Obstruction of Justice Thread and Poll

Does not colluding with Russia make Trump guilty of obstruction of justice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 14 29.2%
  • Pub Duppe

    Votes: 1 2.1%
  • Russia Russia Russia

    Votes: 26 54.2%

  • Total voters
. No collusion, no crimes. It all falls.

Nope just like a courtroom where a defendent can be charged with several different crimes--found guilty of one, innocent of another--etc. etc. Obstruction of Justice is a stand alone crime, and is not dependent on being found guilty of any other crime.

"Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsified, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under Title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."
Obstruction of justice - Wikipedia

You have not elected a King or Dictator. Trump swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution--and he will be treated like any other citizen when it comes to criminal acts.

Nixon tried the same thing--firing people who knew too much-- and it didn't end well for him.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases.
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

Watergate took 2 years 2 months before Nixon resigned. This investigation is moving at the speed of light in comparison.

An innocent President will not impede any investigation--because they want to clear themselves of any wrong-doing.

Trump admitted to Obstruction of Justice during an NBC interview with Jake Tapper.

Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Scroll back to post # 357 on this thread, spend some time watching video's and reading, because it's clear that whomever you're watching or listening too isn't informing you. I assume that would be FOX News and right wing talk show hosts--whom are in full panic spin mode.

I keep hearing this same narrative from you on the left...that Trump has "admitted" to obstruction because he said that he was thinking of the Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey. Here's the glaring problem with that...if Trump is thinking about Comey's reluctance to come out and say that Trump wasn't the subject of an FBI investigation in public and THAT was the reason he decided to can him...then this has nothing to do with obstruction of justice and everything to do with a President and an FBI Director not seeing eye to eye on something else! After watching Comey play games with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton to declare that the investigation into Hillary Clinton was simply an FBI "matter" so that Hillary could claim she wasn't under investigation by the FBI, is it any wonder that Trump would be annoyed that Comey would assure him in private that he wasn't under investigation but not state that in public? I think Comey got fired for THAT...not to obstruct any investigation into Trump and my proof of that is simple...the investigations didn't stop...as proven by testimony of the new acting head of the FBI!

I love it the way you right wingers always try and revert the topic back to Hillary Clinton. Your right wing talk show hosts do the same. LOOK--all the emails you can drag up--along with 8 investigations into Benghazi don't hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Robert Mueller is the one that just decided to put Obstruction of Justice on the ticket, not Comey.
Donald Trump under investigation for potential obstruction of justice – reports

Trump at first used how Comey treated Hillary Clinton as the excuse to fire Comey--which is laughable. All his surrogates where chanting the same thing. Then he goes on NBC a couple of days later, didn't stick with that narrative and admitted to Obstruction of Justice. As Bill Mayer stated he is "deep throat"--referring to the FBI agent that secretly met with Washington Post reporters over Watergate. Apparently when the news came out that Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, FOX News spent the entire night stating he wasn't, it's just FAKE NEWS, and the next day Trump admits it, in a tweet. He does this all of the time.

I am certain that all White House advisers along with his lawyers have told him to stay away from interviews and his dam tweeter account--but he hasn't listened yet. He's never going to listen, and here's why.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Post # 357 on this thread explains it all.

LOL...what did you think Mueller was going to investigate, Oreo? Collusion is pretty much DOA...you Trump haters on the left have been pushing that since last summer and you've come up with zero proof it happened! Once you realized that dog wasn't going to hunt you started screaming about obstruction of justice because Trump fired Comey...that despite the fact that Trump A) never ordered Comey to stop investigating anyone, B) told Comey that he was fine with the FBI investigating his "satellites", and C) has the legal right to fire the FBI Director at his discretion! The only thing Mueller HAS to investigate right now IS the alleged obstruction of justice and it's obvious he has no choice but to do so or you snowflakes will scream bloody murder about cover-ups! So he'll investigate and guess what he'll come up with? Nothing. Why? Because obstruction of justice never took place. This whole narrative borders on farce.

You'd best start coming up with something else for Mueller to look into, little buddy because right now...you've sent him into a round room and told him to pee in the corner!

