Obama's Libya Debacle


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Obama's Libya Debacle

That verdict, however, turns out to have been premature. In retrospect, Obama’s intervention in Libya was an abject failure, judged even by its own standards. Libya has not only failed to evolve into a democracy; it has devolved into a failed state. Violent deaths and other human rights abuses have increased severalfold. Rather than helping the United States combat terrorism, as Qaddafi did during his last decade in power, Libya now serves as a safe haven for militias affiliated with both al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). The Libya intervention has harmed other U.S. interests as well: undermining nuclear nonproliferation, chilling Russian cooperation at the UN, and fueling Syria’s civil war.

Islamists came to dominate the first postwar parliament, the General National Congress. Meanwhile, the new government failed to disarm dozens of militias that had arisen during NATO’s seven-month intervention, especially Islamist ones, leading to deadly turf battles between rival tribes and commanders, which continue to this day. In October 2013, secessionists in eastern Libya, where most of the country’s oil is located, declared their own government. That same month, Ali Zeidan, then the country’s prime minister, was kidnapped and held hostage. In light of the growing Islamist influence within Libya’s government, in the spring of 2014, the United States postponed a plan to train an armed force of 6,000–8,000 Libyan troops.

n July, an Islamist militia from the city of Misurata responded to Hifter’s actions by attacking Tripoli, prompting Western embassies to evacuate. After a six-week battle, the Islamists captured the capital in August on behalf of the so-called Libya Dawn coalition, which, together with the defunct legislature, formed what they labeled a “national salvation government.” In October, the newly elected parliament, led by the secular Operation Dignity coalition, fled to the eastern city of Tobruk, where it established a competing interim government, which Libya’s Supreme Court later declared unconstitutional. Libya thus finds itself with two warring governments, each controlling only a fraction of the country’s territory and militias.

As a consequence of such pervasive violence, the UN estimates that roughly 400,000 Libyans have fled their homes, a quarter of whom have left the country altogether.

Obama s Libya Debacle

Our mission in Libya is an abject failure..................It is a country torn apart and Islamic Radicals rule much of the country..............It has also spilled over to Mali.............As Islamist took arms from Libya's fall to wage War in Mali.............

Obama's mission in Libya is a failure............yet it is hardly mentioned..............It was a PUSH for DEMOCRACY in the ARAB SPRING..................The Arab Spring was an Arab Uprising throughout the whole region.................A Radical ARAB UPRISING.............and it continues.

The New Terrorist Training Ground - The Atlantic

Last year, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb did something no other modern terrorist group has: conquered a broad swath of a sovereign country—Mali. Since then, despite French intervention, northern Mali has become a jihadist front, with Islamist militants flowing in from around the world. While America remains focused on threats from the Middle East and South Asia, the new face of terror is likely to be African.

“People think of northern Mali like they thought of Chechnya in the late ’90s—as someplace where you can go and do your part to restore the caliphate.”
Northern Mali conflict - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Operation Serval - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Operation Serval (French: Opération Serval) was aFrench military operation in Mali.[18] The aim of the operation was to oust Islamic militants in the north of Mali,[19] who had begun a push into the center of Mali.[20]

Operation Serval followed the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2085 of 20 December 2012 and an official request by the Malian interim government for French military assistance.[21] The operation ended on 15 July 2014 and was replaced by the Operation Barkhanelaunched on 1 August 2014 to fight Islamist fighters in the Sahel.[22] Three of the five Islamic leaders, Abdelhamid Abou Zeid, Abdel Krim and Omar Ould Hamaha were killed, while Mokhtar Belmokhtar fled to Libya and Iyad ag Ghali[23] fled to Algeria. [24]

Libya is a hell hole....................Nothing is said...............Islamist have caused Western powers withdrawals............and NOTHING from the left and it's biased media...........

Mali............the battle has spilled over the border............And Islamist, for the Jihad, are continuing to battle Mali forces with the French for control of the North......................

All came from the Arab Spring that Obama and Liberals rejoiced about.....................SAYING DEMOCRACY is WINNING...........................lol...................tell that to the people of these countries living in areas under Islamic Law...................

