I'm glad that you didn't vote for him. But you certainly support him now. Do you support him because he's half black or are you a raving socialist collectivist like he is?
No, and for someone who doesn't watch Fox, or frequent Breitbart and Drudge, or listen to Rush...you certainly seem opposed to allowing anything positive about Obama into your psyche. That is irrational. No one politican is 100% bad.

I support most of what Obama does, because what he does makes sense to me. He's not about drama, which is ALL the GOP is about. And believe it or not, I would expect them to do that. Creating discontent is the job of the party out of power. But you believe it, and that makes you weak.

I supported Bush for what he did right, when the left was calling him a chicken hawk war monger.

I just try to find rational behavior, whereas you're just stirring the pot. You may believe yourself...but I know you're just impressionable

nope, thats not at all correct. I have lived for over 65 years and have watched this country go from a place where anyone could succeed and the govt left citizens alone to succeed or fail on their own, to a cheap carbon copy of failed european socialism.

Obama clearly does not understand this country, its history, and its people. He is determined to bring it down for what he views as its arrogance and success that he believes was at the expense of others.

He is the worst president in our history. I cannot think of one thing he has done that has helped the USA or its citizens.

stating facts, as I have done, is not being irrational. Blind obedience and messianic worship as displayed by you is the definition of irrational.
That's the problem...you're over 65....

I mean that jokingly. I have much respect for this country's greatest generation (those born in the 1930's) but I'm not so sure about those born in the 50's, and 60's. They're either liberal Democratic hippies or angry Republican rednecks.

I've lived over 50 years, and I saw this country suck in the 70's, then get good for the 80's and 90's, then start sucking again from 2000-on.

If you think that post WWII prosperity bublle happened because Americans are exceptional, you'll never be anything but disspointed in Americans who lived after it. In 1946, the US was the only power that didn't need to be rebuilt, now the world has caught up. There is NOTHING any president, liberal, or conservative, could do to stop that.

You need to believe things are turning to crap because that's the narrative repeated by conservative media, and maybe it's your life that sucks all on it's own.

Things are way better for me than they have ever been, because I'm self reliant, and getting moreso every year. I'm not a union employee, or on medicare/social security, and I'm rewarded for excellence. I'm also a liberal.

I don't worship Obama, nor do I know any of his supporters who do. That in itself shows you're impressionable, and underexposed to what liberals say, yet overexposed to what conservatives say liberals say

The USA is still the greatest country in the history of the world, in spite of having the worst president in history for the last 6 years.

My issue is that the liberal progressive collectivist mentality being pushed by obama, the media, academia, and the ignorant will bring the country down if it is not stopped.

18 trillion in debt with no end in sight, more on welfare than ever before, more on foodstamps than ever before, low approval ratings for the entire government, terrible foreign policy, failed domestic policy.

Yes, we are going down the tubes unless some significant changes are made.
Socrates said this a few thousand years ago

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

Archie Bunker said this not too long ago:

You couldn't get a decent war off the ground that way! All the young people would say no, sure they would, 'cause they don't want to get killed! And that's why we leave it to the Congress, 'cause them old crocks ain't gonna get killed?? And they're gonna do the right thing and get behind the President, and vote Yes!

All this garden variety anti collectivism is impracticle and broad enough to be meaningless.

Just go with it...the world isn't a bad place if you don't want it to be.

much of the world is a bad place despite what we "want it to be". your kind of naivte gets americans killed.
Only positive I've seen about the man is he appears to be a good family man.

He is also a suppose constitutional scholar who has no respect or reverence for the Constitution or the founding principles. He was born to Marxist, raised by Marxist and by his own admissions sought out the most radical people he could find as a young adult.

He has no executive experience and it shows, just look at the radicals he surrounds himself with, I have zero respect for the man.
What you just wrote was regurgitated righty media hysteria, based solely on what righties "think he really means"

That's the problem I spoke of earlier....righty media fans don't ever hear Obama's words, or consider his actions. They just hear about how messed up what he did was, how ineffective he is, and what they say he "really means".

