Obama's Cinco de Mayo wish: Signing the DREAM Act


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama's priority. Will they be able to legally vote by the election? Our immigration system isn't broken. Washington is broken and that is all we need to fix. We have limits on the number of immigrants for a reason and the illegals have seriously messed things up. Meanwhile, the honest ones trying to come here the right way are left waiting forever.

President Barack Obama hosted a Cinco de Mayo party at the White House -- "even though it's only tres de mayo, we just like to get the fiesta started early around here" -- and promised to push for a comprehensive overhaul of America's immigration policies if he's reelected.

"There's still plenty of unfinished business, including fixing our broken immigration system," he said. "It's long past the time that we unleash the promise of all our young people and make the DREAM Act a reality."

Mitt Romney has vowed to veto the legislation, which would allow some undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children to stay on American soil legally, provided they have a clean record and graduate from high school or serve in the military. Republican Senator Marco Rubio has also pushed a version of the measure that would provide temporary, non-immigrant visas.

Obama’s Cinco de Mayo wish: Signing the DREAM Act
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What are Obama's wishes for American citizens? I was going to phrase it "wishes for his fellow countrymen" but that would be an oxymoron.

He's going all out to celebrate Cinco de Mayo and make promises to illegal aliens. Being this is campaign season, this is a vote getting move. Are they going to be granted citizenship or will he and Holder keep suing states who try to enact voter ID laws? The message to illegal aliens is loud and clear- vote because no one can stop you and no one will find out. And the Dems stopped states from purging voter rolls last time around so they weren't able to remove invalid names, like those who are deceased or have moved to another state. Meanwhile, ACORN does it best to register nonexistent people.

I would expect a president of this country to be more interested in celebrating Independence Day and making promises to Americans. Haven't heard any promises to the citizens, except the same ones he broke the last time around. Of course, if you're a wealthy citizen, his only promise is to take more money from you. If you're a poor citizen or non-citizen, he promises to redistribute even more money to you. He hasn't really addressed middle class and small business owners, other than to limit the number of loans banks are allowed to make for people starting small businesses. The last thing we want is small businesses out there creating jobs.
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