Of these 2 nations, which one poses the bigger threat to the USA? Russia or China?

Of these 2 nations, which one poses the bigger threat to the USA? Russia or China?

  • Russia

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • China

    Votes: 18 94.7%

  • Total voters
Neither poses a military threat to the empire, but the MIC needs titling at windmills.
The British crown and its flunkies planned on the use China as its bagman. It wouldn't be the first time they have done that; an not the first time they have been the instigators of world wars.

Again, that rotten stump has been split by the mighty sword of the Lord and its creepy crawlies scattered looking for new places to hide.
China will never have to invade America.

It was over the day Xiden was putatively "elected".


In an interview with CBS News’ 60 Minutes before the election, Biden said he considered Russia “the biggest threat to America right now in terms of breaking up our security and our alliances.”
China's navy is now larger than ours.

You better believe they could hurt us badly in a war.
Quality over quantity. China's navy is junk, for the most part. 192 "patrol vessels" are not military grade, but just part-time fishing boats and such.
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My dad, God rest his wonderful soul, was a quiet and generous man. When he died, the whole frigging town showed to pay their respects by standing in the streets to nod as he was driven to the cemetary. Everyone loved him. When I was about 10 years old, he was readng the paper and just said out of the blue to me "Honey...Russia is not a threat. It's the Chinee". He always called them Chinee instead of Chinese. Not as an insult, it was just his arkansaian accent. I never forgot that. I asked what he meant and said I was too young, he shouldn't have said it out loud.

He was right.
Ross Perot and Donald Trump warned about China. And now China is our biggest threat. And we paid for it with those bad trade deals.
'' When we go to hang the Americans ,they will sell us the rope"- Mao
China without question.

If Russia vanished from the planet without a trace tomorrow, about the only effect the US would feel is an increase in oil prices.

If China vanished tomorrow, every single economic sector we have except, perhaps, the hospitality sector would see massive problems instantly. Add to that they virtually control resources like rare earth elements, electronic manufacturing and a slew of other key resources and you end up with a lot of the US tied to Chinese economic influence.

Finally, they hold 1/3 of the most important resource on the entire planet. People. The one single saving grace that has allowed the US to outclass China in economic and military might is the simple fact that China's government is absolute garbage. If they had a free and open society there is absolutely zero question that they would be the premier world power as they have been for most of human history.

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