None of which seems true. Obama has not implemented programs that would result in a socialist sysem of government in the US, which is what Marxism is. He knows more about the constitution than probably anyone in righty media does, and probably more than most Tea Partiers.

You need to think what you're saying through....

You've allowed yourself to believe...a Professor of Consitutional Law from Northwestern, a Harvard Law graduate, and I could go on.....doesn't know anything about the constitution.

That's like saying Ben Carson knows nothing about Neurosurgery.

Or John McCain knows nothing about flying a jet

Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
No, and for someone who doesn't watch Fox, or frequent Breitbart and Drudge, or listen to Rush...you certainly seem opposed to allowing anything positive about Obama into your psyche. That is irrational. No one politican is 100% bad.

I support most of what Obama does, because what he does makes sense to me. He's not about drama, which is ALL the GOP is about. And believe it or not, I would expect them to do that. Creating discontent is the job of the party out of power. But you believe it, and that makes you weak.

I supported Bush for what he did right, when the left was calling him a chicken hawk war monger.

I just try to find rational behavior, whereas you're just stirring the pot. You may believe yourself...but I know you're just impressionable

nope, thats not at all correct. I have lived for over 65 years and have watched this country go from a place where anyone could succeed and the govt left citizens alone to succeed or fail on their own, to a cheap carbon copy of failed european socialism.

Obama clearly does not understand this country, its history, and its people. He is determined to bring it down for what he views as its arrogance and success that he believes was at the expense of others.

He is the worst president in our history. I cannot think of one thing he has done that has helped the USA or its citizens.

stating facts, as I have done, is not being irrational. Blind obedience and messianic worship as displayed by you is the definition of irrational.
That's the problem...you're over 65....

I mean that jokingly. I have much respect for this country's greatest generation (those born in the 1930's) but I'm not so sure about those born in the 50's, and 60's. They're either liberal Democratic hippies or angry Republican rednecks.

I've lived over 50 years, and I saw this country suck in the 70's, then get good for the 80's and 90's, then start sucking again from 2000-on.

If you think that post WWII prosperity bublle happened because Americans are exceptional, you'll never be anything but disspointed in Americans who lived after it. In 1946, the US was the only power that didn't need to be rebuilt, now the world has caught up. There is NOTHING any president, liberal, or conservative, could do to stop that.

You need to believe things are turning to crap because that's the narrative repeated by conservative media, and maybe it's your life that sucks all on it's own.

Things are way better for me than they have ever been, because I'm self reliant, and getting moreso every year. I'm not a union employee, or on medicare/social security, and I'm rewarded for excellence. I'm also a liberal.

I don't worship Obama, nor do I know any of his supporters who do. That in itself shows you're impressionable, and underexposed to what liberals say, yet overexposed to what conservatives say liberals say

The USA is still the greatest country in the history of the world, in spite of having the worst president in history for the last 6 years.

My issue is that the liberal progressive collectivist mentality being pushed by obama, the media, academia, and the ignorant will bring the country down if it is not stopped.

18 trillion in debt with no end in sight, more on welfare than ever before, more on foodstamps than ever before, low approval ratings for the entire government, terrible foreign policy, failed domestic policy.

Yes, we are going down the tubes unless some significant changes are made.
Socrates said this a few thousand years ago

“Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.”

Archie Bunker said this not too long ago:

You couldn't get a decent war off the ground that way! All the young people would say no, sure they would, 'cause they don't want to get killed! And that's why we leave it to the Congress, 'cause them old crocks ain't gonna get killed?? And they're gonna do the right thing and get behind the President, and vote Yes!

All this garden variety anti collectivism is impracticle and broad enough to be meaningless.

Just go with it...the world isn't a bad place if you don't want it to be.

much of the world is a bad place despite what we "want it to be". your kind of naivte gets americans killed.
More drama?...you cling to that negativity.

Is it just a coincidence that the current GOP narrative, post SOTU address, has been "we're all screwed"?

