Michael Obama would beat Trump?

*Per your fear porn addiction.
What do you call one man, Trump, destroying democracy if not fear porn? Your talking points are done. Biden has been exposed and the Democratic party and the media have been caught in another huge lie. Only truly stupid people believe them anymore. But you have no choice in the matter because you are very stupid. I pity you.
Whatever this Michelle/Michael IS

Like so many Trump cultists, you're so very proud to be a dogshit human.

You should know that your actions disgust normal people, and they send votes to the Democrats. You only hang out with other dogshit humans, so you assume being a dogshit human is normal. I assure you, that is not the case.
This is all hyperbolic fear porn that only fucking morons and insane peope believe.
The proof is what we see. Only endless printing of a fiat currency hides the decline. We have warning of the fiat currency having issues with the endless debts and building overseas nations especially China with our need for products that we cannot afford to build here cheaply and have a huge government at the same time paying people off. At some point he rising nation is unchained and wants its respect in the new world created. The other nation declines more and more as the power increases for the rising one. The politicians do not care. For they will not most likely be around when it hits the fan. It will be prog cool anyway having mediocre people in charge based on color and gender and anything else prog determined.
The proof is what we see. Only endless printing of a fiat currency hides the decline. We have warning of the fiat currency having issues with the endless debts and building overseas nations especially China with our need for products that we cannot afford to build here cheaply and have a huge government at the same time paying people off. At some point he rising nation is unchained and wants its respect in the new world created. The other nation declines more and more as the power increases for the rising one. The politicians do not care. For they will not most likely be around when it hits the fan. It will be prog cool anyway having mediocre people in charge based on color and gender and anything else prog determined.
I am not interested in your overwrought and generally blog-plagiarized diarrhea. Peddle it to someone else.
If he did I'd expect to see him have "health issues" requiring him to resign and let the VP move in.
Yes, I think dems can figure that out without our help

And so can the voters

Thats why I said that replacing Harris with someone better could save biden in november
I am not interested in your overwrought and generally blog-plagiarized diarrhea. Peddle it to someone else.
I am for only promoting sense. Progs are revenge. Revenge for the past and revenge for those who fail or who are not that good and are empowered and or want to e. There are tens of millions of older people who have screwed with other people who are collecting good salaries and pensions. They need to be taken to task. And that is more possible than spending trillions of dollars on reparations. A progressive tax on pensions starting at a fair level would help. Unfortunately, there are many who did not screw with anyone.
Yep. She would win walking away. Turnout would spike, and the vast majority of Americans reject Trump and his cult.

Whenever the dems field an inspiring and popular candidate, they destroy the Republicans.

Democrats haven't been "inspiring and popular" since JFK. Their steady shift to the left becomes more unpopular and uninspiring each time a Democrat President is elected.

Look at their history: JBJ is regarded as one of the worst presidents of the 20th century. He kept us bogged down in the Vietnam war and his social programs gave us urban blight, massive ghettos, and soul-killing entitlements in the black community from cradle to grave.

Bill Clinton was a joke. He was impeached for lying about having sex in the oval office, and his incompetency set the whole country up for the 9/11 attacks. That idiot actually lost the nuclear codes for a month

Obama didn't accomplish anything except giving rise to al Qaeda, making Mexican drug cartels rich, wasting billions on bogus "green energy" companies that later went bankrupt, dividing the country worse than it ever had been, and legislating a scam called "Obamacare", which did nothing but increase the Medicare and Medicaid rolls.

That brings us up to where we are now: Joe Biden. And if I have to explain how much of a failure that idiot has been, you really haven't been paying attention.
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Remember when polls were actually REAL? And there were people out in the streets, shops, malls, and venues taking REAL opinions from REAL tax paying Americans?

Not like it is today, all lies, scams, shams, and money motivated frauds.
Whatever this Michelle/Michael IS..........it's nothing more than another money motivated Communist puppet!!

That is what I keep telling all your fellow MAGA morons every time they post a poll with what they think is good news
Big Mike would have to speak and debate eventually. So no. Biden didn't win either though, so who knows if he would actually win.

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