NOTHING that Biden may have done will undo what Trump has done. NOTHING

Here's what he did: apply the signed treaty.

This one:

We have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

Of course you didn't know this, huh?

Really, A Trump over calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Who did he rape? Did you forget Trump's rape accusation of a 14 year old? Really?

What US investigation did Trump ask for help with?

It appears that everyone else knows.....except you, RealDumb.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

And the Liberal elites have admitted what we on the right have said for decades.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

“Maher asked, "Could Bill Clinton, if he had done what he did in 1998, survive today or would his own party have thrown him under the bus?"

Farrow explained, "Bill Clinton is a different conversation. He has been credibly accused of rape. That is nothing to do with gray areas. That is, you know, I think the Juanita Broadderick claim has been overdue for revisiting."

Farrow also said that he is "heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton and particularly those more serious allegations about him." Ronan Farrow Says Juanita Broaddrick's Rape Claim Against Bill Clinton Should Be Revisited

Is there Leftists have been right about?

Regina Hopper Blakely - was in a consensual relationship with Bill Clinton
Elizabeth Ward Gracen There is no rape allocation here. They had an affair.
Eileen Wellstone Who knows.
Juanita Broaddrick - testified under oath that it never happened.

Now if you insist these are rape, then Trump is guilty of child rape. And you voted for a child rapist. Wow, how low you have sunk,.
you're missing too many, so here, go here and read.

Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia
what a fking list huh?

four women: Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Leslie Millwee[1] accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her; and Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993.

all of this alone says what a fking sexual predator this fk is. Ole Epstein's testimony would have been whipped cream and cherries on top of his stellar sexual misconduct.
Speaking of child rape...

uh - ya. i know & have said that in other posts. the question is ---- by the abassador herself - was that ambassadors serve at the pleasure of the prez - but why was she 'smeared'?

Perhaps because she didn't support the incoming Ukraine admin or our president.



Not what Zelensky said. LMAO

What did he say?

That Yovanovitch supported the previous president, not him.

It was, according to Zelensky, Trump who told him that. Why would Trump say something like that? In her testimony Friday, it was really clear she was positive and hopeful about the new administration in Ukraine. I never heard a whisper of a word that in any way was negative toward Zelensky.
Your side lost the election, IM2, move on and vote him out in a year.
No laws have been broken and Schiff and Pelosi know it, they are just trying to muddy the waters for
the inept and confused. Your stable of mules couldn't win an election for dog catcher....and they know it.

(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.

Let's see if the republican senate demands all documents and witnesses Trump has blocked be unblocked.

Because he is covering up his real reason for getting her out of office. Next week, it comes very clear. It's not going to be a good month for Rump.

He doesn't need a reason to get her out of office. He can fire her for being Barry's holdover, or no reason at all.

There were no smears. It's just made up to give her something to complain about.
If he fired Yovanovitch, that would alert the media so he recalled her. She had to be remove because she would know immediately about the phone call, the freeze on military aid and the implications. Also, if she were there it would be difficult to bring Giuliani into the picture. Giuliani was needed so Trump would not have to be involved in the deal.

If the House get's Giuliani in the witness chair, it will be all over for Trump.

WTF are you talking about? She was replaced two months before the phone call.

Why? Because president has right to do it. I'm surprised he didn't replaced the moment he stepped into office.
He doesn't need a reason to get her out of office. He can fire her for being Barry's holdover, or no reason at all.

There were no smears. It's just made up to give her something to complain about.
If he fired Yovanovitch, that would alert the media so he recalled her. She had to be remove because she would know immediately about the phone call, the freeze on military aid and the implications. Also, if she were there it would be difficult to bring Giuliani into the picture. Giuliani was needed so Trump would not have to be involved in the deal.

If the House get's Giuliani in the witness chair, it will be all over for Trump.

Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.
If he fired Yovanovitch, that would alert the media so he recalled her. She had to be remove because she would know immediately about the phone call, the freeze on military aid and the implications. Also, if she were there it would be difficult to bring Giuliani into the picture. Giuliani was needed so Trump would not have to be involved in the deal.