What a coincidence indeed
What you just wrote was regurgitated righty media hysteria, based solely on what righties "think he really means"

That's the problem I spoke of earlier....righty media fans don't ever hear Obama's words, or consider his actions. They just hear about how messed up what he did was, how ineffective he is, and what they say he "really means".

None of which seems true. Obama has not implemented programs that would result in a socialist sysem of government in the US, which is what Marxism is. He knows more about the constitution than probably anyone in righty media does, and probably more than most Tea Partiers.

You need to think what you're saying through....

You've allowed yourself to believe...a Professor of Consitutional Law from Northwestern, a Harvard Law graduate, and I could go on.....doesn't know anything about the constitution.

That's like saying Ben Carson knows nothing about Neurosurgery.

Or John McCain knows nothing about flying a jet

Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?
Only positive I've seen about the man is he appears to be a good family man.

He is also a suppose constitutional scholar who has no respect or reverence for the Constitution or the founding principles. He was born to Marxist, raised by Marxist and by his own admissions sought out the most radical people he could find as a young adult.

He has no executive experience and it shows, just look at the radicals he surrounds himself with, I have zero respect for the man.
What you just wrote was regurgitated righty media hysteria, based solely on what righties "think he really means"

That's the problem I spoke of earlier....righty media fans don't ever hear Obama's words, or consider his actions. They just hear about how messed up what he did was, how ineffective he is, and what they say he "really means".

None of which seems true. Obama has not implemented programs that would result in a socialist sysem of government in the US, which is what Marxism is. He knows more about the constitution than probably anyone in righty media does, and probably more than most Tea Partiers.

You need to think what you're saying through....

You've allowed yourself to believe...a Professor of Consitutional Law from Northwestern, a Harvard Law graduate, and I could go on.....doesn't know anything about the constitution.

That's like saying Ben Carson knows nothing about Neurosurgery.

Or John McCain knows nothing about flying a jet

Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

No we've seen a great degradation of it since Lincoln and especially since FDR. Don't get me wrong I don't blame it all on the executive branch, all three branches have done their share in fact the courts bear the majority of the responsibility because of their complicity and taking unto themselves the power to interpret the Constitution instead of just going by what it actually says.
Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
What you just wrote was regurgitated righty media hysteria, based solely on what righties "think he really means"

That's the problem I spoke of earlier....righty media fans don't ever hear Obama's words, or consider his actions. They just hear about how messed up what he did was, how ineffective he is, and what they say he "really means".

None of which seems true. Obama has not implemented programs that would result in a socialist sysem of government in the US, which is what Marxism is. He knows more about the constitution than probably anyone in righty media does, and probably more than most Tea Partiers.

You need to think what you're saying through....

You've allowed yourself to believe...a Professor of Consitutional Law from Northwestern, a Harvard Law graduate, and I could go on.....doesn't know anything about the constitution.

That's like saying Ben Carson knows nothing about Neurosurgery.

Or John McCain knows nothing about flying a jet

Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

No we've seen a great degradation of it since Lincoln and especially since FDR. Don't get me wrong I don't blame it all on the executive branch, all three branches have done their share in fact the courts bear the majority of the responsibility because of their complicity and taking unto themselves the power to interpret the Constitution instead of just going by what it actually says.
You may feel the Constitution's original purpose has degraded, or eroded, since Lincoln and FDR...but at the same time...this country saw it's best days between 1900-2000, during all of that degradation.

The 13th Amendment dos not represent degradation, IMO, but the Volstead Act was a failure.

I think the notion that the Constitution has degraded since the founding fathers authored it, is largely a tool used by the GOP to bolster the resolve of it's strongest demographic, the southern evangelical social conservative base.

That strategy attempts to assuage the commonly accepted idea that the South is evil because, they were pro slavery in the 1800's. A culturally accepted perception, reinforced by the 60's Liberal revolution, is that southern Evangelical social conservatives are racists. Just look at Hollywood movies like Mississippi Burning, Easy Rider, Deliverance, and so on.

