Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2014
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.
I think Wilson was horribly mistreated in this whole affair.

We're a nation of law - not mob justice. Wilson's name should NEVER EVER have been released without an indictment. The NYT was horribly irresponsible printing his address.

The entire system was a travesty. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty and it is not the mob or the media that determines guilt before a trial. If people are unhappy with the grand jury decision - they can pursue other avenues. Lynch mobs - which this essentially has been - do not serve justice. Neither do rioting. Ruining a man's life and career, before there is even a trial is wrong and it's unbelievable that people justify this sort of thing.

It has been so wrong on so many levels.
Good for him and his family. I donated $50. Its not much. But im sure 100, 000 or so other ex cops and police supporters have done the same. He'll be able to buy a nice home somewhere...change his name...and vanish. And live well.
Good for him and his family. I donated $50. Its not much. But im sure 100, 000 or so other ex cops and police supporters have done the same. He'll be able to buy a nice home somewhere...change his name...and vanish. And live well.

I believe he will be hunted down and executed instead, what with all the bounties on his head.

May his death serve as an example to the rest of the 5-0.

Good for him and his family. I donated $50. Its not much. But im sure 100, 000 or so other ex cops and police supporters have done the same. He'll be able to buy a nice home somewhere...change his name...and vanish. And live well.

I believe he will be hunted down and executed instead, what with all the bounties on his head.

May his death serve as an example to the rest of the 5-0.

I certainly hope not.

I really doubt that any death of the officer would serve as anything other than a re-enforcement of bigoted beliefs. Worse yet, those bigoted beliefs gain traction with such criminal actions.
This is the new norm. Someone does something and someone wants to help them.

He quit his job btw
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.

because of course no one is peacefully protesting, right?

i'm so bored of rightwingnuts who will do anything to defend the actions of anyone white even if they shoot an unarmed person.
Good for him and his family. I donated $50. Its not much. But im sure 100, 000 or so other ex cops and police supporters have done the same. He'll be able to buy a nice home somewhere...change his name...and vanish. And live well.

Yeah...Not sure why he would deserve this but ok
In the end, rioters and looters have been very good for the officer.

See? They're not so bad.
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.

because of course no one is peacefully protesting, right?

i'm so bored of rightwingnuts who will do anything to defend the actions of anyone white even if they shoot an unarmed person.

When I see one single post of your condemning the rioters, then - then I will give a shit what you are bored of.

I expect to see you do so at about the same time you condemn some of the liberal racists who post here. Meaning never.
This is the new norm. Someone does something and someone wants to help them.

He quit his job btw

Nothing wrong with that. I remember a guy had 7 kids and he was a manager at Wendy's. Someone donated a mini-van and's what we do.

I think the generosity is mis-placed here but more power to them if they want to do it.
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.

because of course no one is peacefully protesting, right?

i'm so bored of rightwingnuts who will do anything to defend the actions of anyone white even if they shoot an unarmed person.
Except that's not the complete story. I guess we could say some leftwingnuts will do anything to defend who steals and punches cops
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.

because of course no one is peacefully protesting, right?

i'm so bored of rightwingnuts who will do anything to defend the actions of anyone white even if they shoot an unarmed person.
Except that's not the complete story. I guess we could say some leftwingnuts will do anything to defend who steals and punches cops

What did the super strong Hulk Hogan like MB hit him with? A blush applicator?
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.
Make sure he files with the IRS.
Officer Darren Wilson has had an extremely stressful few months.
But now, the generosity of strangers will give him one less thing to worry about.
An anonymous woman has organized an online fund to support the Ferguson police officer, who has recently been targeted by rioting protesters in that Missouri city.
The fund’s balance is no small number, either: So far at least $500,000 has been raised for the officer.
That sizable amount could be an important windfall for Wilson, who just resigned from his job as a police officer.

BREAKING Officer Wilson Is About to Get a VERY Big Present

While some people are looting Ferguson, others collect money to help the officer who is out of job now.

I won’t give my opinion on who is right or wrong in this crazy story, but I definitely like the latter method of expressing your civil position much more.

because of course no one is peacefully protesting, right?

i'm so bored of rightwingnuts who will do anything to defend the actions of anyone white even if they shoot an unarmed person.
Except that's not the complete story. I guess we could say some leftwingnuts will do anything to defend who steals and punches cops

What did the super strong Hulk Hogan like MB hit him with? A blush applicator?
Remember all those pictures of Wilson in the hospital with the bashed up eye? Yeah, I don't either.

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