Obama's health care Co-ops, Solyndra, and USSR fail. Why?

Secondly, those liberals that spied for the ISSR, got a link to back that claim up, with proof of their liberal ideology?

dear, you lack the the IQ to be here as a typical liberal. Why not read "Useful Idiots" by Mona Charon to see complete list of liberals who spied for USSR and to see that you too are a useful Idiot liberal.

At least spell the name right, the correct spelling is Charen.
And of course she is a far right ideologue with an agenda. Her opinion is about as objective as any blubbering ideological extremist that post on these boards, something like you Ed.
Secondly, those liberals that spied for the ISSR, got a link to back that claim up, with proof of their liberal ideology?

dear, you lack the the IQ to be here as a typical liberal. Why not read "Useful Idiots" by Mona Charon to see complete list of liberals who spied for USSR and to see that you too are a useful Idiot liberal.
fun fact, when special ed uses the IQ line either his meds are late or he's hit his head again.
right about now he should start repeating himself.
argumentun adhominen from typical liberal too stupid for substance.
Right on schedule!

I love Ed's often used statement that all inventors were/are Republicans! :2up: A classic.
Reading ed's shit proves beyond doubt that mental illness is epidemic among the far right.
And of course she is a far right ideologue with an agenda. .

too stupid!! Christ and Hitler had ideas and agendas. That's not a criticism. Do you have the IQ to understand. Kiwi is actually so stupid that he takes pride in having no ideas and no agenda
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blubbering ideological extremist that post on these boards, something like you Ed.

to a liberal our Founders were blubbering ideological extremists because they transformed the world with freedom from govt.

See why we have to be 100% positive that a liberal will be stupid?
blubbering ideological extremist that post on these boards, something like you Ed.

to a liberal our Founders were blubbering ideological extremists because they transformed the world with freedom from govt.

See why we have to be 100% positive that a liberal will be stupid?
Thanks captain repepitition!

too stupid by 1000%. Conservatism is 2000 years old. If you finally understand that 1+1=2 it does not have to be repeated ever again.
Do you understand?????
blubbering ideological extremist that post on these boards, something like you Ed.

to a liberal our Founders were blubbering ideological extremists because they transformed the world with freedom from govt.

See why we have to be 100% positive that a liberal will be stupid?
Thanks captain repepitition!

too stupid by 1000%. Conservatism is 2000 years old. If you finally understand that 1+1=2 it does not have to be repeated ever again.
Do you understand?????
Jesus was not a conservative.
the ideology was invented by Edmund Burke in the early 19th century
not only are you a raving nut job buy your basic math skills are non existent.

Why conservative Christians would have hated Jesus
Even as they profess to spread his word, fundamentalists are forgetting Jesus' most important message
Frank Schaeffer, Alternet

Enlarge (Credit: Jaroslav74 via Shutterstock)
This article originally appeared on AlterNet.
Jesus never could have been the pastor of a contemporary evangelical church nor a conservative Roman Catholic bishop. Evangelicals and conservative Roman Catholics thrive on drawing distinctions between their “truth” and other people’s failings. Jesus by contrast, set off an empathy time bomb that obliterates difference.

Jesus’ empathy bomb explodes every time a former evangelical puts love ahead of what the “Bible says.” It goes off every time Pope Francis puts inclusion ahead of dogma. It goes off every time a gay couple are welcomed into a church. Jesus’ time bomb explodes whenever atheists follow Jesus better than most Christians.

Put it this way: Godless non-church-going Denmark mandates four weeks of maternity leave before childbirth and fourteen weeks afterward for mothers. Parents of newborn children are assisted with well-baby nurse-practitioner visits in their homes.

In the “pro-life” and allegedly “family friendly” American Bible belt, conservative political leaders slash programs designed to help women and children while creating a justifying mythology about handouts versus empowerment.

In “God-fearing America” the poor are now the “takers,” no longer the “least of these,” and many conservative evangelicals side with today’s Pharisees, attacking the poor in the name of following the Bible.

So who is following Jesus?

Confronted by the Bible cult called evangelicalism we have a choice: follow Jesus or follow a book cult. If Jesus is God as evangelicals and Roman Catholics claim he is, then the choice is clear. We have to read the book–including the New Testament–as he did, and Jesus didn’t like the “Bible” of his day.

Why conservative Christians would have hated Jesus - Salon.com

Confronted by bishops protecting dogma and tradition against Pope Francis’ embrace of empathy for the “other” we have a choice: follow Jesus or protect the institution.

Every time Jesus mentioned the equivalent of a church tradition, the Torah, he qualified it with something like this: “The scriptures say thus and so, but I say…” Jesus undermined the scriptures and religious tradition in favor of empathy. Every time Jesus undermined the scriptures (Jewish “church tradition”) it was to err on the side of co-suffering love. Every time a former evangelical becomes an atheist in favor of empathy she draws closer to Jesus. Every time Pope Francis sides with those the Church casts out he is closer to Jesus. Every time conservative Roman Catholics try to stop the Pope from bringing change to the Church they are on the side to those who killed Jesus.

A leper came to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you choose, you can make me clean.” If Jesus had been a good religious Jew, he would have said, “Be healed,” and just walked away. Instead, he stretched out his hand and touched the leper, saying, “I do choose. Be made clean,” even though he was breaking the specific rules of Leviticus. Two chapters teach that anyone touching a person with leprosy is contaminated.

In evangelical and Roman Catholic fundamentalist terms, Jesus was a rule-breaking humanist who wasn’t “saved.” A conservative bishop would have refused Jesus the sacraments. Christianity Today magazine would have editorialized against him, called for his firing, banning and branded him a traitor to the cause of Christianity.

The message of Jesus’ life is an intervention in and an acceleration of the evolution of empathy. Consider this story from the book of Matthew: “A woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.’ Jesus turned and saw her. ‘Take heart, daughter,’ he said, ‘your faith has healed you.’ And the woman was healed at that moment.”

I think it's funny that this thread immediately deflected into a conservative-bashing exercise, rather than addressing the reasons for the failures of the Obama programs.

I guess, though, if you don't want to hear the answer - calling people names is a great way to change the subject.

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