But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt

I guess you'd like to hear that Palin was a success on her Iowa speech.....sorry to disappoint you, she was more of a "fumbling failure" - even Kathleen Parker (right-wing journalist) agrees Palin was really bad.

Kathleen Parker The sacrifice of Sarah Palin CJOnline.com

the strange thing is that only you lefties care.
But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt

I guess you'd like to hear that Palin was a success on her Iowa speech.....sorry to disappoint you, she was more of a "fumbling failure" - even Kathleen Parker (right-wing journalist) agrees Palin was really bad.

Kathleen Parker The sacrifice of Sarah Palin CJOnline.com

the strange thing is that only you lefties care.

I know....the rest of you right-wingers continue to think she's great........:D
But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt

I guess you'd like to hear that Palin was a success on her Iowa speech.....sorry to disappoint you, she was more of a "fumbling failure" - even Kathleen Parker (right-wing journalist) agrees Palin was really bad.

Kathleen Parker The sacrifice of Sarah Palin CJOnline.com

the strange thing is that only you lefties care.

I know....the rest of you right-wingers continue to think she's great........:D

Sarah Palin is a joke, she has no support from republicans or teaparty members. Only you fools on the left give her any credibility. You have made her rich, I am sure she appreciates your stupidity. :biggrin:
Everything you just wrote, and I read every word, is simply a long winded way of saying "get off my lawn"

No, what he is saying is "give me my freedom back"
You haven't lost any of your freedoms

Really? How about freedom of speech, how about freedom of religion, how about freedom from an oppressive government? How about the freedom to succeed or fail on ones own merits? How about the freedom to do what one wants with his own land? How about the freedom to buy whatever kind of lightbulb we want? Yes, we are losing freedoms, a little at a time so that fools like you won't realize it.
You still have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the freedom to succeed or fail on ones own merits, and the freedom to buy whatever kind of lightbulb you want.

If by oppressive government, you're talking about the guys who won the election being in charge, well that's what happens when your side loses.

As for the freedom to do what one wants with his own land...as long as what you're doing on your land isn't illegal, or harmfull to your neighbors, you do have that freedom still.

And of course, the obligatory "you're a fool if you don't agree with me" schtick.....

this is gettin' old

horseshit. go to your local home depot and try to buy a 60 watt incondescent bulb.
Well for being capitalists, conservatives are not very smart. A 60 watt incandescent bulb will cost you more and last less time, but then, conservatives are not known to be good at math. But if you really don't mind wasting money for no reason and really want them, you can always order them.

Incandescent Light Bulbs 1000Bulbs.com

Try to cut down a dead tree on your own property without a permit, try to drill a water well on your own property without a permit. try to put a solar panel on your roof without a permit.
I have no problem cutting a dead tree in my property.....we do it all the time. You're probably talking about cutting a tree in a fenced/guarded subdivision, which the majority of snobs made up the rules...and many of them are conservatives. I can just imagine everyone digging their own wells, they could end up next to a neighbor's sewage line.
But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt

I guess you'd like to hear that Palin was a success on her Iowa speech.....sorry to disappoint you, she was more of a "fumbling failure" - even Kathleen Parker (right-wing journalist) agrees Palin was really bad.

Kathleen Parker The sacrifice of Sarah Palin CJOnline.com

the strange thing is that only you lefties care.

I know....the rest of you right-wingers continue to think she's great........:D

Sarah Palin is a joke, she has no support from republicans or teaparty members. Only you fools on the left give her any credibility. You have made her rich, I am sure she appreciates your stupidity. :biggrin:

Is that so? Is that why she was invited to the Iowa Summit Meeting to speak? Seems to me you're the one that is really stupid, and not in the know.
But according to the lapdog Lamestream media and his base of sheep Obama was a SMASH and smashed all of us with his brilliance.

oops, guess not:badgrin:

SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low
Viewership drops off by over 20 million since 2009
Bradford Thomas

Total television viewership of President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday fell to a 15-year low, dropping off by more than 20 million since his first address in 2009. AP notes that the president's 31.7 million viewers is a low that hasn't been attained since Clinton’s largely tuned-out final appearance before Congress in 2000.

While the White House claims 1.2 million people viewed its "enhanced" online version, suggesting online viewership might be in part to blame, most cite the president's "shellacking" at the polls in 2014 and his lame duck status as the main reasons for the viewership drop off.

