Occupy Europe: Thousands march in Germany & Spain

These are the damning images that prove the anti-capitalist protest that has closed St Paul’s Cathedral is all but deserted at night.
Footage from a thermal imaging camera taken late at night reveals just a fraction of the makeshift camp was occupied.
An independent thermal imaging company, commissioned by the Daily Mail, captured these pictures after similar footage from a police helicopter found only one in ten tents were occupied after dark.

Read more: Occupy London: 90% of tents in St Paul's protest camp are left empty overnight | Mail Online

It's pathetic the way their 'resolve' crumbles once dusk draws in. But hey, at least it underscores their double standards.
A camera of this kind would very rarely be able to see "into" a tent, said the scientist, as tent materials are almost always opaque to thermal imaging. A photographer would only be able to detect internal activity if the tent fabric was itself re-radiating heat produced by a warm object behind it – and this in turn would only be possible if very specific camera settings were used.

But the scientist said: "The first thing I noticed when I saw those images was that the camera was on an auto setting." In order for the images to be of any relevance, the photographer would have needed to manually adjust its settings, until the tents were clearly defined, in almost binary terms, against the background; and the figures of the occupiers walking around outside were completely over-exposed and apparently "white hot", rather than a spectrum of colours.

The scientist also said that the kind of camera used – probably a hand-held FLIR thermal imager – was unlikely to be used by the police for surveillance. "Those sorts of cameras are usually used for inspections at close range," he said, adding that customs officials only use such cameras at close quarters to look for stowaways. If police helicopters had scanned the camp they would have used much more sophisticated technology. "I'm not that interested in the story," the scientist concluded. But he said: "I wanted to set the record straight because that's just rubbish science."

Occupy London empty tent claims based on 'rubbish science' | UK news | The Guardian

At the same time a different report this morning said people do come and go. A person with a disability for instance comes to help during the day but because of disability goes home to bed at night. Other people go to work and come back and people do come and go and that is what it is like - like Greenham Common was but this 9 tens empty is apparently just propaganda based at best on inefficient equipment.
Occupy Europe: Thousands march in Germany & Spain

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMb_delD1kA&feature=related]Waffen SS Parade March -[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEi5Abvp3h4&feature=related]Barcelona 19 July 1936 partB - YouTube[/ame]


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