Obama's ties to Putin are going to be investigated

Progressives are engaged in sedition, in a coup d'etat, and need to rooted out and held to account
Oh OOOooooooooooooooooooooooo The shit will hit the fan now. Get em Sessions!

I'd be happy if Obama explained what he meant when he sent a message to Putin saying he'd be more flexible after his last election. Flexible about what?

Flexible about letting Russia take Crimea.
That's why democrats are so desperate to get rid of Sessions. Now that Hussein is out of office and republicans are in the majority it's only a matter of time before democrats stop dragging their feet over confirming Trump's appointments and the dirty little tricksters left in the administration are weeded out. You almost gotta laugh that democrats think their 60's playbook still works and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM is still going to cover their hypocrite asses.
It will take two or three years, or two or three convictions before the leftists fold up camp and retreat to an unshaven hippie enclave.
So now Russia contact is bad only when anyone not with Trump does it!

You look more guilty by the day!
So now Russia contact is bad only when anyone not with Trump does it!

You look more guilty by the day!
The entire witch hunt revolves around Russia. The Dems and the mass media have said anyone that speaks to a Russian is dead to us, but lies and fails to follow through.
That's why democrats are so desperate to get rid of Sessions. Now that Hussein is out of office and republicans are in the majority it's only a matter of time before democrats stop dragging their feet over confirming Trump's appointments and the dirty little tricksters left in the administration are weeded out. You almost gotta laugh that democrats think their 60's playbook still works and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM is still going to cover their hypocrite asses.

Republican Senators say that the White House is slowing down nominations by being slow in sending the proper paperwork to the Senate. Those dirty tricksters are anyone who has integrity like the analysts who wrote a analysis that found that country of origin is a poor indicator of whether someone is a terrorist or not. That can be confirmed by looking at the country that recent terrorists came from that included the US.
So now Russia contact is bad only when anyone not with Trump does it!

You look more guilty by the day!
The entire witch hunt revolves around Russia. The Dems and the mass media have said anyone that speaks to a Russian is dead to us, but lies and fails to follow through.

No that's not what was said. Check with the voices in your head. You might have heard that there.

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