Obama's green energy unicorn!!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Article speaks for itself.......renewables are a joke. A government ruse........

".............but that’s hasn’t deterred the modern day snake oil salesmen and their allies inside the Obama administration from continuing to make a push for wind and solar power as an eventual replacement for energy generated from traditional sources like coal, oil and natural gas.............There’s nothing wrong per se with the pursuit of renewable energy; it’s just that what it actually costs is being masked by taxpayer subsidies, federal loan guarantees and renewable fuels mandates at the state level that force power companies to put wind and solar into the energy mix, sometimes at two to three times what traditional power costs. Ultimately, one way or another, the taxpayers and energy consumers are footing the bill even if they don’t know it."

Obama s Green Energy Push and Subsidies Make No Economic Sense - US News

At the end of the day, it always comes down to "costs". Costs don't matter to the AGW k00ks.......but it does to the rest of the world. AGW climate crusader "costs" are nothing more than conjecture......but people who run governments know that the sure way to get your ass booted is to slam the people with huge energy costs, thus, it wont be happening.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::boobies:

Where did you ever get the idea that any of that OFT repeated data has any bearing on the validity of AGW?
Where did you ever get the idea that any of that OFT repeated data has any bearing on the validity of AGW?

The validity of AGW is nothing but a science hobby if it is having zero impact on energy policy........and every AGW k00k knows it too.:tomato::tomato::tomato: That's why they are always so angry and miserable in these pages. They've been screaming for two decades and it hasn't added up to dick.:fu:
Article speaks for itself.......renewables are a joke. A government ruse........

".............but that’s hasn’t deterred the modern day snake oil salesmen and their allies inside the Obama administration from continuing to make a push for wind and solar power as an eventual replacement for energy generated from traditional sources like coal, oil and natural gas.............There’s nothing wrong per se with the pursuit of renewable energy; it’s just that what it actually costs is being masked by taxpayer subsidies, federal loan guarantees and renewable fuels mandates at the state level that force power companies to put wind and solar into the energy mix, sometimes at two to three times what traditional power costs. Ultimately, one way or another, the taxpayers and energy consumers are footing the bill even if they don’t know it."

Obama s Green Energy Push and Subsidies Make No Economic Sense - US News

At the end of the day, it always comes down to "costs". Costs don't matter to the AGW k00ks.......but it does to the rest of the world. AGW climate crusader "costs" are nothing more than conjecture......but people who run governments know that the sure way to get your ass booted is to slam the people with huge energy costs, thus, it wont be happening.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::boobies:

Solar snd wind power are still vastly inferior in meeting with growing high consumer demand . Nuclear and hydro power are your best alternatives to fossil fuels. It would cripple our economy for this administration to promote policies that would bankrupt the coal industry at this stage of the game. You are not exactly helping the middle class when you are purposely making energy costs more expensive, on top of an administration that has only been able to produce an economy of mostly part-time, temporary, or low skilled jobs.
Article speaks for itself.......renewables are a joke. A government ruse........

".............but that’s hasn’t deterred the modern day snake oil salesmen and their allies inside the Obama administration from continuing to make a push for wind and solar power as an eventual replacement for energy generated from traditional sources like coal, oil and natural gas.............There’s nothing wrong per se with the pursuit of renewable energy; it’s just that what it actually costs is being masked by taxpayer subsidies, federal loan guarantees and renewable fuels mandates at the state level that force power companies to put wind and solar into the energy mix, sometimes at two to three times what traditional power costs. Ultimately, one way or another, the taxpayers and energy consumers are footing the bill even if they don’t know it."

Obama s Green Energy Push and Subsidies Make No Economic Sense - US News

At the end of the day, it always comes down to "costs". Costs don't matter to the AGW k00ks.......but it does to the rest of the world. AGW climate crusader "costs" are nothing more than conjecture......but people who run governments know that the sure way to get your ass booted is to slam the people with huge energy costs, thus, it wont be happening.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::boobies:

Solar snd wind power are still vastly inferior in meeting with growing high consumer demand . Nuclear and hydro power are your best alternatives to fossil fuels. It would cripple our economy for this administration to promote policies that would bankrupt the coal industry at this stage of the game. You are not exactly helping the middle class when you are purposely making energy costs more expensive, on top of an administration that has only been able to produce an economy of mostly part-time, temporary, or low skilled jobs.

The whole plan of this guy from the beginning was to decimate the American middle class......its in the Saul Alinsky playbook for radicals: use the environmental movement to slam small business and the middle class with taxes = more of the population dependent upon government. Its actually a brilliant scheme because all of this shit flies under the radar.....peeling off jobs......slowly increasing energy prices. Death by bedbugs.

Whats up with the post count s0n?

Dang s0n.......theres more to life.......

As a paid messageb0ard p0ster, I get $5 f0r every p0st
Its a g00d living, but I have t0 read stuff like the crap y0u p0st

The overuse of zeros instead of o's is quite annoying.

Isn't it?

But this k00k insists 0n d0ing it
Wow zeros rather than o's bothers you more than the lies from the warmist climars
Hey jc......take a gander on top of the page. How 'bout that graph?!!!!!!!!!!:coffee:. Talk about a nut sack kick for the AGW religion.

Sorta makes alot of this back and forth nonsense on climate as productive as group navel contemplation sessions.
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Where did you ever get the idea that any of that OFT repeated data has any bearing on the validity of AGW?

EEE-Gads you are slow on the uptake.

1) Not every environment thread is about Global Warming.

2) It is Global Warming that is cited as the PRIMARY justification for TRILLs of dollars worldwide spent on renewables.

3) The Massively Large GW Circus is responsible for this waste of time and money..

So mark this post next time you ask the silly question of what the evidence is that AGW propaganda is created as an excuse to control the energy markets and reduce economic growth.
LOL. The primary justification for home solar is that it will save the homeowner money, particularly those that have one or more EV's.

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