Keep dreaming--post 357 explains it all with video and links. Yes Trump did tell Comey to look the other way on Michael Flynn with this statement:

President Donald Trump asked James Comey to end the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a request documented in a memo written by the former FBI director, according to sources familiar with the matter. "I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting Trump in the document, which CNN has not viewed but which was described by the sources.
Comey memo: Trump asked Comey to end Flynn investigation - CNNPolitics.com

Two private meetings & 6 phone calls later, Trump fired Comey. Because Comey didn't let it go. Which Trump admitted too, in an NBC interview with Lester Holt. (The reason he fired Comey was because of the Russian investigation.) That is Obstruction of Justice.

The president, however, has now admitted that those defenses are wrong. In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt yesterday, Trump admitted he was motivated by concerns about the Russia scandal when he decided to oust Comey from his FBI post.
“[W]hen I decided to just do it [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.” About the same time as the interview, Trump’s spokesperson also told reporters that by firing Comey, the White House has “taken steps” to end the investigation into the Russia scandal.
Trump's admission bolsters allegations of obstruction of justice

So I think the only person that will be peeing in the corner is you. James Clapper says this is a 1000 times worse than Watergate--which is true. Because it involves collusion with a foreign adversary, Russia, and
Julian Assange (wikileaks founder) who has just been labeled a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation, that frequently works with Russia that recently leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists the tactics used to catch them.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

And we know who loves Julian Assange

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So get out your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOX News, and keep listening to all of your right wing talk show hosts, you're in for one hell of a ride.

You people are hilarious... The ultimate conspiracy theories abound with you people, but now it's turned deadly. First it was the cops, now it's Congressman and Republicans that have become a target of the vitriol..
. No collusion, no crimes. It all falls.

Nope just like a courtroom where a defendent can be charged with several different crimes--found guilty of one, innocent of another--etc. etc. Obstruction of Justice is a stand alone crime, and is not dependent on being found guilty of any other crime.

"Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsified, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under Title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."
Obstruction of justice - Wikipedia

You have not elected a King or Dictator. Trump swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution--and he will be treated like any other citizen when it comes to criminal acts.

Nixon tried the same thing--firing people who knew too much-- and it didn't end well for him.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases.
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

Watergate took 2 years 2 months before Nixon resigned. This investigation is moving at the speed of light in comparison.

An innocent President will not impede any investigation--because they want to clear themselves of any wrong-doing.

Trump admitted to Obstruction of Justice during an NBC interview with Jake Tapper.

Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Scroll back to post # 357 on this thread, spend some time watching video's and reading, because it's clear that whomever you're watching or listening too isn't informing you. I assume that would be FOX News and right wing talk show hosts--whom are in full panic spin mode.

I keep hearing this same narrative from you on the left...that Trump has "admitted" to obstruction because he said that he was thinking of the Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey. Here's the glaring problem with that...if Trump is thinking about Comey's reluctance to come out and say that Trump wasn't the subject of an FBI investigation in public and THAT was the reason he decided to can him...then this has nothing to do with obstruction of justice and everything to do with a President and an FBI Director not seeing eye to eye on something else! After watching Comey play games with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton to declare that the investigation into Hillary Clinton was simply an FBI "matter" so that Hillary could claim she wasn't under investigation by the FBI, is it any wonder that Trump would be annoyed that Comey would assure him in private that he wasn't under investigation but not state that in public? I think Comey got fired for THAT...not to obstruct any investigation into Trump and my proof of that is simple...the investigations didn't stop...as proven by testimony of the new acting head of the FBI!

I love it the way you right wingers always try and revert the topic back to Hillary Clinton. Your right wing talk show hosts do the same. LOOK--all the emails you can drag up--along with 8 investigations into Benghazi don't hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Robert Mueller is the one that just decided to put Obstruction of Justice on the ticket, not Comey.
Donald Trump under investigation for potential obstruction of justice – reports

Trump at first used how Comey treated Hillary Clinton as the excuse to fire Comey--which is laughable. All his surrogates where chanting the same thing. Then he goes on NBC a couple of days later, didn't stick with that narrative and admitted to Obstruction of Justice. As Bill Mayer stated he is "deep throat"--referring to the FBI agent that secretly met with Washington Post reporters over Watergate. Apparently when the news came out that Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, FOX News spent the entire night stating he wasn't, it's just FAKE NEWS, and the next day Trump admits it, in a tweet. He does this all of the time.

