Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon


The Watergate scandal resulted in 69 government officials being charged and 48 being found guilty. The principals were:[56]
1.John N. Mitchell, Attorney General of the United States, convicted of perjury. Served 19 months of a one- to four-year sentence. [57]
2.Richard Kleindienst, Attorney General, convicted of "refusing to answer questions" given one month in jail.[58]
3.Jeb Stuart Magruder, Head of Committee to Re-elect the President, pleaded guilty to 1 count of conspiracy, August 1973[59]
4.Frederick C. LaRue, Advisor to John Mitchell, convicted of obstruction of justice.[59]
5.H. R. Haldeman, Chief of Staff for Nixon, convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury.[60]
6.John Ehrlichman, Counsel to Nixon, convicted of conspiracy, obstruction of justice, and perjury.[61]
7.Egil Krogh, aide to John Ehrlichman, sentenced to six months.[59]
8.John W. Dean III, counsel to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice.[59]
9.Dwight L. Chapin, deputy assistant to Nixon, convicted of perjury.[59]
10.Herbert W. Kalmbach, personal attorney to Nixon, convicted of illegal campaigning.[59]
11.Charles W. Colson, special counsel to Nixon, convicted of obstruction of justice.[58]
12.Herbert L. Porter, aide to the Committee to Re-elect the President. Convicted of perjury.[59]
13.G. Gordon Liddy, Special Investigations Group, convicted of burglary.[59]
14.E. Howard Hunt, Security consultant, convicted of burglary.[59]
15.James W. McCord Jr., convicted of six charges of burglary, conspiracy and wiretapping.[59]
16.Virgilio Gonzalez, convicted of burglary.[59]
17.Bernard Barker, convicted of burglary.[59]
18.Eugenio Martinez, convicted of burglary.[59]
19.Frank Sturgis, convicted of burglary.[59]

Watergate scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It cracks me up when RWrs go on about how Holder is the most crooked AG ever....they are either too young to remember John Mitchell (or his lovely wife) or they have selective memory loss.

Who died under Mitchell?

Many died in Cambodia and Laos!
Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

DEC. 17, 2013, 10:02 AM

President Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.

Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.

The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation.

Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.

Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.

Some of the key findings of the WaPo/ABC poll:

43% of respondents approve of Obama, compared with 55% who disapprove;
42% approve of how he's handling the economy; 55% disapprove;
34% approve of how congressional Democrats are handling their jobs; 64% disapprove;
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove;
On the question of who respondents "trust" to do a better job with the nation's problems, 41% say Obama, and 41% say congressional Republicans;
45% trust congressional Republicans more to handle the economy — 41% say Obama;
42% trust Obama more with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act — 37% say congressional Republicans.

Obama Approval Rating At Nixon Levels - Business Insider



43%? That's up from the 41% and the 39% someone started threads about last month. You guys and your "LOWEST EVAH!" polls crack me up. :lol:

Quoted from the OP:
24% approve of how congressional Republicans are doing their jobs; 73% disapprove
LMAO And you have a problem with Obama's 41 percent.

And that's just plain propaganda and misleading to compare him to Nixon whose 29% is no where near Obama's 41 percent. What a joke this thread is.
Approval polls are stupid. Presidents aren't kings or tyrants. They can send troops to fight somewhere, but at home their power is considerably more limited (by design.) Consequently, blaming Presidents for problems at home is more accurately placed at the feet of Congress and state legislators.
Why is "at this point in the Presidency" relevant at all?

Obama has a lot lower to go before he even gets close to how low Bush got.

and he is headed in that direction. look at where his ratings compared to bush in year 5. also look at Bush's situation complared to Obama's. bush had nothing positive on the horizon. Wars dragging on. Obama has launched his crowning achievment. obamacare. this was supposed to have him on the upswing. he, according to liberals should be seeing rising numbers. but they are dropping. now he says we need to stay in afghanistan for at least 10 more years? a still lagging economy, dismal jobs information. he is in for a world of hurting in the ratings game
Approval polls are stupid. Presidents aren't kings or tyrants. They can send troops to fight somewhere, but at home their power is considerably more limited (by design.) Consequently, blaming Presidents for problems at home is more accurately placed at the feet of Congress and state legislators.

the president is the leader of the party, he is the leader of the government. The rest of the government is responsive to some degree to his agenda. He has tremendous power administratively. Remind me how Obamacare's various mandates, which are black letter law, were postponed via executive order.
This president especialy has been poll-driven and his circle are furiously focused on polls. So bad numbers indicate something is wrong. The magic is gone.
No they do not. Completely false. There is a current Congressional approval rating. There is a generic ballot on how you will vote in the 2014 mid-terms. That is all. Post link or I say you lie like Obama. :)

Here you go, fatso. Now apologize like a good boy:

Congress: Republicans

Never seen this. Thanks for posting. Funny, you didn't post the Dems Congressional approval ratings. They suck also. But I do appreciate you posting. :)

Congress: Democrats
anybody still laughing like me?:eusa_dance:

Nixon.....shit, even I didnt see that coming, but dang if Mr Limbaugh did. He said waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in February of 2009 that this guy would end up staining modern liberalism for generations. Back then, seemed like no chance but shit, this guy is falling like a stone in water. Of course, Ive known he was a fraud long before he first got elected, but it took 5 years for the rest of the country to figure it out.

How funny is it though to see the far left getting their sacks stomped these days??!!:happy-1::happy-1::happy-1::eusa_dance:
Congress: Republicans

That's funny.....for the period 12/12-15/13
Democrats show 34% Approval - 64% Disapproval

Republicans show 24% Approval - 73% Disapproval

Looks to me the Dems are doing better.......:eusa_whistle:

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