October Surprise will be dramatic Sept jobs report improvement

Romney's entire campaign hinges on things getting worse for Americans.

While things have improved, your guy has been telling you how bad they still are.

He has repeated that he knows how to get the economy moving again.....but nobody buys it. So....his only hope is catastrophe. Makes him such a fun guy to be around, I'll bet.
Romney's entire campaign hinges on things getting worse for Americans.

While things have improved, your guy has been telling you how bad they still are.

He has repeated that he knows how to get the economy moving again.....but nobody buys it. So....his only hope is catastrophe. Makes him such a fun guy to be around, I'll bet.
He has repeated that he knows how to get the economy moving again.....but nobody buys it.
You sound like you're talking about obama.
Romney's entire campaign hinges on things getting worse for Americans.

Obama's entire administration has resulted in things getting worse for Americans.

While things have improved, your guy has been telling you how bad they still are.

Things haven't improved, they've gotten worse, MUCH worse.

There are more people on SSI than anytime in history, with the payouts over double what they were the last day Bush was in office.

The number of people foodstamps is even more drastic.


He has repeated that he knows how to get the economy moving again.....but nobody buys it. So....his only hope is catastrophe. Makes him such a fun guy to be around, I'll bet.

The economy is a catastrophe. Obama has had the same effect on the economy as the nuclear bomb did on Hiroshima.
Romney's entire campaign hinges on things getting worse for Americans.

While things have improved, your guy has been telling you how bad they still are.

He has repeated that he knows how to get the economy moving again.....but nobody buys it. So....his only hope is catastrophe. Makes him such a fun guy to be around, I'll bet.

Actually democrats live off bad economic circumstances, since they have a program to fix everything, but 20, 30, 50 years later these programs havent done shit......interesting...we need more of these "fixes"
over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

And the award goes to ginscpy for understanding how liberals work. Very astute prediction.

The millions still sitting at home without a job and those who have given up hope of ever finding one will be so glad to hear that someone somewhere supposedly found work. I bet they'll change their votes over this.

The gubmint dependents will party when they hear the news that more people got jobs. After all, with twice as many people on the doles, they need someone to get their ass to work and support them.
over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

And the award goes to ginscpy for understanding how liberals work. Very astute prediction.

The millions still sitting at home without a job and those who have given up hope of ever finding one will be so glad to hear that someone somewhere supposedly found work. I bet they'll change their votes over this.

The gubmint dependents will party when they hear the news that more people got jobs. After all, with twice as many people on the doles, they need someone to get their ass to work and support them.

Jack Welch says those Chicago guys wil do anything.
over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

Yeah that was the prediction by many and it came TRUE--well almost


September 2012 JOBS report: This is the actual government unemployment report for September 2012.

Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (7.3 percent), adult women (7.0 percent), and whites (7.0 percent) declined over the month. The unemployment rates for teenagers (23.7 percent), blacks (13.4 percent), and Hispanics (9.9 percent) were little changed. The jobless rate for Asians, at 4.8 percent (not seasonally adjusted), fell over the year. The number of persons employed part time for economic reasons (sometimes referred to as involuntary part-time workers) rose from 8.0 million in August to 8.6 million in September. These individuals were working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a full-time job. (See table A-8.)

In September, 2.5 million persons were marginally attached to the labor force, essentially unchanged from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) These individuals were not in the labor force, wanted and were available for work,[/B] and had looked for a job sometime in the prior 12 months. ]They were not counted as unemployed because they had not searched for work in the 4 weeks preceding the survey. (See table A-16.) Among the marginally attached, there were 802,000 discouraged workers in September, a decline of 235,000 from a year earlier. (These data are not seasonally adjusted.) Discouraged workers are persons not currently looking for work because they believe no jobs are available for them.The remaining 1.7 million persons marginally attached to the labor force

So when you don't count 2.5 MILLION unemployed--something MAGIC happens. The unemployment rate DROPS.

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over the crummy August one.

It WON't be anything having to do with foreign affairs ie Iran/Israel..

Because Americans are fighting for the very survival here at home.

You were right! :clap2:

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