I am certain that all White House advisers along with his lawyers have told him to stay away from interviews and his dam tweeter account--but he hasn't listened yet. He's never going to listen, and here's why.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Post # 357 on this thread explains it all.

LOL...what did you think Mueller was going to investigate, Oreo? Collusion is pretty much DOA...you Trump haters on the left have been pushing that since last summer and you've come up with zero proof it happened! Once you realized that dog wasn't going to hunt you started screaming about obstruction of justice because Trump fired Comey...that despite the fact that Trump A) never ordered Comey to stop investigating anyone, B) told Comey that he was fine with the FBI investigating his "satellites", and C) has the legal right to fire the FBI Director at his discretion! The only thing Mueller HAS to investigate right now IS the alleged obstruction of justice and it's obvious he has no choice but to do so or you snowflakes will scream bloody murder about cover-ups! So he'll investigate and guess what he'll come up with? Nothing. Why? Because obstruction of justice never took place. This whole narrative borders on farce.

You'd best start coming up with something else for Mueller to look into, little buddy because right now...you've sent him into a round room and told him to pee in the corner!

Keep dreaming--post 357 explains it all with video and links. Yes Trump did tell Comey to look the other way on Michael Flynn with this statement:

President Donald Trump asked James Comey to end the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a request documented in a memo written by the former FBI director, according to sources familiar with the matter. "I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting Trump in the document, which CNN has not viewed but which was described by the sources.
Comey memo: Trump asked Comey to end Flynn investigation - CNNPolitics.com

Two private meetings & 6 phone calls later, Trump fired Comey. Because Comey didn't let it go. Which Trump admitted too, in an NBC interview with Lester Holt. (The reason he fired Comey was because of the Russian investigation.) That is Obstruction of Justice.

The president, however, has now admitted that those defenses are wrong. In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt yesterday, Trump admitted he was motivated by concerns about the Russia scandal when he decided to oust Comey from his FBI post.
“[W]hen I decided to just do it [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.” About the same time as the interview, Trump’s spokesperson also told reporters that by firing Comey, the White House has “taken steps” to end the investigation into the Russia scandal.
Trump's admission bolsters allegations of obstruction of justice

So I think the only person that will be peeing in the corner is you. James Clapper says this is a 1000 times worse than Watergate--which is true. Because it involves collusion with a foreign adversary, Russia, and
Julian Assange (wikileaks founder) who has just been labeled a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation, that frequently works with Russia that recently leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists the tactics used to catch them.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

And we know who loves Julian Assange

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So get out your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOX News, and keep listening to all of your right wing talk show hosts, you're in for one hell of a ride.


You keep repeating the same thing, Oreo and pretending it means obstruction of justice. I'm sorry but "hoping" someone does something isn't the same as "ordering" someone to do something! I know you WANT it to...but it doesn't !
You people are hilarious... The ultimate conspiracy theories abound with you people, but now it's turned deadly. First it was the cops, now it's Congressman and Republicans that have become a target of the vitriol..

The problem is that the collusion investigations didn't start out as a political witch hunt as Trump would like you to believe. It started out in the 17 intelligence agencies monitoring how the Russians were interfering with the election, and in the process of monitoring what the russians were up to, found too many communications between high level russians, and Trump campaign associates to just be a coincidence.

To make it worse, when questioned about those communications, to a man, they all denied their conversations. Not knowing the NSA was listening into what the Russins were up to, and that they were caught on the other end of the wiretap.
. No collusion, no crimes. It all falls.

Nope just like a courtroom where a defendent can be charged with several different crimes--found guilty of one, innocent of another--etc. etc. Obstruction of Justice is a stand alone crime, and is not dependent on being found guilty of any other crime.

"Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsified, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under Title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both."
Obstruction of justice - Wikipedia

You have not elected a King or Dictator. Trump swore an oath to the U.S. Constitution--and he will be treated like any other citizen when it comes to criminal acts.

Nixon tried the same thing--firing people who knew too much-- and it didn't end well for him.

In the most traumatic government upheaval of the Watergate crisis, President Nixon yesterday discharged Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox and accepted the resignations of Attorney General Elliot L. Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William D. Ruckelshaus. The President also abolished the office of the special prosecutor and turned over to the Justice Department the entire responsibility for further investigation and prosecution of suspects and defendants in Watergate and related cases.
WashingtonPost.com: Nixon Forces Firing of Cox; Richardson, Ruckelshaus Quit
Saturday Night Massacre - Wikipedia

Watergate took 2 years 2 months before Nixon resigned. This investigation is moving at the speed of light in comparison.

