Obama’s Empathy Problem


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this article pretty much sums up this American hating man YOU all put on the rest of us. thank gawd it only took you six years to catch on and he now has an almost 65% disapproval rating a little too late though

On issue after issue, the president telegraphs indifference to Americans’ well-being.
By Mona Charen


(White House via Flickr)
Mona Charen
Can you walk out on the messiah?

Appearing at a campaign rally for gubernatorial candidate Anthony Brown in Maryland on Sunday, President Obama sought to capture the magic that had electrified audiences in 2008 and, to some considerable degree, even in 2012.

Obama isn’t doing much stumping this year. He limits his campaigning mostly to fundraisers. This is the year, after all, when Democratic candidates are announcing how important it is in our system of government to have honest disagreements with the president.

They’re hastening to say that they would be tougher than he is on the Islamic State. They are declaring that a travel ban from West Africa is only common sense. It’s the year when some have discovered a sacred Constitutional right to keep silent about whom they voted for in 2008 and 2012.
Maryland is an exception. It’s about as safe a Democratic state as you can find, and the president was welcomed. The audience at the rally was largely African-American.

And yet, according to Reuters, “a steady stream of people walked out of the auditorium while he spoke . . . and a heckler interrupted his remarks.”

Could it be that even loyal Democrats — even those who want to see Obama in the flesh — feel that they’ve heard it all before? Their actions send a clear signal: We think you’re a historical figure worth laying eyes on, but your words no longer interest us.

In 2012, reluctant to encourage a referendum on the first four years of his leadership, President Obama successfully turned attention away from his record and towards Mitt Romney and the Republicans. The race became (with the unwitting cooperation of several cloddish Republican candidates), not about the economy or jobs or debt or America’s global retreat, but about saving American women from medieval inquisitors and shielding Hispanics from mass deportation.
Democratic candidates in 2014 are, if anything, even more eager to turn attention away from the president’s performance in the past two years.

The economy has not improved. Obamacare’s debut was a debacle. Foreign policy is a shambles, government agencies from the IRS to the Secret Service are loose canons, and Ebola threatens.

Democrats are attempting to reprise some of the themes that worked in 2012, notably the “war on women.” But not even that fright mask seems to be working anymore. Senator Mark Udall’s campaign in Colorado was wall-to-wall gynecology — to the point where he was ridiculed as “Mark Uterus.” The Denver Post was so disgusted that it endorsed his opponent, Representative Cory Gardner. Like other “war on women” attacks, Udall’s accusations were false. He asserted that Gardner had run an “eight-year campaign to outlaw birth control.” Gardner swatted the lie away with ads touting his support for selling contraceptive pills over the counter (a technique originated by Bobby Jindal).

Democrats are struggling not just because the economy is stagnant and the world is in chaos. They are paying the price for something else: President Obama has squandered the greatest asset he had — the perception among Americans that he cared about their problems.

President Obama telegraphs indifference to Americans’ well-being. When the Benghazi compound was overrun and our ambassador killed, he first dissembled (blaming a video) and then thundered about retribution and justice, but what happened? With the exception of one arrest, Benghazi has been dumped. No one has paid a price for that attack on the U.S.

ALL of it here:
Obama s Empathy Problem National Review Online
gee, yet another thread..of mis-information.
It took Bush how many years to get Osama Bin Laden?
The life of a troll is sad^^^^^ but it gets them on the leader board as posting the most
gee, yet another thread..of mis-information.
It took Bush how many years to get Osama Bin Laden?

This thread isn't about Bush.

I understand that's all you idiots have to go with but that horse has been beat far too long.
I ask a question of how long it took to capture the person at the top of a terrorist group that made the worst attack on US soil successful, and you shy away from it like a spanked dog?..
But your article wants immediate justice for Benghazi..Oh noez, I don't have a political agenda with this thread...
The life of a troll is sad^^^^^ but it gets them on the leader board as posting the most
You are an idiot just like the author of your story.....You can't answer the question also, since you don't have a political agenda for this thread also..
a COMMENT from the site on this article:

On issue after issue, the president telegraphs indifference to Americans’ well-being
I could live with mere indifference from this jackbooted totalitarian.
It's the utter contempt he shows for the people that makes him the despicable piece of sht that he is.

Obama s Empathy Problem National Review Online

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