to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Everytime I think that a RWer here can't say something more stupid. Congrats on a new low...

Mud, your a carature of a joke. You are now delusional.

Lets break the news to you Christians killed far more Muslims than Muslims killed Christians in history, in the years leading up to 911, since 911...
Largest massacre since WW2 - Srebrenica massacre
Fuck you too.....using ancient history to justify what Iran is doing today is pretty pathetic.
He's been going after Al Queda from the beginning.
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

Obama assured that Iran will get a nuke.....and he even made it so that anyone who tries to stop them will be attacked by the UN as a threat to peace. Not to mention the $100 billion in cash that he helped release from overseas banks to help fund terrorism and the big boost he gave them on the international stage. Nobody is going to stop Iran from getting nukes....just like nobody stopped North Korea from getting them.

Jesus....are you really this naive????

You really believe in wishful thinking.

Obama made the best deal possible (IMO) and it was better than no deal. I don't think Obama had any legal basis to continue to withold assets that belong to Iran - they keep saying "he gave them" all this money - it wasn't "his" or "ours" to give. Once a deal is agreed on, the money can't be held indefinately.

NK is an interesting example - did they ever sign an agreement? If not, it seems rather clear that current sanctions etc have done little to inhibit them.
Tom Cotton revealed yesterday that he’s learned of two secret side deals between the IAEA and Iran that Congress won’t be allowed to review:

On Friday, I had a meeting in Vienna with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), during which the agency conveyed to the lawmakers that two side deals made between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the IAEA as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) will remain secret and will not be shared with other nations, with Congress, or with the public. One agreement covers the inspection of the Parchin military complex, and the second details how the IAEA and Iran will resolve outstanding issues on possible military dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program.

In failing to secure the disclosure of these secret side deals, the Obama administration is asking Congress and the American people to trust, but not verify. What we cannot do is trust the terror-sponsoring, anti-American, outlaw regime that governs Iran and that has been deceiving the world on its nuclear weapons work for years. Congress’s evaluation of this deal must be based on hard facts and full information. That we are only now discovering that parts of this dangerous agreement are being kept secret begs the question of what other elements may also be secret and entirely free from public scrutiny.
Obama won t allow Congress to review SECRET side deals between Iran and IAEA The Right Scoop -
Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

you do an excellent job of RECAPPING that which I (mistakenly, of course)
refer to as the islamo Nazi propaganda of the mid to late 1930s Of course Hezbollah is no problem-------it is LOCALIZED-----to the Levant and with a side dish agenda of killing any jew in the world anywhere in the world . But MOSTLY
it is dedicated to strengthening the IRANIAN/SHIITE position-----in
the Levant and hopefully the opportunity to take the BIG BLACK ROCK
in mecca------so why worry----------and of course------ DA JOOOOS IS WAR MONGERS------just like they were in 1938

Why should the US concern itself with Hezbollah?

no reason at all. sit tight-----and remember your comment in three years-----when I can no longer find it and you will deny it

Ok...so there is no reason to concern ourselves with Hezbollah but you are claiming that in 3 years....what?

are you playing dense or just ----ARE DENSE-----my "no reason"
was obviously an expression of my wit------it was (to wit) facetious

And what happens in 3 years?
al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group out there. The Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, the PLO, Hezbollah, Iran....their sponsor, ISIS, the Taliban, He seems to be going easy on them.

And al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group he's gone after. Who has the MB blown up lately? Hezbollah doesn't affect us. Iran is a nation, not a terrorist group.
Hezbollah effects our allies. The Muslim Brotherhood was in charge of Egypt until a coup threw them out of power. Iran is a terrorist sponsor....the largest and most influential in the world. I had to fight those SOBs and their friends in Somalia and we've fought them in Iraq and they're behind the killing in Syria and the unrest in Yemen.

Stop wearing blinders.

Hezbollah doesn't affect us and has only a very regional effect. Do we jump in at every group that effects our allies? If you think so, then who's wearing blinders and ignoring terrorist actions around the world? ISIS and Al Queda and other associated militias have a much greater effect than they and that is where our efforts should concentrate.

MB is a political group that was elected to power in a free and fair election. You seem to forget that lately. Who have they blown up lately? Have they targeted any of our embassies? Interests? Right now, Egypt has managed to silence, jail, "disappear" and torture political opponents, dissent and the media. Somehow...I'm not sure that's any better than the MB.

Iran is a terrorist sponsor. So what? Obama is supposed to attack Iran? Then what? I don't disagree with you on labeling Iran for what it is but what do you propose Obama do? The most immediate issue - and the only one the negotiations concerned (and should concern) was nuclear capability. The other stuff comes second.

Obama assured that Iran will get a nuke.....and he even made it so that anyone who tries to stop them will be attacked by the UN as a threat to peace. Not to mention the $100 billion in cash that he helped release from overseas banks to help fund terrorism and the big boost he gave them on the international stage. Nobody is going to stop Iran from getting nukes....just like nobody stopped North Korea from getting them.

Jesus....are you really this naive????

You really believe in wishful thinking.

Obama made the best deal possible (IMO) and it was better than no deal. I don't think Obama had any legal basis to continue to withold assets that belong to Iran - they keep saying "he gave them" all this money - it wasn't "his" or "ours" to give. Once a deal is agreed on, the money can't be held indefinately.

NK is an interesting example - did they ever sign an agreement? If not, it seems rather clear that current sanctions etc have done little to inhibit them.

Obama won t allow Congress to review SECRET side deals between Iran and IAEA The Right Scoop -

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