Here are the Nielsen ratings for SOTUs dating back to Clinton's first term (note, some columns removed for formatting purposes):

all of it here:
SOTU Ratings Sink to 15-Year Low Truth Revolt

I guess you'd like to hear that Palin was a success on her Iowa speech.....sorry to disappoint you, she was more of a "fumbling failure" - even Kathleen Parker (right-wing journalist) agrees Palin was really bad.

Kathleen Parker The sacrifice of Sarah Palin CJOnline.com

the strange thing is that only you lefties care.

I know....the rest of you right-wingers continue to think she's great........:D

Sarah Palin is a joke, she has no support from republicans or teaparty members. Only you fools on the left give her any credibility. You have made her rich, I am sure she appreciates your stupidity. :biggrin:

Is that so? Is that why she was invited to the Iowa Summit Meeting to speak? Seems to me you're the one that is really stupid, and not in the know.

I didn't send out the invitations. I am not the RNC. I do not run any conservative PAC. Unlike you, I think for myself and vote my conscience. Most of the time I vote R, but I have voted D in many local and state elections, and made the mistake of voting for perot and thereby helping elect bubba clinton.
and made the mistake of voting for perot and thereby helping elect bubba clinton.

Sumnabitch. I voted for Ross. He understood what that giant sucking sound really meant. And didn't want it to happen.
and made the mistake of voting for perot and thereby helping elect bubba clinton.

Sumnabitch. I voted for Ross. He understood what that giant sucking sound really meant. And didn't want it to happen.

yeah, its a shame that no third party candidate will ever have a chance. We really need someone like Perot who is not a party whore and has actually lived in the real world.
President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address on Tuesday, a speech his aides are billing as unlike any he has given before.

Instead of rolling out a laundry list of policy proposals he knows a GOP Congress is unlikely to fulfill, the president will make a broad case about how the nation has progressed under his leadership while setting the table for Democrats in the 2016 elections.
Yeah like putting 1 in 5 children going to bed hungry. The most ever where US citizens are in poverty. How he redistributed wealth to the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and other liberal elites. To take away the rights of Americans to CHOOSE whether to have health insurance or not, and penalize those who don't participate. The president who with ACA, had created the new Part time/Full time employee, where 29 hours is the cut off before ACA punishes businesses. Or how he is bringing HORDES of illegals(refugee status by executive order) even though Federal Courts say it is illegal for him to do it. Ah yes, if this TRUELY is Der Fuhrer's last SOTU speech, then America can breath a sigh of relief and start healing this country back to greatness again. But it is going to take a long time, and when the door is slammed on the liberals once and for all, then there will need to be a reckoning and those who have traitorously transformed Amerca, need to be tried and put a way for a long time. Back in the day, traitors were executed, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
It is the 2016 SOTU address moron.
Since it is too hard for you to know what the requirements of this thread was, State of the Union Address, I decided to follow up with the latest and hopefully last SOTU for Der Fuhrer. This is as long as Adolf Jr. doesn't decide to declare Martial Law. If that happens all hell will break loose. I wonder if he is up to this?
One thing you all might look for, is when Obama tries to spin all the crap that is going on in America on someone else. But remember little kiddies, that for the past 7 years, Obama has been in charge, with the first 2 years, in complete and total Democrat control. That was how ACA was FORCED upon US, and the 29 hour work week came to pass. Liberals cant remember what happened 2 weeks ago, so they will cheer him, and sneer who ever the Fuhrer blames for Obama's failure. That is the truth about liberalism.
President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address on Tuesday, a speech his aides are billing as unlike any he has given before.

Instead of rolling out a laundry list of policy proposals he knows a GOP Congress is unlikely to fulfill, the president will make a broad case about how the nation has progressed under his leadership while setting the table for Democrats in the 2016 elections.
Yeah like putting 1 in 5 children going to bed hungry. The most ever where US citizens are in poverty. How he redistributed wealth to the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and other liberal elites. To take away the rights of Americans to CHOOSE whether to have health insurance or not, and penalize those who don't participate. The president who with ACA, had created the new Part time/Full time employee, where 29 hours is the cut off before ACA punishes businesses. Or how he is bringing HORDES of illegals(refugee status by executive order) even though Federal Courts say it is illegal for him to do it. Ah yes, if this TRUELY is Der Fuhrer's last SOTU speech, then America can breath a sigh of relief and start healing this country back to greatness again. But it is going to take a long time, and when the door is slammed on the liberals once and for all, then there will need to be a reckoning and those who have traitorously transformed Amerca, need to be tried and put a way for a long time. Back in the day, traitors were executed, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Another lost soul whose mind is beyond reason.
Goodwin's Law has once again reared its ugly head: You lose Andronjim!

