'Objective' Deputy US AG Rosenstein Personally Attacked GOP For Asking For FBI Records


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein initiated a "very personal and very hostile" attack on House Republican lawmakers and staffers in May after they requested records about the FBI's investigative strategy in the Russia case"


"Before the door even closed, we could hear DAG Rosenstein scream at Chairman Nunes, the substance of which we would be briefed on afterwards. The summary is that DAG Rosenstein launched into personal attacks against Nunes, and myself, calling me out by name," Kash Patel, the intelligence committee's national security adviser, wrote. "Demonstrating childish behavior, and a pattern in doing so, the DAG, without facts to support his claims and relying on false media reporting, personally attacked a staffer, myself and our committee."

A source familiar with the closed-door meeting backed up the email account. "Yes, the attacks were very personal and very hostile. Chairman Gowdy tried to calm everyone down and focus on the issues at hand,” the source told Fox News. “Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein initiated the confrontation and was much more upset than Chairman Nunes."


"Earlier this year, Fox News reported that Rosenstein threatened to “subpoena” emails and other documents from lawmakers and staff on the House intelligence committee during a tense January meeting over the Russia investigation, according to emails documenting the encounter. In that incident as well, aides described a "personal attack."

This incident occurred as a result of the GOP threatening Rosenstein with Impeachment for his crime of Obstruction, refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Rosenstein reportedly fired back that he would use the DOJ and FBI to open up investigations on the GOP Politicians if they attempted to take action over his refusal to comply with the Congressional subpoenas.

....Yes, he threatened and attempted to intimidate (potentially criminal) Senate Politicians who had legal oversight of his Russian investigation by launching a very persona attack against the GOP politicians during which time he threatened to use the powers of the DOJ and FBI to open up investigations on THEM if they kept pushing him and demanding he comply with their legal requests.

Just because Rosenstein threatened GOP Politicians with going after them with the full force of the DOJ and FBI - threatening to initiate un-warranted investigations on them for demanding he comply with their oversight - does NOT mean he would voice a serious consideration of wearing a wire to take down the President as well.


Just like when he talked about possibly wearing a wire, taping the President, using the 25th Amendment to affect a successful coup by removing him from office, and asking others f they wanted to join in .... Rosenstein was also - again - 'JOKING' about abusing his authority and the powers of the DOJ and FBI to open up investigations on GOP Senators for carrying out their role of Congressional oversight of his investigation and / or for attempting to punish him for his criminal non-compliance with Congressional subpoenas.

Damn, can't a co-conspirator even JOKE about wearing a wire to take down a President or JOKE about illegally opening up an investigation of US Senators for demanding he comply with Congressional subpoenas?!

The GOP Senators have / had no 'sense of humor'!

(Actually, Democrats and the traitors have a seriously F*ED UP sense of humor. Hillary demonstrated this while testifying before Congress about Benghazi. When asked about the more than 50 requests for additional security by Ambassador Stevens - all of which were rejected before he was finally murdered by terrorists, Hillary LAUGHED and stated she thought all of those requests were "A JOKE'' - 'Part of Stevens' SENSE OF HUMOR'!)

Rosenstein launched 'hostile' attack in May against Republicans over Russia records: congressional email

Rosenstein Is nothing but a little weasel. He will be outted soon enough.
Don't Forget That Today Rosenstein Will Be Meeting With Trump....

Hopefully he will have to explain why he was talking about wearing a wire to entrap the President, why he was obstructing Justice by refusing to comply with Congressional Subpoenas, and why he threatened to illegally - in an act of intimidation and an abuse of power - open up DOJ and FBI investigations on GOP Senators who have legal oversight of his investigation if they continued to threaten to hold him accountable for violating Congressional subpoenas....

...and if US AG Jeff Sessions had a backbone in his body or a single testicle he will be in that room / meeting demanding to know WTF his DAG was doing / thinking and would be taking back control of HIS DOJ!
So now all eyes shift to the meeting between Trump and his treasonous DAG...

Obstruction of Justice

Refusal To Comply With Congressional Subpoenas

Attempted Intimidation of Members of Congress who have Oversight Authority of His Investigations
-- Threatening to abuse the power of the DOJ and FBI by illegally opening investigations in retaliation for attempts to hold him accountable for refusing to comply with the subpoenas

Talking about wearing a wire, taping Trump, using the 25th Amendment to successfully conduct a political coup, and asking other Cabinet members if they were interested in participating in it...

According to Rosenstein this was all a JOKE.

Rosenstein has a lot of explaining to do. UNFORTUNATELY he has a lot of explaining to do to the President, not his boss - the US AG, who is still MIA...

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