An innocent President will not impede any investigation--because they want to clear themselves of any wrong-doing.

Trump admitted to Obstruction of Justice during an NBC interview with Jake Tapper.

Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

Scroll back to post # 357 on this thread, spend some time watching video's and reading, because it's clear that whomever you're watching or listening too isn't informing you. I assume that would be FOX News and right wing talk show hosts--whom are in full panic spin mode.

I keep hearing this same narrative from you on the left...that Trump has "admitted" to obstruction because he said that he was thinking of the Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey. Here's the glaring problem with that...if Trump is thinking about Comey's reluctance to come out and say that Trump wasn't the subject of an FBI investigation in public and THAT was the reason he decided to can him...then this has nothing to do with obstruction of justice and everything to do with a President and an FBI Director not seeing eye to eye on something else! After watching Comey play games with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton to declare that the investigation into Hillary Clinton was simply an FBI "matter" so that Hillary could claim she wasn't under investigation by the FBI, is it any wonder that Trump would be annoyed that Comey would assure him in private that he wasn't under investigation but not state that in public? I think Comey got fired for THAT...not to obstruct any investigation into Trump and my proof of that is simple...the investigations didn't stop...as proven by testimony of the new acting head of the FBI!

I love it the way you right wingers always try and revert the topic back to Hillary Clinton. Your right wing talk show hosts do the same. LOOK--all the emails you can drag up--along with 8 investigations into Benghazi don't hold a match stick to Treason, Obstruction & Lies. Robert Mueller is the one that just decided to put Obstruction of Justice on the ticket, not Comey.
Donald Trump under investigation for potential obstruction of justice – reports

Trump at first used how Comey treated Hillary Clinton as the excuse to fire Comey--which is laughable. All his surrogates where chanting the same thing. Then he goes on NBC a couple of days later, didn't stick with that narrative and admitted to Obstruction of Justice. As Bill Mayer stated he is "deep throat"--referring to the FBI agent that secretly met with Washington Post reporters over Watergate. Apparently when the news came out that Trump was under investigation for Obstruction of Justice, FOX News spent the entire night stating he wasn't, it's just FAKE NEWS, and the next day Trump admits it, in a tweet. He does this all of the time.

I am certain that all White House advisers along with his lawyers have told him to stay away from interviews and his dam tweeter account--but he hasn't listened yet. He's never going to listen, and here's why.
A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader


Post # 357 on this thread explains it all.

LOL...what did you think Mueller was going to investigate, Oreo? Collusion is pretty much DOA...you Trump haters on the left have been pushing that since last summer and you've come up with zero proof it happened! Once you realized that dog wasn't going to hunt you started screaming about obstruction of justice because Trump fired Comey...that despite the fact that Trump A) never ordered Comey to stop investigating anyone, B) told Comey that he was fine with the FBI investigating his "satellites", and C) has the legal right to fire the FBI Director at his discretion! The only thing Mueller HAS to investigate right now IS the alleged obstruction of justice and it's obvious he has no choice but to do so or you snowflakes will scream bloody murder about cover-ups! So he'll investigate and guess what he'll come up with? Nothing. Why? Because obstruction of justice never took place. This whole narrative borders on farce.

You'd best start coming up with something else for Mueller to look into, little buddy because right now...you've sent him into a round room and told him to pee in the corner!

Keep dreaming--post 357 explains it all with video and links. Yes Trump did tell Comey to look the other way on Michael Flynn with this statement:

President Donald Trump asked James Comey to end the investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a request documented in a memo written by the former FBI director, according to sources familiar with the matter. "I hope you can let this go," Comey wrote, quoting Trump in the document, which CNN has not viewed but which was described by the sources.
Comey memo: Trump asked Comey to end Flynn investigation - CNNPolitics.com

Two private meetings & 6 phone calls later, Trump fired Comey. Because Comey didn't let it go. Which Trump admitted too, in an NBC interview with Lester Holt. (The reason he fired Comey was because of the Russian investigation.) That is Obstruction of Justice.