If the House get's Giuliani in the witness chair, it will be all over for Trump.

Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.

Yovanovich has been in the State Dept since Reagan. Technically she's a Reagan holdover.

Oh, and the accusation that she was badmouthing Trump comes from a bunch of people paid off by Dmytro Firtash, who is currently fighting extradition to the US for Ukrainian Corruption. As was said in the hearing, you can't fight corruption without pissing off corrupt people.
If he fired Yovanovitch, that would alert the media so he recalled her. She had to be remove because she would know immediately about the phone call, the freeze on military aid and the implications. Also, if she were there it would be difficult to bring Giuliani into the picture. Giuliani was needed so Trump would not have to be involved in the deal.

If the House get's Giuliani in the witness chair, it will be all over for Trump.

Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.
She worked at state for 33 years. This makes her a Reagan holdover. The rest of your post is more nonsense.
(R) nutters need to move on from that tired old excuse. if that happened, then y'all could finally stop bring up hillary everytime you hafta defend donny.

Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.

Let's see if the republican senate demands all documents and witnesses Trump has blocked be unblocked.

Did you win any money at the centaur races this weekend?
NOTHING that Biden may have done will undo what Trump has done. NOTHING

Here's what he did: apply the signed treaty.

This one:

We have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

Of course you didn't know this, huh?

Really, A Trump over calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Who did he rape? Did you forget Trump's rape accusation of a 14 year old? Really?

What US investigation did Trump ask for help with?

It appears that everyone else knows.....except you, RealDumb.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

And the Liberal elites have admitted what we on the right have said for decades.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

“Maher asked, "Could Bill Clinton, if he had done what he did in 1998, survive today or would his own party have thrown him under the bus?"

Farrow explained, "Bill Clinton is a different conversation. He has been credibly accused of rape. That is nothing to do with gray areas. That is, you know, I think the Juanita Broadderick claim has been overdue for revisiting."

Farrow also said that he is "heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton and particularly those more serious allegations about him." Ronan Farrow Says Juanita Broaddrick's Rape Claim Against Bill Clinton Should Be Revisited

Is there Leftists have been right about?
If he fired Yovanovitch, that would alert the media so he recalled her. She had to be remove because she would know immediately about the phone call, the freeze on military aid and the implications. Also, if she were there it would be difficult to bring Giuliani into the picture. Giuliani was needed so Trump would not have to be involved in the deal.

If the House get's Giuliani in the witness chair, it will be all over for Trump.

Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.
Yeah, Trump told him she was bad news, and he agreed. Kissy kissy.

Zelensky said, “It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.”
I just have to laugh.

Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Consider this plan.

If the Democrats were actually clever.......they'd hold the hearings......and then vote not to impeach.

a. they know the Republican Senate is a dead end for the ploy
b. independent voters have made clear that they are sick of the charade
c. the only hope is to damage Trump for the election....and they can see that it isn't working
d. they realize that if it gets to the Senate.....the Republicans can recall not just the same 'witnesses'...and ask what they want
and when they want....
e. but they can call Schiff to testify!!!!
Yes, they could one up the Senate by not impeaching Trump and saying they will leave it to the voters to decide. However, that won't work. Trump would claim a victory stating it was another democrat witch hunt to discredit him. I think the democrats have gone too far to back down now.

Also, there are a lot of witness yet to testify and there may be more. Unlike last week's witnesses, the upcoming witnesses are much closer to Trump which means they could make things a lot worse for Trump such that a Senate acquittal might be impossible. If republican senators see Trump as a looser, they will desert him.

Let's see if the Leftists want the Republican Senate to question those witnesses.

Let's see if the republican senate demands all documents and witnesses Trump has blocked be unblocked.

Did you win any money at the centaur races this weekend?

You bettin' on Trump being removed from office?

U.S. Rep. Al Green, a Democrat from Houston:
"I'm concerned that if we don't impeach this president, he will get reelected."

Now....what were you saying????
Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.

Yovanovich has been in the State Dept since Reagan. Technically she's a Reagan holdover.