The danger in that philosophy is that the converse never happened. We don't have an example of what would have happened if the Constitution remained unaltered from 1790 on, nor do we have an example of what the south would be like if the Civil War never happened. It's easy to picture a Utopian version of what would have happened if we remained a Jeffersonian agricultural nation with a scholarly ruling class.

Our country has gone through eras where one of the three branches has essentially gained disproportionate influence. The latest shift to the executive started under George W Bush, and Obama has continued that.

If the outcome of any political platform results in the idea that the other guys are 100% wrong, and what would have happened is 100% right, if only you were in charge...you are the victim of the political version of "back seat driving"

As for changes to the Constitution, I'd like to see an Amendment prohibiting laws that ban gay marriage. I'm a voter, and will vote for politicians that would appoint SCOTUS Justices that would be more likely to support that.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

If you cannot see the danger, then there is nothing anyone can do for you. You are living in fantasy land. But it makes ya feel good being naive, then go for it.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

If you cannot see the danger, then there is nothing anyone can do for you. You are living in fantasy land. But it makes ya feel good being naive, then go for it.
And the GOP strategy is complete...

1. You perceive a danger that doesn't exist.
2. You think voting Republican will end that danger
3. You're 100% right, and anyone who doesn't feel that way is misinformed.

You said your life is just fine, but you're worried about stuff you can't change.

When you pull the lever for Republicans, go ahead and think they'll save you from all bad things
Damn you talk a good game, but fail to consider that the Supreme Court, other constitutional scholars and judges have disagreed with his actions. The Supreme Court has ruled against him 9-0 like 7 times, not a presidential record but significant considering he is a supposed constitutional professor, you'd think he would know better.
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

No we've seen a great degradation of it since Lincoln and especially since FDR. Don't get me wrong I don't blame it all on the executive branch, all three branches have done their share in fact the courts bear the majority of the responsibility because of their complicity and taking unto themselves the power to interpret the Constitution instead of just going by what it actually says.
You may feel the Constitution's original purpose has degraded, or eroded, since Lincoln and FDR...but at the same time...this country saw it's best days between 1900-2000, during all of that degradation.

The 13th Amendment dos not represent degradation, IMO, but the Volstead Act was a failure.

I think the notion that the Constitution has degraded since the founding fathers authored it, is largely a tool used by the GOP to bolster the resolve of it's strongest demographic, the southern evangelical social conservative base.

That strategy attempts to assuage the commonly accepted idea that the South is evil because, they were pro slavery in the 1800's. A culturally accepted perception, reinforced by the 60's Liberal revolution, is that southern Evangelical social conservatives are racists. Just look at Hollywood movies like Mississippi Burning, Easy Rider, Deliverance, and so on.

The danger in that philosophy is that the converse never happened. We don't have an example of what would have happened if the Constitution remained unaltered from 1790 on, nor do we have an example of what the south would be like if the Civil War never happened. It's easy to picture a Utopian version of what would have happened if we remained a Jeffersonian agricultural nation with a scholarly ruling class.

Our country has gone through eras where one of the three branches has essentially gained disproportionate influence. The latest shift to the executive started under George W Bush, and Obama has continued that.

If the outcome of any political platform results in the idea that the other guys are 100% wrong, and what would have happened is 100% right, if only you were in charge...you are the victim of the political version of "back seat driving"

As for changes to the Constitution, I'd like to see an Amendment prohibiting laws that ban gay marriage. I'm a voter, and will vote for politicians that would appoint SCOTUS Justices that would be more likely to support that.

No, I can actually read for myself. Article 1, Section 8 defined what the feds could raise money for and exactly what they could spend that money on. Clause 1 defines the two spending categories for which they may raise and collect monies, those being Common Defense and the General Welfare. The remainder of Section 8 defined exactly how those monies were to be applied to those two categories. The only clause of Section 8 that was intentionally written in a broad manner was the necessary and proper clause which gave congress the ability to legislate and appropriate to meet the needs of the other functions of government defined elsewhere in the Constitution.

