Officers, city officials resign after new black mayor elected

Who in the hell needs 6 cops for 740 people?! Who gives a shit maybe she is a supporter of the terrorist scum black panthers....don't know don't care.
5/6 of the police, the city attorney, city clerk, and the guy who runs the water treatment plant. Town with a population of 713. Dipshit runs straight to the racist card. A place this small, the new mayor is the former city clerk, they know her. There is more to this story than guano's shit stirring imagination can grasp.
She was probably a class a bitch as city clerk. Better quit now than get accused of some bogus act later on and fired.
HAH... That's a funny story!
Good for them - Don't need moron twits in city jobs anyway! I truly wish there were more like these characters that leave their jobs because of their stupid prejudices.
Who cares what happens in these tiny towns?

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