Tell it to the girls taken by Boko in Nigeria and Mali.................

Add in that Obama and the left chanted democracy in Egypt............saying the Muslim Brotherhood must be included even though they were pushing for another Islamist state................


Obama's failed policies in the middle east are severe............and the left still defends him and his failed policies.
Operation Barkhane

Operation Barkhane is an anti-terrorist operation in Africa'sSahel region beginning in August 2014.[4] It consists of a 3,000-strong French force, which will be permanent and headquartered in N’Djamena, the capital of Chad.[1] The operation has been designed with five countries, and former French colonies, that span the Sahel: Burkina Faso, Chad,Mali, Mauritania and Niger.[1]

The operation is named after a crescent-shaped dune in theSahara desert.[5]

According to French Defence Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, the main objective of Operation Barkhane is counter-terrorism:[4] "The aim is to prevent what I call the highway of all forms of traffics to become a place of permanent passage, where jihadist groups between Libya and the Atlantic Ocean can rebuild themselves, which would lead to serious consequences for our security."[7] French President, François Hollande, has said the Barkhane force will allow for a "rapid and efficient intervention in the event of a crisis" in the region.[5]

The operation will target Islamist extremists in Mali, Chad and Niger,[4] and will have a mandate to operate across borders.[4]

This makes me look even smarter.
How so......................You are an Obama apologist.........................Will you call this a failure and have the gonads to own up to this was ALL ON OBAMA...........................

Or will you make excuses...............
Bush's intervention in Iraq is widely recognized as a failure to most Americans. The failure is obvious and the consequences of that failure have been costly for Iraqis and Americans.

Obama's intervention in Libya is an obvious failure, but few Americans know anything about it. While this failure pails in comparison to Iraq, it is no less a failure. Other BO failures are evident in Syria and Ukraine, but they too are unknown to most Americans.

The old double standard.
This makes me look even smarter.
How so......................You are an Obama apologist.........................Will you call this a failure and have the gonads to own up to this was ALL ON OBAMA...........................

Or will you make excuses...............

Let me give you the response I gave another RWnut 2 1/2 years ago:

Obama Election The End of Sovereignty Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Happy now?

This makes me look even smarter.
How so......................You are an Obama apologist.........................Will you call this a failure and have the gonads to own up to this was ALL ON OBAMA...........................

Or will you make excuses...............

Let me give you the response I gave another RWnut 2 1/2 years ago:

Obama Election The End of Sovereignty Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Happy now?

I'm not searching that whole thread for your meaning.............It didn't take me to your post you are referring to..................or not.
Suicide bomber rocket grenades kill 30 in Nigerian city - AOL.com

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) -- A suicide bomb blast outside a mosque and rocket-propelled grenades that exploded into homes as people slept killed at least 30 people in the Nigerian city Maiduguri on Saturday, residents and officials said.

The explosion killed people who were prostrating themselves for afternoon prayers outside the mosque, including traders from the nearby crowded marketplace in the largest city in Nigeria's troubled northeast, survivors said.

Trader Ali Bakomi said the bomber was pushing a wheelbarrow and pretending to be an itinerant trader when he joined them.

An intelligence officer said Boko Haram was firing the rocket-propelled grenades. Soldiers fired heavy assault rifles in response, said the officer, who insisted on anonymity because he is not supposed to give information to journalists.

Civilian self-defense fighters patrolled until dawn to ensure the Islamic extremists did not get through barriers of sandbags and trenches, said one of the fighters, Abbas Gava.

The nearly 6-year-old Islamic uprising in northeastern Nigeria has killed an estimated 13,000 people. Maiduguri's population of 2 million has swelled with hundreds of thousands of refugees who have been forced from their homes.
Obama's intervention in Libya is an obvious failure, but few Americans know anything about it.

if the liberliar media done it's job, we Americans would know all we need to know what a failure O'Husseinbama has been and still is and always will be.

i wish i knew what the attraction is about this failure as a president is to the liberleft, why do they want this once beautiful United States of America destroyed, why don't they uphold the Constitution rather than HATE it ?

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