Obesity due to ultra-processed foods?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

The study indicates that when we eat these foods, it takes longer for us to feel full so we eat more.

Hall’s study is seminal—really as good a clinical trial as you can get,” says Barry M. Popkin, a professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, who focuses on diet and obesity. “His was the first to prove that ultraprocessed foods are not only highly seductive but that people tend to eat more of them.” The work has been well received, although it is possible that the carefully controlled experiment does not apply to the messy way people mix food types in the real world.

It also discusses insulin levels and the retention of body fats.

And then comes this:

We were not surprised to find that when you manipulate the level of carbohydrates versus fats, you do see very different insulin levels,” Hall says. He had expected the low-carb diet would reduce insulin activity. “But what did surprise us was that we did not see a significant effect of the sharply lower insulin levels on the rate of calories burned over time or on body fat.” Typically lowered insulin affects the way fat cells burn calories. Yet, Halls says, “we found that the reduced-carbohydrate diet slightly slowed body fat loss.”


Here’s what you CAN eat:


Nowhere in the article does it recommend a dietary program to reduce body fat.

Rather extensive with some interesting references @ A New Theory of Obesity
Why is this not common knowledge at this point? This information has been out there for years now. Fat doesn't make you fat...processed sugars do.

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