Obama’s Team Including Victoria Nuland, Susan Rice, Alexander Vindman Told Zelensky to Reject Trump Deal in Violation of Logan Act.

Again, we're getting opposition to that aggression. The alternative is no opposition to that aggression.

I'm not conscripting them. It's their country. They are choosing to fight. I just support arming them in that fight for as long as they have fight in them.

Well see you government collects money though these things called taxes and then spends that money. If we want to reduce our debt we could either kneecap government, the thing that poor and working class people depend on or raise taxes on the people with disposable incomes. Lots of disposable income among the billionaire class. The three richest people in America own more wealth than the bottom 50% of Americans, combined.
Explain how the richest nation in the world in the mid 1960's starts the Great Society and added huge programs with it over the years with state, city and local governments doing the same thing and we have the bottom 50% of Americans as you type. Tens of trillions of dollars and more. When we tax the rich more, they do not spend money. And they create employment by doing so. We are rich. Just not that rich as a nation to pay for everything. Especially with graft, stealing and corruption.
How is spending billions so that Ukrainians can die a return?

We get nothing, the world gets nothing but the threat of more and expansive violence.

Russia isn’t Hamas, we aren’t going to take out the world’s largest nuclear power.

And if you want to keep throwing billions at it, what are you willing to cut spending on here in the United States?
So in other words Ukraine should surrender to Russia and allow Putin to rebuild the Soviet Union. What is the next country he will invade?
We have sent billions to Israel, what has the return been?
That's the dumbest most out of touch question I've heard all week.

A paltry 6 billion a year, and for that we get technology worth ten times as much, not to mention intelligence and lots of lobbying money that keeps elected representatives in both sides of the aisle happy.
Sorry, but America used to stand for and fight for freedom.

Until Trump came along and kissed the Russian ass.

Trump and Vance’s juvenile tirades were unprofessional, peppered with outright lies, errors of omission, and just plain schoolyard bullying.

Trump’s behavior defined himself as an unserious fool who should never, ever, taken at his word.
Will you apologize when Trump ends the war?
A strong ally in the Middle East, intelligence, innovative technology, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, metals, minerals.

We need the same from the Ukraine. Right now, it’s too one-sided and a money drain on the US Taxpayer.

Did they participate in any of the Iraq Wars or Afghanistan?
1) sure, a ceasefire and security measures were Russia would not want to invade Ukraine...such as United States economic ties
And when Trump is calling Zelenski a dictator and Russia is saying Washington's goals align with theirs, why exactly would Ukraine trust that deal?
2) You are, when you simply want to send them billions to die, instead of working towards some sort of way to end the war and have a ceasefire.
It's not my war. It's not my place to tell Ukrainians when to stop fighting the invasion of their country.
3) Well, how many billionares are there in the United States? Just looked it up, only about 756 people are. So you expect 756 people to pay for all these things, including the killing of Ukraines
No. I expect them to pay for weapons that kill Russians. Russians are the ones killing Ukrainians you fuckwit. :lol:
What is the problem with what Trump is proposing? What don’t you like about the minerals plan?

Throwing billions at the problem perpetually will only frustrate the Russians for so long before they overcome it.
The problem is is that if I were Ukraine, anything Trump offered me would be worth absolute shit. He got back into office and immediately started bad mouthing trade deals his administration made with Canada and Mexico and that's after being convicted of fraud and decades of being sued by contractors and vendors left and right because the man doesn't pay his bills.
The problem is is that if I were Ukraine, anything Trump offered me would be worth absolute shit. He got back into office and immediately started bad mouthing trade deals his administration made with Canada and Mexico and that's after being convicted of fraud and decades of being sued by contractors and vendors left and right because the man doesn't pay his bills.
The Ukraine definitely had it easy streak under the previous regime. The US was an ATM for them.
Remember when the Logan Act was all the rage among Democrats? What happened to that?

I hope that if any of these Obama stooges still have security clearances, they are quickly revoked.

The same traitors Same who colluded in Trump’s first impeachment and Russia hoax: Zelenskyy, Sullivan, Blinken, Rice, Nuland, and Vindman were the architects of Zelensky’s blowing up the peace talks. They are acting as foreign agents.
This is treasonous and most certainly a violation of the Logan Act. Ironically, this treasonous act will have the opposite effect of what they intended – chalk another up to the law of unintended consequences.


The return is opposition to Russian aggression and imperialism at the cost of dollars rather than U.S. soldiers. If you ask me that sounds like a good discount.
It also sounds like the way Vietnam and Korea started.

Here's the bottom line:

Putin invades, Quid Pro Joe does nothing to find a path to peace, instead committing American resources to the war. TRUMP!, within a month of taking office, starts the peace process, looking for a way to stop the killing.

Quite telling, that.
The Ukraine definitely had it easy streak under the previous regime. The US was an ATM for them.
Well, we sort of agreed previously to stand with them against any Russian aggression in exchange for them giving up their nuclear weapons. If we can't keep that agreement why would they trust another one and by Trump no less, the convicted fraudster in chief?
Remember when the Logan Act was all the rage among Democrats? What happened to that?

I hope that if any of these Obama stooges still have security clearances, they are quickly revoked.

The same traitors Same who colluded in Trump’s first impeachment and Russia hoax: Zelenskyy, Sullivan, Blinken, Rice, Nuland, and Vindman were the architects of Zelensky’s blowing up the peace talks. They are acting as foreign agents.
This is treasonous and most certainly a violation of the Logan Act. Ironically, this treasonous act will have the opposite effect of what they intended – chalk another up to the law of unintended consequences.


You do know that former presidents are acting emissaries?
It also sounds like the way Vietnam and Korea started.

Here's the bottom line:

Putin invades, Quid Pro Joe does nothing to find a path to peace, instead committing American resources to the war. TRUMP!, within a month of taking office, starts the peace process, looking for a way to stop the killing.

Quite telling, that.
Yes, it is quite telling how quickly Trump moves to secure Russian goals.
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