CDZ Oddly timed racist comments


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?

You say white folks always do this to you? When was the last time before this time?
And there is no white privilege, either.
There are privileged people of all colors, and some make their own privilege.

Also, there are racists of all colors. Go read some of the threads in the race relations forum if you don't believe that.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
Was he the white guy? Maybe he was trying to tell you that he understood that white guys should not be hanging out with black guys.

There are many reasons why he's right. Not the least of which is that black guys that hang out with white guys have problems of their own.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?

You say white folks always do this to you? When was the last time before this time?

Its probably been about week since the last time. There was a rash of it before then when I was talking with people about housing.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
Was he the white guy? Maybe he was trying to tell you that he understood that white guys should not be hanging out with black guys.

There are many reasons why he's right. Not the least of which is that black guys that hang out with white guys have problems of their own.

The fellow who made the skin color reference was white. Honestly I'm white, I'm not coming down with sickle cell myself, but I don't understand why white people are "always"...bad choice of words....I don't understand why white people regularly make racist comments around me like "they" think I'm on their team or something.

Maybe its a St Louis thing.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?

You say white folks always do this to you? When was the last time before this time?

Its probably been about week since the last time. There was a rash of it before then when I was talking with people about housing.

Weeks, huh, that is very strange.

It's only been a few weeks for me since the last time I heard something like that, but before that, years.
Maybe its a St Louis thing.
Doubt it. I hear stuff like that from time to time. I live in a pretty rural area that until the late '70's wouldn't hire women for certain jobs (took it away from a "family man", was the thinking then)... I would say it is more of a regional/generational thing. I rarely hear things like that from gen Xers, and I can't remember ever hearing it from a millennial. Seems to be a dieing breed (literally), at least around here.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?

You say white folks always do this to you? When was the last time before this time?

Its probably been about week since the last time. There was a rash of it before then when I was talking with people about housing.

Weeks, huh, that is very strange.

It's only been a few weeks for me since the last time I heard something like that, but before that, years.
It is odd. I cant remember the last time that someone stated something overtly racist to me in any way. Most of the asinine racist crap I see these days is right here.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
Whatever he is thinking, it hasn't got anything to do with being sixty-ish. Racists come in all ages. I'm in his age range and I don't think like that and neither does anyone I've ever conversed with. If anything, if an older person felt the term 'hanging out' didn't refer to himself, it would be because he thought it was something younger people did, has nothing to do with race.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
Whatever he is thinking, it hasn't got anything to do with being sixty-ish. Racists come in all ages. I'm in his age range and I don't think like that and neither does anyone I've ever conversed with. If anything, if an older person felt the term 'hanging out' didn't refer to himself, it would be because he thought it was something younger people did, has nothing to do with race.

I hear racist crud from folks as young as 30 often enough. That's about the lower end of my social circle at this point. The teens I know through the nephews and nieces are a pretty mixed bunch and while they post ridiculous things online all seem to be giving each other good natured ribbing, but its not like we have deep conversations often.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
They could be feeling you out. Nothing is more embarrassing for a white racist than being caught being racist around another white person that is not racist. I had a white girlfriend who routinely told me some of the things she would hear white people say about Black people before our relationship went public.
Oddly timed racist comments

I have to ask: What constitutes an aptly timed racist comment? Is there truly a "right" time to say something that reflects one's racist leanings? Is there a secret password/passphrase that one should use to gain entry to the cave in which be held a KKK meeting? Maybe uttering such a word/phrase at that time would not constitute "odd timing?"
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
They could be feeling you out. Nothing is more embarrassing for a white racist than being caught being racist around another white person that is not racist. I had a white girlfriend who routinely told me some of the things she would hear white people say about Black people before our relationship went public.
Nothing is more embarrassing for a white racist than being caught being racist around another white person that is not racist.

Um...If one is confident that one's racist views and behavior are just, why would one be embarrassed about it? Chagrin is something one feels when one does, says or thinks something that one knows is wrong, yet one did it anyway. It doesn't make sense to be embarrassed if one is certain one is in the right.
Oddly timed racist comments

I have to ask: What constitutes an aptly timed racist comment? Is there truly a "right" time to say something that reflects one's racist leanings? Is there a secret password/passphrase that one should use to gain entry to the cave in which be held a KKK meeting? Maybe uttering such a word/phrase at that time would not constitute "odd timing?"

In a way that's funny.

If I was going to make a comment about a dumb Polish fellow, some NAZI like German, or a drunk Irishman I would think it was timely when I saw one acting accordingly. The situation would present itself eventually lol.
While working today I had to interface with an older fellow who seemed normal enough. After a few minutes of conversation about cars and what not someone made a reference to "hanging out".

Ol' guy then mentions his skin is not the right color for him to be just hanging out. I must have said "huh" or looked dumb while holding my tongue because he repeated himself and said something like "know what I mean".

Being at work I chose not to engage him further.

First, what did the 60ish year old white guy mean? An odd reference to black folks standing around?

Second, why do white folks always do this around me? Are they trying to that prove the black rights protesters are correct and need to be protesting more?
They could be feeling you out. Nothing is more embarrassing for a white racist than being caught being racist around another white person that is not racist. I had a white girlfriend who routinely told me some of the things she would hear white people say about Black people before our relationship went public.
Nothing is more embarrassing for a white racist than being caught being racist around another white person that is not racist.

Um...If one is confident that one's racist views and behavior are just, why would one be embarrassed about it? Chagrin is something one feels when one does, says or thinks something that one knows is wrong, yet one did it anyway. It doesn't make sense to be embarrassed if one is certain one is in the right.
Its only embarrassing if they lose their job over it. I know the white guy that wouldnt hire me into 3rd level was embarrassed he got fired after it came out why he wouldnt hire me.

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