The president, however, has now admitted that those defenses are wrong. In an interview with NBC News’ Lester Holt yesterday, Trump admitted he was motivated by concerns about the Russia scandal when he decided to oust Comey from his FBI post.
“[W]hen I decided to just do it [fire Comey], I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.” About the same time as the interview, Trump’s spokesperson also told reporters that by firing Comey, the White House has “taken steps” to end the investigation into the Russia scandal.
Trump's admission bolsters allegations of obstruction of justice

So I think the only person that will be peeing in the corner is you. James Clapper says this is a 1000 times worse than Watergate--which is true. Because it involves collusion with a foreign adversary, Russia, and
Julian Assange (wikileaks founder) who has just been labeled a HOSTILE intelligence source of this nation, that frequently works with Russia that recently leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists the tactics used to catch them.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

And we know who loves Julian Assange

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So get out your crayons and coloring books, turn on your FOX News, and keep listening to all of your right wing talk show hosts, you're in for one hell of a ride.


And loving the fact that Julian Assange leaked the DNC emails that revealed how corrupt Hillary, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Donna Brazille and CNN in general were doesn't mean Donald Trump did anything wrong! Of course Trump mentioned Wikileaks over and over in the last month of the election! He wanted to drive home the point how sleazy Hillary and her minions had been! What I find hilarious is that you don't seem to think any other politician wouldn't have done the exact same thing!
You people are hilarious... The ultimate conspiracy theories abound with you people, but now it's turned deadly. First it was the cops, now it's Congressman and Republicans that have become a target of the vitriol..

The problem is that the collusion investigations didn't start out as a political witch hunt as Trump would like you to believe. It started out in the 17 intelligence agencies monitoring how the Russians were interfering with the election, and in the process of monitoring what the russians were up to, found too many communications between high level russians, and Trump campaign associates to just be a coincidence.

To make it worse, when questioned about those communications, to a man, they all denied their conversations. Not knowing the NSA was listening into what the Russins were up to, and that they were caught on the other end of the wiretap.

So if all of that is true, RR...then where is the proof that Trump's people colluded with the Russians? You've got all those wiretaps...surely SOME of them must prove what you're claiming! YET YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS HAVE PROVIDED NOTHING!!!!!
I'm planning a huge party when trump gets impeached

Gee, Eddie...you can use all those party favors from the party you had planned for Hillary Clinton!
OLD I can't wait for the copter to pick up trump at the WH after he steps down

That won't be happening until after the next Presidential election at the earliest, Eddie so don't get too excited! Just saying...
Quite frankly I'm amazed at how many of you STILL believe the bullshit that you're being fed by CNN, MSNBC and the liberal newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post! How many times do you have to get conned by those people before you wise up?
Remember oldstyle trump saying obama wasn't a citizen ?? How one of the candidates father was responsible for killing JFK etc etc ?? Can't any of you republicans see the man is a degenerate liar who will say anything to benefit himself EVEN the lies about hillary?
So if all of that is true, RR...then where is the proof that Trump's people colluded with the Russians?

It classified NSA wiretaps of Russian officials and operatives. Just like we don't disclose the location of our ballistic missile submarines, we don't tell people how and where we intercept foreign communications. If we did, the Trump assocites would have been forewarned we would be listening to their collusions with the russians.
You people are hilarious... The ultimate conspiracy theories abound with you people, but now it's turned deadly. First it was the cops, now it's Congressman and Republicans that have become a target of the vitriol..

The problem is that the collusion investigations didn't start out as a political witch hunt as Trump would like you to believe. It started out in the 17 intelligence agencies monitoring how the Russians were interfering with the election, and in the process of monitoring what the russians were up to, found too many communications between high level russians, and Trump campaign associates to just be a coincidence.

To make it worse, when questioned about those communications, to a man, they all denied their conversations. Not knowing the NSA was listening into what the Russins were up to, and that they were caught on the other end of the wiretap.
. Ok, so they were communicating with the Russians, now was that a crime ?? Have to prove there was collusion, but so far crickets. The whole Russian thing was brought on by Clinton thinking that her campaign was under attack by the Russians because of the leaks right, but they haven't proven that yet right ?? I mean in the confusion there was alot of finger pointing by (the Dems), who were doing heavy damage control because of the leaks that wiki-leaks was producing on them that were true... You know the leaks in which turned out to be true right ? Ok, so the Dems survived the leaks at the time, just like Trump survived the tape they hit him with in what they thought was a strategic time, but Comey hit them harder with the email investigation, and Hillary figured that the Comey release was the straw that broke the camel's back, and of course put Trump in the driver's seat fair and square. Then you had the melt down, and all the crying and knashing of teeth by the left, and by the establishment who felt threatened by it all.
Last edited:
Remember oldstyle trump saying obama wasn't a citizen ?? How one of the candidates father was responsible for killing JFK etc etc ?? Can't any of you republicans see the man is a degenerate liar who will say anything to benefit himself EVEN the lies about hillary?
. They all lie, so you just listen to the truths, and leave the lies alone if they aren't a huge problem.
So if all of that is true, RR...then where is the proof that Trump's people colluded with the Russians?