Godwin’s Law is an internet adage that is derived from one of the earliest bits of Usenet wisdoms, which goes:

Goodwin's Law has once again reared its ugly head: You lose Andronjim!

Godwin’s Law is an internet adage that is derived from one of the earliest bits of Usenet wisdoms, which goes:

The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have eschewed everything those symbols represent.
Once the liberal is found out to be either a far right socialist (Fascist) or far left socialist(Communist), soon those liberals start to use the bible, or other moral books, to TRY to make the rest of US moral people, feel guilty. Once you know the truth about liberalism, then it is easy to deal with them.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address on Tuesday, a speech his aides are billing as unlike any he has given before.

Instead of rolling out a laundry list of policy proposals he knows a GOP Congress is unlikely to fulfill, the president will make a broad case about how the nation has progressed under his leadership while setting the table for Democrats in the 2016 elections.
Yeah like putting 1 in 5 children going to bed hungry. The most ever where US citizens are in poverty. How he redistributed wealth to the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and other liberal elites. To take away the rights of Americans to CHOOSE whether to have health insurance or not, and penalize those who don't participate. The president who with ACA, had created the new Part time/Full time employee, where 29 hours is the cut off before ACA punishes businesses. Or how he is bringing HORDES of illegals(refugee status by executive order) even though Federal Courts say it is illegal for him to do it. Ah yes, if this TRUELY is Der Fuhrer's last SOTU speech, then America can breath a sigh of relief and start healing this country back to greatness again. But it is going to take a long time, and when the door is slammed on the liberals once and for all, then there will need to be a reckoning and those who have traitorously transformed Amerca, need to be tried and put a way for a long time. Back in the day, traitors were executed, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

What you say is technically correct. But there are provisions in the ACA for it to be changed. It takes an agreement between the 3 houses and the President. Not one single attempt has been made to make that change by the House. It's not a bad law but the caretakers are too busy playing, "Kill Obama" to actually do their friggin jobs. You may want to remember this the next time you look at your withholding tax. You and I are both paying them for this.
President Obama will deliver his final State of the Union address on Tuesday, a speech his aides are billing as unlike any he has given before.

Instead of rolling out a laundry list of policy proposals he knows a GOP Congress is unlikely to fulfill, the president will make a broad case about how the nation has progressed under his leadership while setting the table for Democrats in the 2016 elections.
Yeah like putting 1 in 5 children going to bed hungry. The most ever where US citizens are in poverty. How he redistributed wealth to the likes of Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Gore, and other liberal elites. To take away the rights of Americans to CHOOSE whether to have health insurance or not, and penalize those who don't participate. The president who with ACA, had created the new Part time/Full time employee, where 29 hours is the cut off before ACA punishes businesses. Or how he is bringing HORDES of illegals(refugee status by executive order) even though Federal Courts say it is illegal for him to do it. Ah yes, if this TRUELY is Der Fuhrer's last SOTU speech, then America can breath a sigh of relief and start healing this country back to greatness again. But it is going to take a long time, and when the door is slammed on the liberals once and for all, then there will need to be a reckoning and those who have traitorously transformed Amerca, need to be tried and put a way for a long time. Back in the day, traitors were executed, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

What you say is technically correct. But there are provisions in the ACA for it to be changed. It takes an agreement between the 3 houses and the President. Not one single attempt has been made to make that change by the House. It's not a bad law but the caretakers are too busy playing, "Kill Obama" to actually do their friggin jobs. You may want to remember this the next time you look at your withholding tax. You and I are both paying them for this.
Instead of watching the State of the Union, I watch some Joe Isuzu commercials on Youtube.

I figured if I was going to listen to a pathological liar for an hour...it should at least be entertaining.


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