Oct 2022 Jobs report

Takes a lotta rate hikes to kill Bidenflation. Powell already knows that.

Something has to be done about this....

Cannot add as much to the money supply as Trump did and still not have the inflation we are seeing.


U.S. adds 261,000 new jobs last month — and it’s still too strong for the Fed

But we cannot have this happening, thus the Fed will continue to punish the country for daring to have so many jobs...

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said on Wednesday the labor market is “out of balance” because there’s too many job openings and too few people to fill them.

Fed officials worry the labor shortage is driving up wages and making it harder for them to reduce inflation back to precrisis levels of 2% or so
The government created inflation by injecting trillions of unnecessary dollars into the economy, the “fix” is to have the Fed crush the economy.

Makes perfect sense
The government created inflation by injecting trillions of unnecessary dollars into the economy, the “fix” is to have the Fed crush the economy.

Makes perfect sense

Tis the world we live in, and as long as people keep voting for the duopoly it is the world we will keep living in

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