Obama’s ICE Director: No Immigration Enforcement Until Amnesty Is Passed


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Can you believe this piece of shit actually has the gal to dangle enforcement of the law of the land before us as some kind of bribe to approve the legislation she wants? These Obama drones aren't fit to government a kindergarten, let alone the most powerful country in the world.

Obama s ICE Director No Immigration Enforcement Until Amnesty Is Passed - Breitbart

President Obama’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) director tells lawmakers that no consequences are planned for sanctuary cities until Congress first passes “comprehensive immigration reform.” Sarah Saldaña testified before a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on criminal alien violence. After hearing emotional testimony from families torn apart by illegal immigrant murderers, Republican members of Congress grilled two administration witnesses: Leon Rodriquez, Director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), and Sarah Saldaña, Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Both Rodriquez and Saldaña have been tasked with carrying out President Obama’s executive amnesty for so-called DREAMers, which includes work permits...
If I used the words for that {insert bad word} president and his (another bad word} way he does crap. I would no doubt {insert REALLY FOUL word} cause this thread to go to the flame zone.
This is breaking the law and I don't understand why this person isn't in prison.
This is breaking the law and I don't understand why this person isn't in prison.

The stupid American gave Obama the leeway necessary to shit all over the Constitution, and he is. How about we wise up and not let the Clintons finish us off.
Is this insane or what? You know on another board I was desperately trying to convince those who were not into McCain to vote R just to prevent an Obama presidency and I was met with "it's only four years; how much damage can he do?"

I understood that they hated McCain (ditto) and I understood that they wanted to punish the Republicans, but I couldn't even convince them to get out and vote and at least not give Obama the House and the Senate. Sadly they didn't listen.

They've since apologized. Too little too late. Damage done.

It's outrageous that this administration is breaking the law at every turn. Unreal. Just jaw dropping unreal.
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Yo, just stay away from movie theaters, football stadiums, and malls? It`s your life?


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