The courts, when they defined General Welfare as an independent power unrestrained by the remainder of Section 8, gave congress unfettered power to raise money and spend on anything they might deem for the General welfare. This went against statements of many of the founders, including Jefferson and Madison, who stated clearly that was not the intent. Rationalize it anyway you want but we are living in a post-constitutional America. Politicians only bring up the Constitution now days when they think they can use it to bolster a political argument, otherwise they find it an inconvenience that might limit them in their pursuit of political pork.

I think it's you that needs to do a bit more research on the subject so you can see the reality of the situation instead of the bed of roses being sold by the politicians of both parties.
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

I don't know how old you are, but think back to the early to mid 60's, since then the government has insinuated itself into education, families, property rights and medicine just to name a few. Top down government is not what this country was founded on, it was meant to be bottom up. Now a parent fears disciplining a child because if the wrong person sees it they could be bankrupted with attorneys fees just for swatting an unruly child on the butt. The EPA can fine you for doing what heretofore has been accepted practices on your own land, such as building a stock pond. No what's going on now are definitely incursions on individual freedom and they are only getting worse, if you think that evolution was set in motion by accident you might be partially correct because power seeks ever more power, but the checks and balances built into our system haven't been adequate to stop it, and that's our fault because we have failed to educate several generations on our founding principles to make them aware that this is not how it's supposed to be.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

I don't know how old you are, but think back to the early to mid 60's, since then the government has insinuated itself into education, families, property rights and medicine just to name a few. Top down government is not what this country was founded on, it was meant to be bottom up. Now a parent fears disciplining a child because if the wrong person sees it they could be bankrupted with attorneys fees just for swatting an unruly child on the butt. The EPA can fine you for doing what heretofore has been accepted practices on your own land, such as building a stock pond. No what's going on now are definitely incursions on individual freedom and they are only getting worse, if you think that evolution was set in motion by accident you might be partially correct because power seeks ever more power, but the checks and balances built into our system haven't been adequate to stop it, and that's our fault because we have failed to educate several generations on our founding principles to make them aware that this is not how it's supposed to be.
Everything you just wrote, and I read every word, is simply a long winded way of saying "get off my lawn"
The role of a Consitutional Scholar is to teach the Constitution.

The role of a politician, is to manipulate the constitution, without violating it, to suit the interests of the people who voted for you.

Seems like Obama is doing just that

I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

No we've seen a great degradation of it since Lincoln and especially since FDR. Don't get me wrong I don't blame it all on the executive branch, all three branches have done their share in fact the courts bear the majority of the responsibility because of their complicity and taking unto themselves the power to interpret the Constitution instead of just going by what it actually says.
You may feel the Constitution's original purpose has degraded, or eroded, since Lincoln and FDR...but at the same time...this country saw it's best days between 1900-2000, during all of that degradation.

The 13th Amendment dos not represent degradation, IMO, but the Volstead Act was a failure.

I think the notion that the Constitution has degraded since the founding fathers authored it, is largely a tool used by the GOP to bolster the resolve of it's strongest demographic, the southern evangelical social conservative base.

That strategy attempts to assuage the commonly accepted idea that the South is evil because, they were pro slavery in the 1800's. A culturally accepted perception, reinforced by the 60's Liberal revolution, is that southern Evangelical social conservatives are racists. Just look at Hollywood movies like Mississippi Burning, Easy Rider, Deliverance, and so on.

The danger in that philosophy is that the converse never happened. We don't have an example of what would have happened if the Constitution remained unaltered from 1790 on, nor do we have an example of what the south would be like if the Civil War never happened. It's easy to picture a Utopian version of what would have happened if we remained a Jeffersonian agricultural nation with a scholarly ruling class.

Our country has gone through eras where one of the three branches has essentially gained disproportionate influence. The latest shift to the executive started under George W Bush, and Obama has continued that.

