Ocascio-Cortez All Giddy As Trump Compares Her To Nazi Sympathizer Evita Of Argentina


Platinum Member
Jan 24, 2019
Lol, Occasional Cortex is too ignorant to know she is stupid...no way she knows Eva Peron was a Nazi sympathizer. She probably thinks that Eva Peron is, like, Madonna.


"Don't cry for me New York
The truth is I never loved you
All through your wild days
Your mad existence
You broke your promise
Now keep your distance"

Trump Compares Ocasio-Cortez To Nazi Sympathizer, AOC Takes It As A Compliment
Lol, Occasional Cortex is too ignorant to know she is stupid...no way she knows Eva Peron was a Nazi sympathizer. She probably thinks that Eva Peron is, like, Madonna.


"Don't cry for me New York
The truth is I never loved you
All through your wild days
Your mad existence
You broke your promise
Now keep your distance"

Trump Compares Ocasio-Cortez To Nazi Sympathizer, AOC Takes It As A Compliment

First Cortez insults the victims of Hitler's genocide by comparing Concentration Camps to the detention centers.
Now Trump insults the victims of Mussolini by comparing the Peron regime in Argentina to Cortez.
Whatever game she was playing to troll through the media, I guess Trump just took that ball and ran with it.

'Evita provided asylum to Nazis'


As investigators dig for clues to vanished fortunes believed stolen from the Third Reich's Jewish victims and brought to Argentina, what they are finding instead is the first hard evidence of long-suspected Nazi ties to former Argentine leader Juan Peron and his wife, Evita.

Peron's top officials, Argentine documents show, hired Horst Fuldner, an Argentine-born captain of Adolf Hitler's feared SS, to coordinate the entry of at least dozens of Nazi war criminals to Argentina after World War II and help bring in some of the 40,000 other Germans who entered Argentina from 1945 to 1955. Most of the Germans have never been investigated for Nazi ties.

Peron "undoubtedly knew what was going on," said Beatriz Gurevitz, former director of Project Testimony, a $200,000 study completed last year of Argentine records related to the Nazi influx and made public in 1992.

That is troubling news for Argentina's government, which is still run by a Peronist majority and desperately wants to shed the nation's image of Nazi collaboration, something it believes cripples Argentina to this day in international relations.

The feared Dr. Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann, who sent millions of Jews to concentration camps, were caught in Argentina, along with other top Nazi criminals. How many other elderly Nazis may still be sipping coffee in Buenos Aires' elegant European-style cafes no one knows.

Argentine officials have long insisted the numbers are minimal. In 1972, officials insisted that only one Nazi--Eichmann-- had come to Argentina.

Some Jewish investigators, at the other extreme, have pegged the number of Nazis, fascists and collaborators who entered Argentina at close to 60,000, including at least 1,000 SS members.

The most credible study, conducted by a University of Cologne researcher, puts the number of German and Austrian war criminals entering Argentina at between 40 and 60.

That does not include Nazi and fascist war criminals from other countries, including Croatia and Ukraine, or the many German scientists and technicians recruited by Peron to boost Argentina's technological prowess, according to Ignacio Klich, a historian chosen to lead a Nazi inquiry commission launched this year by President Carlos Menem.

What is clear, the new records show, is that Argentina was an unusually safe landing place for Nazis, who also entered countries as diverse as the U.S., Spain and the Soviet Union.
Lol, Occasional Cortex is too ignorant to know she is stupid...no way she knows Eva Peron was a Nazi sympathizer. She probably thinks that Eva Peron is, like, Madonna.


"Don't cry for me New York
The truth is I never loved you
All through your wild days
Your mad existence
You broke your promise
Now keep your distance"

Trump Compares Ocasio-Cortez To Nazi Sympathizer, AOC Takes It As A Compliment

First Cortez insults the victims of Hitler's genocide by comparing Concentration Camps to the detention centers.
Now Trump insults the victims of Mussolini by comparing the Peron regime in Argentina to Cortez.
Whatever game she was playing to troll through the media, I guess Trump just took that ball and ran with it.

'Evita provided asylum to Nazis'


As investigators dig for clues to vanished fortunes believed stolen from the Third Reich's Jewish victims and brought to Argentina, what they are finding instead is the first hard evidence of long-suspected Nazi ties to former Argentine leader Juan Peron and his wife, Evita.

Peron's top officials, Argentine documents show, hired Horst Fuldner, an Argentine-born captain of Adolf Hitler's feared SS, to coordinate the entry of at least dozens of Nazi war criminals to Argentina after World War II and help bring in some of the 40,000 other Germans who entered Argentina from 1945 to 1955. Most of the Germans have never been investigated for Nazi ties.

Peron "undoubtedly knew what was going on," said Beatriz Gurevitz, former director of Project Testimony, a $200,000 study completed last year of Argentine records related to the Nazi influx and made public in 1992.

That is troubling news for Argentina's government, which is still run by a Peronist majority and desperately wants to shed the nation's image of Nazi collaboration, something it believes cripples Argentina to this day in international relations.

The feared Dr. Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichmann, who sent millions of Jews to concentration camps, were caught in Argentina, along with other top Nazi criminals. How many other elderly Nazis may still be sipping coffee in Buenos Aires' elegant European-style cafes no one knows.

Argentine officials have long insisted the numbers are minimal. In 1972, officials insisted that only one Nazi--Eichmann-- had come to Argentina.

Some Jewish investigators, at the other extreme, have pegged the number of Nazis, fascists and collaborators who entered Argentina at close to 60,000, including at least 1,000 SS members.

The most credible study, conducted by a University of Cologne researcher, puts the number of German and Austrian war criminals entering Argentina at between 40 and 60.

That does not include Nazi and fascist war criminals from other countries, including Croatia and Ukraine, or the many German scientists and technicians recruited by Peron to boost Argentina's technological prowess, according to Ignacio Klich, a historian chosen to lead a Nazi inquiry commission launched this year by President Carlos Menem.

What is clear, the new records show, is that Argentina was an unusually safe landing place for Nazis, who also entered countries as diverse as the U.S., Spain and the Soviet Union.
Our “concentration camps” are the only ones in history where you have to climb a fence to get in it.
Our “concentration camps” are the only ones in history where you have to climb a fence to get in it.

Saddest thing theHawk if she wanted to see trafficking victims,
she didn't even need to go all the way to the border.
The jails are filled with victims pimped and trafficked
through the system. Prison rapes are a well known problem.
Mentally ill people tortured.

Looking at criminal justice reform from the viewpoint of crime victims will make you conservative.
Looking at it from the viewpoint of inmates rights will make you liberal.
The right solutions would prevent violations on BOTH sides.

Most politicians only take one side and stick with that.
That's enough of a battle, without going further to see what the
other side is trying to address and deal with.

The real criminal justice reformists understand BOTH sides
and realize the problem will take THREE times the effort to fix it all:
Fixing both sides, which would each take complete overhaul in themselves,
and also overcoming the political barriers, conflicts and hostility
preventing experts on both sides from working together most effectively.

At least Cortez is trying to get into the system, but she would REALLY
have to interview the hard core activists on BOTH SIDES, advocates for
crime victims and law enforcement AND the advocates for inmates,
to get a grasp of how very complex the problems are, that will require
EXPERIENCED people on ALL SIDES and angles to fix it all.

You can't solve this by just taking one political side.
She's got a lot to learn, and I hope she figures it out
that it will take working with EVERYONE involved on ALL SIDES.
AOC is an idiot and she proves it every time she opens her stupid mouth. One has to wonder who the hell elected her stupid ass into Congress?? They must be idiots.

What a whacko she is.

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