Oh, and the accusation that she was badmouthing Trump comes from a bunch of people paid off by Dmytro Firtash, who is currently fighting extradition to the US for Ukrainian Corruption. As was said in the hearing, you can't fight corruption without pissing off corrupt people.

OK, let's say she didn't badmouth Trump.

Tell me, what Ambassador Yovanovich did when she learned that DNC is working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump?
Another note for the Trumpettes attempting to excuse their vote for Trump by throwing out these allocations of sexual misconduct with Bill Clinton.

1) Nearly all of this came to light after Clinton's second election.
2) We knew about Trump before the election
3) I never voted for Bill Clinton
4) You voted for a man that you knew had over 25 accusations including child rape & him on tape talking about groping women.

so please. Shut the fuck up about Bill Clinton.
they're all factual. I use only facts. You, naw. Hey but any day you can post up the thing that trump actually did.
If everything you say is factual, then you know what Trump has done. You've been told plenty, so you repeating how you need to know what you've been shown a thousand times tells me you have a brain disorder that you might want to check.
I do, it's right here:

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.
She worked at state for 33 years. This makes her a Reagan holdover. The rest of your post is more nonsense.

And you call that argument?
Tell me, was she Ambassador during Reagan administration?
Everyone knows how Trump runs his mouth they accept that and go on the Democrats are Desperately Seeking a way to get rid of their competition they're so scared of four more years of trump
Another note for the Trumpettes attempting to excuse their vote for Trump by throwing out these allocations of sexual misconduct with Bill Clinton.

1) Nearly all of this came to light after Clinton's second election.
2) We knew about Trump before the election
3) I never voted for Bill Clinton
4) You voted for a man that you knew had over 25 accusations including child rape & him on tape talking about groping women.

so please. Shut the fuck up about Bill Clinton.
25 accusations including child rape

post a link mthr fkr.
Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.

Yovanovich has been in the State Dept since Reagan. Technically she's a Reagan holdover.

Oh, and the accusation that she was badmouthing Trump comes from a bunch of people paid off by Dmytro Firtash, who is currently fighting extradition to the US for Ukrainian Corruption. As was said in the hearing, you can't fight corruption without pissing off corrupt people.

OK, let's say she didn't badmouth Trump.

Tell me, what Ambassador Yovanovich did when she learned that DNC is working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump?

The Ukrainians didn't dig up dirty on Trump. Someone no one ever heard of talked to someone in Ukraine no one ever heard of to give them information on Manafort who everyone did know was corrupt and is currently sitting in federal prison related to said corruption.
Here's what he did: apply the signed treaty.

This one:

We have a signed treaty to that effect....

If that is a problem.....
....why did Bill 'the rapist' Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine with exactly the same purpose?????

"Formal Title

  • Treaty Between the United States of America and Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters with Annex, signed at Kiev on July 22, 1998, and with an Exchange of Notes signed on September 30, 1999, which provides for its provisional application.
Date Received from President

  • 11/10/1999 Text of Treaty Document available as:

Of course you didn't know this, huh?

Really, A Trump over calling Bill Clinton a rapist. Who did he rape? Did you forget Trump's rape accusation of a 14 year old? Really?

What US investigation did Trump ask for help with?

It appears that everyone else knows.....except you, RealDumb.

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

And the Liberal elites have admitted what we on the right have said for decades.

1. Had it not been for Trump's election....none of this would be happening!
With Hillary running, the whole rape-apologist program of the Democrats came to the forefront....and they had to pretend that Trump was on the same level (the gutter) as Bill 'the rapist' Clinton.

Here's the 'divide:' the Democrats with at least a double digit IQ are ready to admit the truth, the rape history that the Right has been revealing about Clinton for...what....decades.

You, a total dunce, are still fighting the war you've lost.

2. Which Liberal outlets are now admitting what we on the Right have said for decades?

The New York Times


The Atlantic




"So the recent wave of liberals “reckoning” with Bill Clinton’s sexual offenses should be put into proper context. It is not the beginning of the end for the Clintons atop the Democratic Party. It’s just the end.

….the mea culpas from Bill’s defenders proliferating through lefty media, from the New York Times to Politico to Vox, are anything but brave. They’re convenient."