If the outcome of any political platform results in the idea that the other guys are 100% wrong, and what would have happened is 100% right, if only you were in charge...you are the victim of the political version of "back seat driving"

As for changes to the Constitution, I'd like to see an Amendment prohibiting laws that ban gay marriage. I'm a voter, and will vote for politicians that would appoint SCOTUS Justices that would be more likely to support that.

No, I can actually read for myself. Article 1, Section 8 defined what the feds could raise money for and exactly what they could spend that money on. Clause 1 defines the two spending categories for which they may raise and collect monies, those being Common Defense and the General Welfare. The remainder of Section 8 defined exactly how those monies were to be applied to those two categories. The only clause of Section 8 that was intentionally written in a broad manner was the necessary and proper clause which gave congress the ability to legislate and appropriate to meet the needs of the other functions of government defined elsewhere in the Constitution.

The courts, when they defined General Welfare as an independent power unrestrained by the remainder of Section 8, gave congress unfettered power to raise money and spend on anything they might deem for the General welfare. This went against statements of many of the founders, including Jefferson and Madison, who stated clearly that was not the intent. Rationalize it anyway you want but we are living in a post-constitutional America. Politicians only bring up the Constitution now days when they think they can use it to bolster a political argument, otherwise they find it an inconvenience that might limit them in their pursuit of political pork.

I think it's you that needs to do a bit more research on the subject so you can see the reality of the situation instead of the bed of roses being sold by the politicians of both parties.
Here is what you don't understand....

I am in favor of politicians bringing up the Constitution when they think they can use it to bolster a political argument...assuming the argument is one a agree with, and I voted for that politician because it was part of their platform.

Conservative media has convinced righties certain things are just wrong, and they fling turds accordingly all day.

I can say the following words without thinking ill thoughts about who they apply to: liberals, Democrats, Harry Reid, Obamacare, and so on.

Jefferson and Madison were not the only people who have used their brains in America since their time. It is also a very different country with things going on they never could have imagined, good and bad.

The arguments created by the GOP to reinforce their base, have a completely contrived vision of what things would be like today "only if"........and that isn't sound reasoning
have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

If you cannot see the danger, then there is nothing anyone can do for you. You are living in fantasy land. But it makes ya feel good being naive, then go for it.
And the GOP strategy is complete...

1. You perceive a danger that doesn't exist.
2. You think voting Republican will end that danger
3. You're 100% right, and anyone who doesn't feel that way is misinformed.

You said your life is just fine, but you're worried about stuff you can't change.

When you pull the lever for Republicans, go ahead and think they'll save you from all bad things

you are being foolish. the danger of islamic terrorism is real, the danger of 18 trillion in debt is real, the danger of a welfare state is real.

I don't know if a GOP president will fix it, but I KNOW that another dem president will only make it worse.

This country is at a crossroads, we can return to constitutional government and individual freedom or we can become a carbon copy of failed european socialism.
have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

I don't know how old you are, but think back to the early to mid 60's, since then the government has insinuated itself into education, families, property rights and medicine just to name a few. Top down government is not what this country was founded on, it was meant to be bottom up. Now a parent fears disciplining a child because if the wrong person sees it they could be bankrupted with attorneys fees just for swatting an unruly child on the butt. The EPA can fine you for doing what heretofore has been accepted practices on your own land, such as building a stock pond. No what's going on now are definitely incursions on individual freedom and they are only getting worse, if you think that evolution was set in motion by accident you might be partially correct because power seeks ever more power, but the checks and balances built into our system haven't been adequate to stop it, and that's our fault because we have failed to educate several generations on our founding principles to make them aware that this is not how it's supposed to be.
Everything you just wrote, and I read every word, is simply a long winded way of saying "get off my lawn"

No, what he is saying is "give me my freedom back"
have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

