October Surprise will be dramatic Sept jobs report improvement

They will be doing high-fives in the WH if they can get to 7.9%.......................................

I can almost guarantee it will be at least 7.9%
right before election day....
The fix is in...They will make a deal with the devil to get it under 8%
right before election day... :eusa_whistle:

That's what will happen.
They will be doing high-fives in the WH if they can get to 7.9%.......................................

I can almost guarantee it will be at least 7.9%
right before election day....
The fix is in...They will make a deal with the devil to get it under 8%
right before election day... :eusa_whistle:

That's what will happen.

Based on the ADP numbers alone, and assuming no further improvement this month, you'll probably be right.
uh...no it won't.
September will not be good.

It won't - but Obama will cook the books - because it will be the last jobs report before the election...................................

this is entirely possible.

You and gin need less OF the gin, or whatever liquor holds you in the grip of delusions. The President cannot "cook the books". The September jobs report is likely to be just a bit better. We are inching out of the Bush recession, way too slowly. At least Obama didn't send other Americans to die and be maimed to divert attention from his failures, thus they are OBVIOUS.
You know Chicago-style politics.

They count dead people...........................
Nixon never tried to prove it.

He conceded gracefully the night of the election.

I don't think that Romney can overcome a 7.9 Sept unemployment report.

Needs at leat 8.0
Nixon never tried to prove it.

He conceded gracefully the night of the election.

I don't think that Romney can overcome a 7.9 Sept unemployment report.

Needs at leat 8.0

Romney has to overcome Ryan, his faith, and his wealth. 7.9% is still very high. Its STILL8.6% in my region of Florida.
For Romney, the primary thing he has to overcome is the constant shifts on policy. And the vagueness of his intentions. "I can do better" without stating how, just doesn't win those who are still undecided.
over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

Last Friday's job numbers were HORRIBLE--and many economists are predicting another down-turn.--possibly recession--as if we haven't been in one for the last 4 years.

I don't think there is going to be any job spurt in employment in October.

Friday’s employment report—dark clouds with an even darker lining. Employers added only 96,000 net jobs. That does not keep pace with population growth. Additional data also showed the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) earlier estimates had been too optimistic. Revisions subtracted over 40,000 jobs from the June and July estimates. Average monthly job growth is now lower in 2012 than in 2011. The economy is moving in the wrong direction.

Other signs also point to a slowing labor market. Economists often look at temporary help jobs, average weekly hours, and wages as signals about future hiring. Rising wages indicate higher labor demand. Employers often hire temporary employees or give their existing workforce longer hours before hiring permanent employees. Unfortunately, none of these indicators improved. Average weekly hours were flat, while temporary employment and wages both fell slightly. The economy appears unlikely to take off any time soon.
The apparent silver lining was the drop in the unemployment rate, from 8.3 to 8.1 percent. Further inspection, however, makes this the most concerning part of the report. The unemployment rate fell only because the labor force participation rate—the proportion of adults either working or looking for work—fell by 0.2 percentage points. BLS does not count people not looking for work as unemployed. Almost 370,000 fewer Americans participated in the labor force in August than in July.
August jobs report is worse than it looks - The Hill's Congress Blog

Maybe Romney can ramp-it-up in the debates -but I fear the format (no cheering, time limit etc will not let him do that)

There should be at least 5 debates.
over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

Last Friday's job numbers were HORRIBLE--and many economists are predicting another down-turn.--possibly recession--as if we haven't been in one for the last 4 years.

I don't think there is going to be any job spurt in employment in October.

Friday’s employment report—dark clouds with an even darker lining. Employers added only 96,000 net jobs. That does not keep pace with population growth. Additional data also showed the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) earlier estimates had been too optimistic. Revisions subtracted over 40,000 jobs from the June and July estimates. Average monthly job growth is now lower in 2012 than in 2011. The economy is moving in the wrong direction.

Other signs also point to a slowing labor market. Economists often look at temporary help jobs, average weekly hours, and wages as signals about future hiring. Rising wages indicate higher labor demand. Employers often hire temporary employees or give their existing workforce longer hours before hiring permanent employees. Unfortunately, none of these indicators improved. Average weekly hours were flat, while temporary employment and wages both fell slightly. The economy appears unlikely to take off any time soon.
The apparent silver lining was the drop in the unemployment rate, from 8.3 to 8.1 percent. Further inspection, however, makes this the most concerning part of the report. The unemployment rate fell only because the labor force participation rate—the proportion of adults either working or looking for work—fell by 0.2 percentage points. BLS does not count people not looking for work as unemployed. Almost 370,000 fewer Americans participated in the labor force in August than in July.
August jobs report is worse than it looks - The Hill's Congress Blog


Even 7.9 BLOWS.

But if that is what the Sept report shows -they will be high-fiving it in the WH - and gloom in the Romney campaign.

Obama has masterfully lowered-the-bar- and deflected the campaign away from his record in his first term.
If another 360,000 or more people drop out of the workforce there will no good face to put on that.
It won't - but Obama will cook the books - because it will be the last jobs report before the election...................................

this is entirely possible.

You and gin need less OF the gin, or whatever liquor holds you in the grip of delusions. The President cannot "cook the books". The September jobs report is likely to be just a bit better. We are inching out of the Bush recession, way too slowly. At least Obama didn't send other Americans to die and be maimed to divert attention from his failures, thus they are OBVIOUS.
Care to explain why we have 22 million unemployed Americans?
Care to explain why we keep losing working Americans from the work force? Yes they obama labor department can cook the books to make it look the way they way it too look.
Private employment growth hit bottom on Jan 2009, at -810,000, during the last month of the Bush admin.

Trend has been upward, but it was a deep hole to dig out of. We were on the cusp of another great depression.

The only way to avoid this was with stimulus and it worked. Unfortunely we were already in debt of 7 trillion thanks to Bush, two wars and tax cuts. I did agree with going into Afghanistan, tho.

Where were the debt screamers during the Bush term.

A financial recession is harder to recover from and it didn't help having an obstruction Rep House trying to slow the economy to unseat Obama. Not much love for America there.

I didn't particularly like Obama but I voted Dem anyway because the Reps had made a mess of the economy and a depression was eminent if they had stayed on.


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Private employment growth hit bottom on Jan 2009, at -810,000, during the last month of the Bush admin.

Trend has been upward, but it was a deep hole to dig out of. We were on the cusp of another great depression.

The only way to avoid this was with stimulus and it worked. Unfortunely we were already in debt of 7 trillion thanks to Bush, two wars and tax cuts. I did agree with going into Afghanistan, tho.

Where were the debt screamers during the Bush term.

A financial recession is harder to recover from and it didn't help having an obstruction Rep House trying to slow the economy to unseat Obama. Not much love for America there.

I didn't particularly like Obama but I voted Dem anyway because the Reps had made a mess of the economy and a depression was eminent if they had stayed on.
Plane and simple you are full of shit,you stupid bitch.
Don't see that happenin'...

... economy startin' to lose steam...

... and there's not enough time...

... for a QE3 to turn things around.
Don't see that happenin'...

... economy startin' to lose steam...

... and there's not enough time...

... for a QE3 to turn things around.

I agree.

Less than two months before elections. He doesn't have any more time.

BTW 7.9% sucks and I doubt anyone is gonna vote for Barry because UE is 7.9%.

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