It classified NSA wiretaps of Russian officials and operatives. Just like we don't disclose the location of our ballistic missile submarines, we don't tell people how and where we intercept foreign communications. If we did, the Trump assocites would have been forewarned we would be listening to their collusions with the russians.
If those intercepts are proven to have been the targets of political assassin's who wanted to use our Intel to go after the opposition party, then that will come out also, and those people will be seeing jail time.
Ok, so they were communicating with the Russians, now was that a crime ?? Have to prove there was collusion, but so far crickets. The whole Russian thing was brought on by Clinton thinking that her campaign was under attack by the Russians because of the leaks right, but they haven't proven that yet right ??

Maybe you weren't listening. The whole thing started, and BTW they briefed Trump on it, by their intercepts of Russians hacking the 2016 election, including hacking the election databases of 39 states.

The question of who the russians were working with was based on the number of intercepted communications between high level russians and associates of the Trump campaign. Which alone may not have meant much, but when questioned about their russian contacts they denied them. But because the NSA had the conversations, their denials were firther proof they were up to no good.
They all lie, so you just listen to the truths, and leave the lies alone if they aren't a huge problem.

Q. Did you talk with the russians?

Flynn - I never talked to the russians
Sessions - I didn't, did not have communications with the Russians
Kushner - No contacts with the russians

Why are all the trump associates lying about who they talked to?
Ok, so they were communicating with the Russians, now was that a crime ?? Have to prove there was collusion, but so far crickets. The whole Russian thing was brought on by Clinton thinking that her campaign was under attack by the Russians because of the leaks right, but they haven't proven that yet right ??

Maybe you weren't listening. The whole thing started, and BTW they briefed Trump on it, by their intercepts of Russians hacking the 2016 election, including hacking the election databases of 39 states.

The question of who the russians were working with was based on the number of intercepted communications between high level russians and associates of the Trump campaign. Which alone may not have meant much, but when questioned about their russian contacts they denied them. But because the NSA had the conversations, their denials were firther proof they were up to no good.
. They probably alledgedly lied as you claim, because they felt that they were being set up. If enough people start saying something is wrong, then people start believing it is wrong even if it isn't wrong. This is why it has to be taken out of the realm of politics, and put into the hands of congress who said there was no collusion.. Enough said it's over.
They all lie, so you just listen to the truths, and leave the lies alone if they aren't a huge problem.

Q. Did you talk with the russians?

Flynn - I never talked to the russians
Sessions - I didn't, did not have communications with the Russians
Kushner - No contacts with the russians

Why are all the trump associates lying about who they talked to?
I would lie to if I was the victim of a witch Hunt.
They probably alledgedly lied as you claim, because they felt that they were being set up. If enough people start saying something is wrong, then people start believing it is wrong even if it isn't wrong..

I would lie to if I was the victim of a witch Hunt.

At least two of them denied contact with the russians before the fbi investigation was even announced.

The only people who knew talking to the russians was bad, were the russians, and the americans they were colluding with.
Remember oldstyle trump saying obama wasn't a citizen ?? How one of the candidates father was responsible for killing JFK etc etc ?? Can't any of you republicans see the man is a degenerate liar who will say anything to benefit himself EVEN the lies about hillary?

The whole "birther" thing was spawned by Obama's lies about where he was born when he was applying for student aid in college, Eddie! Trump let himself get caught up in that whole conspiracy theory which was stupid. I couldn't care less where Barry was born...I simply never thought he had the experience to be an effective leader.

What lies about Hillary? Did you miss the part where Hillary denied all the information in the leaks, Eddie? Oh, that's right...SHE NEVER DID DENY IT!

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