3. On the other side....lying low-life can't keep up with the program.

“Maher asked, "Could Bill Clinton, if he had done what he did in 1998, survive today or would his own party have thrown him under the bus?"

Farrow explained, "Bill Clinton is a different conversation. He has been credibly accused of rape. That is nothing to do with gray areas. That is, you know, I think the Juanita Broadderick claim has been overdue for revisiting."

Farrow also said that he is "heartened by the fact that people now routinely express outrage about Bill Clinton and particularly those more serious allegations about him." Ronan Farrow Says Juanita Broaddrick's Rape Claim Against Bill Clinton Should Be Revisited

Is there Leftists have been right about?
Hey dumbass! Being "recalled" means you are removing an ambassador that does not meet with the approval of the host country. Zelensky did not care for Yovanovitch. She was told to get back to the US on the next plane and was fired.

Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

Fact check: Trump tweets Ukraine's president spoke unfavorably of Yovanovitch. Here's what we know.

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.
Yeah, Trump told him she was bad news, and he agreed. Kissy kissy.

Zelensky said, “It was great that you were the first one who told me that she was a bad ambassador because I agree with you 100%.”
I just have to laugh.

Don't mind her, dementia is taking it's toll.
Right. Making direct quotes of what people said is crazy, while gifs of little creatures laughing is the epitome of realistic.
Link? What indication do you have that Zelinsky didn't "care" for the ambassador?

Facts First: Volodymyr Zelensky did say Yovanovitch’s attitude was “far from the best”

There you go, dumbass! You should have already known.

:lol: Did you read your link? He said it after Trump brought her up. Zelensky would do or say anything Trump wanted him to...Trump was extorting him after all.

Why would the State Department tell Yovanovich that she did nothing wrong if she had lost the confidence of the host country?

We know how this played out. Yovanovich pushed back against the "drug deal" that the "Three Amigos" were scheming and so she had to be removed to let Rick Perry secure Ukrainian drilling rights for his donors and to make conspiracy theories come to life to make Trump look like Russia didn't help him win. ( they did)

It's disgusting how all those politicians pat each other's back. They ALL did the great job and service to the country. Yeah, right.

She was Obama holdover. That alone is enough to replace her. Yet, she was badmouthing president that she was representing in Ukraine. That is another reason. So who was smearing whom in this case?
She should've been fired the moment Trump walked into White House for simple reason that she was there during time that Ukrainians were working with DNC against Trump and she did nothing about it, even more, I think she had a role in it.

Yovanovich has been in the State Dept since Reagan. Technically she's a Reagan holdover.

Oh, and the accusation that she was badmouthing Trump comes from a bunch of people paid off by Dmytro Firtash, who is currently fighting extradition to the US for Ukrainian Corruption. As was said in the hearing, you can't fight corruption without pissing off corrupt people.

OK, let's say she didn't badmouth Trump.

Tell me, what Ambassador Yovanovich did when she learned that DNC is working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump?
What DNC working with Ukrainians to dig dirt on Trump? Can I have a little more information on that?
Another note for the Trumpettes attempting to excuse their vote for Trump by throwing out these allocations of sexual misconduct with Bill Clinton.

1) Nearly all of this came to light after Clinton's second election.
2) We knew about Trump before the election
3) I never voted for Bill Clinton
4) You voted for a man that you knew had over 25 accusations including child rape & him on tape talking about groping women.

so please. Shut the fuck up about Bill Clinton.
they're all factual. I use only facts. You, naw. Hey but any day you can post up the thing that trump actually did.
If everything you say is factual, then you know what Trump has done. You've been told plenty, so you repeating how you need to know what you've been shown a thousand times tells me you have a brain disorder that you might want to check.
I do, it's right here:

President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments List | MAGA PILL
As I read the list, most are not new laws.
So, the next American elected real Dem President can cancel them.
So, explain the accomplishments again? I see a few judges and 2017 BS tax cuts for billionaires.
Seems the Dem plans in the future will be adjusting those 2017 BS Tax Cut to help the under
2 million in total wealth and under 250K income.
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