I don't know how old you are, but think back to the early to mid 60's, since then the government has insinuated itself into education, families, property rights and medicine just to name a few. Top down government is not what this country was founded on, it was meant to be bottom up. Now a parent fears disciplining a child because if the wrong person sees it they could be bankrupted with attorneys fees just for swatting an unruly child on the butt. The EPA can fine you for doing what heretofore has been accepted practices on your own land, such as building a stock pond. No what's going on now are definitely incursions on individual freedom and they are only getting worse, if you think that evolution was set in motion by accident you might be partially correct because power seeks ever more power, but the checks and balances built into our system haven't been adequate to stop it, and that's our fault because we have failed to educate several generations on our founding principles to make them aware that this is not how it's supposed to be.
Everything you just wrote, and I read every word, is simply a long winded way of saying "get off my lawn"
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and I will faithfully perform the duties of the President. I don't see manipulate for political ends anywhere in there. And the courts have said he has violated it. And teaching his interpretations of the Constitution is apparently teaching propaganda because he has no respect for his oath or the Constitution.
Every politician in Washington, on both sides of the aisle, fit s that characterization.

I'm both an originalist, for interpretation sake, but completely open to the "living document" concept.

If we want to amend it based on the changing times, thats good.

We're not seeing some great degredation going on, just life on life's terms

You can be a chicken little, or a reactionary....or, make the changes positive ones.

No we've seen a great degradation of it since Lincoln and especially since FDR. Don't get me wrong I don't blame it all on the executive branch, all three branches have done their share in fact the courts bear the majority of the responsibility because of their complicity and taking unto themselves the power to interpret the Constitution instead of just going by what it actually says.
You may feel the Constitution's original purpose has degraded, or eroded, since Lincoln and FDR...but at the same time...this country saw it's best days between 1900-2000, during all of that degradation.

The 13th Amendment dos not represent degradation, IMO, but the Volstead Act was a failure.

I think the notion that the Constitution has degraded since the founding fathers authored it, is largely a tool used by the GOP to bolster the resolve of it's strongest demographic, the southern evangelical social conservative base.

That strategy attempts to assuage the commonly accepted idea that the South is evil because, they were pro slavery in the 1800's. A culturally accepted perception, reinforced by the 60's Liberal revolution, is that southern Evangelical social conservatives are racists. Just look at Hollywood movies like Mississippi Burning, Easy Rider, Deliverance, and so on.

The danger in that philosophy is that the converse never happened. We don't have an example of what would have happened if the Constitution remained unaltered from 1790 on, nor do we have an example of what the south would be like if the Civil War never happened. It's easy to picture a Utopian version of what would have happened if we remained a Jeffersonian agricultural nation with a scholarly ruling class.

Our country has gone through eras where one of the three branches has essentially gained disproportionate influence. The latest shift to the executive started under George W Bush, and Obama has continued that.

If the outcome of any political platform results in the idea that the other guys are 100% wrong, and what would have happened is 100% right, if only you were in charge...you are the victim of the political version of "back seat driving"

As for changes to the Constitution, I'd like to see an Amendment prohibiting laws that ban gay marriage. I'm a voter, and will vote for politicians that would appoint SCOTUS Justices that would be more likely to support that.

No, I can actually read for myself. Article 1, Section 8 defined what the feds could raise money for and exactly what they could spend that money on. Clause 1 defines the two spending categories for which they may raise and collect monies, those being Common Defense and the General Welfare. The remainder of Section 8 defined exactly how those monies were to be applied to those two categories. The only clause of Section 8 that was intentionally written in a broad manner was the necessary and proper clause which gave congress the ability to legislate and appropriate to meet the needs of the other functions of government defined elsewhere in the Constitution.

The courts, when they defined General Welfare as an independent power unrestrained by the remainder of Section 8, gave congress unfettered power to raise money and spend on anything they might deem for the General welfare. This went against statements of many of the founders, including Jefferson and Madison, who stated clearly that was not the intent. Rationalize it anyway you want but we are living in a post-constitutional America. Politicians only bring up the Constitution now days when they think they can use it to bolster a political argument, otherwise they find it an inconvenience that might limit them in their pursuit of political pork.

I think it's you that needs to do a bit more research on the subject so you can see the reality of the situation instead of the bed of roses being sold by the politicians of both parties.
Here is what you don't understand....

I am in favor of politicians bringing up the Constitution when they think they can use it to bolster a political argument...assuming the argument is one a agree with, and I voted for that politician because it was part of their platform.

Conservative media has convinced righties certain things are just wrong, and they fling turds accordingly all day.

I can say the following words without thinking ill thoughts about who they apply to: liberals, Democrats, Harry Reid, Obamacare, and so on.

Jefferson and Madison were not the only people who have used their brains in America since their time. It is also a very different country with things going on they never could have imagined, good and bad.

The arguments created by the GOP to reinforce their base, have a completely contrived vision of what things would be like today "only if"........and that isn't sound reasoning

That's the very reason for Article 5, if something needs to be changed, you change it. You don't just ignore the supreme law of the land out of convenience, I don't give a crap who's bright idea it is. The intent was the States make the decision on changes not federal bureaucrats.
have the changes made by obama been positive or negative? It is not reactionary to call it like it is.
My life is better today, than it was in 1986, 1996, and 2006.

I'm good.

If your life sucks, I'm proof that it doesn't have to suck.

If parts of the world beeing bad, or sucking, brings you down...that's your fault.

You could be happy if you want to, or are capable of being so.

Sounds like you don't want it.

I bet you'll be happy as a clam if a GOP president is elected in 2016, and the world will suddenly stop being bad.

What does that tell you?

wake up man, this is not about hurling foolish allegations at each other. But for the record, my life is outstanding, I worked very hard for over 40 years, made a lot of money, made good investments, and now am retired in good health with a very comfortable life style.

I am not worried about you and me. I am worried about our kids and grandkids and what kind of country they will have to deal with.

My issue with obama, the dems, and the libs is that they do not reflect the american values that I hold dear. They seem determined to punish this country for its success as well as punishing successful people like you and me. We are losing freedoms every day due to this sociaiistic, marxist, collectivist mentality.

I don't know is a GOP president will change it, but I know that another dem will only make it worse.
I'm glad you're happy in your life, and what I've observed, is that people who are happy in their lives are much less likely to take a dim view of the world around them. One should be aware of the things they can control, and what they can't control. What happens to your kids, and grandkids, is largely up to your kids, and grandkids.

I think the idea that how we vote in federal elections can ruin the lives of your offspring, comes from the desks of political strategists. The Democratic strategists got Obama elected by cultivating the idea amongst minorities, that if we continue to elect old white guys, nothing will ever change for minorities. Predicting a horrible end if the other guy gets elected is the oldest strategy in the book.

We, as a nation, do not have any significant efforts being planned to transform America into a socialist-Stalinist Russia. In fact, I don't even believe the western European governments that are characterized as socialist, are ay kind of danger to liberty, democracy, or freedom. They just spend tax dollars on different things than America does. They spend more money on social programs, and we spend more money on the military.

I do not see the slightest danger from socialistic, marxist, collectivist mentality. In fact, I think it doesn't exist in any significant way. I do believe that's what the GOP wants people t think, as part of it's electioneering efforts

I don't know how old you are, but think back to the early to mid 60's, since then the government has insinuated itself into education, families, property rights and medicine just to name a few. Top down government is not what this country was founded on, it was meant to be bottom up. Now a parent fears disciplining a child because if the wrong person sees it they could be bankrupted with attorneys fees just for swatting an unruly child on the butt. The EPA can fine you for doing what heretofore has been accepted practices on your own land, such as building a stock pond. No what's going on now are definitely incursions on individual freedom and they are only getting worse, if you think that evolution was set in motion by accident you might be partially correct because power seeks ever more power, but the checks and balances built into our system haven't been adequate to stop it, and that's our fault because we have failed to educate several generations on our founding principles to make them aware that this is not how it's supposed to be.
Everything you just wrote, and I read every word, is simply a long winded way of saying "get off my lawn"

And what you just said is I have no way of countering your arguments.

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